A lot of money is spent for the culture of juvenile sturgeon fishes, but there is not any suitable information on the symbiotic vertebrates, such as snakes, frogs, and terrapins in ponds especially in Golestan province. Therefore, 33 specimens of pond turtle were collected from culturing ponds of sturgeon centre of Voshemgir dam, Golestan province from 31/5/2001 to 21/6/2001 (21 days). The specimens then weighed and measured. All speciments were discected, then stomachs, intestines, with their contents were labled and then fixed in %4 formalin. Results of this study indicated curved carapace length (CCL) of these turtles were 50 to 180 mm (mean 126.0), weights 50 to 850 gr (mean 413.3), stomachs" wet weight 0.08 to 52.5 gr (mean 5.43), and length of stomachs 15.9 gr (mean 2.0) and 270 to 680 mm (mean 483.7) respectively. The ratio of intestine length to CCL was 1.75 to 5.7 (mean 3.95). The highest percentage of preys in relation to total swallowed organisms in stomachs were as follows: Triops concriformis %41.6, dipteran larvae %12.2, water be %6.93, water bugs %5.74, and the lowest percentage in stomachs were cockroaches, dragonfly nymphae, flies, spiders, Trichopteran larvae, Planorbis, Acipenser persicus. All of these items were determined in intestines of all specimens separately. Percentage of each of preys was determined in stomachs and intestines. Every adult female terrapin had 5 to 8 eggs, mean of their weight were 8 grams, length of them 30.8, and width of them were 19.2. only %25 of eggs hatched after 71 to 74 days (mean 72.5).