Translation movement and generation of science have a deep root in Iranian history. In order to acquire various sciences and technologies in different periods, Iranians acquainted themselves with other nations' achievements and subsequently initiated their own innovations. Therefore, we witness a cultural and scientific blossoming in Iran's society following the translation movements. In the second and third centuries after Hejira, Iranians were, in their part, effectively triggered the translation movement in which translators translated from Pahlavi,Greek, Syriac and other languages into Arabic, and prompted the Golden Era of the Islamic civilization. In this period, Iranians accomplished remarkable and landmark scientific achievements and innovations in many fields. However, the most important period when translation activity could have significant effect on the development of scientific generation was Qajar Period. At this period Iranians attempted to acquire western technologies after getting acquainted with western civilization and progress. Therefore, the best way for them to attain success in this regard was through translation movement.
When fighting the wars against Russia in the early 19thcentury, Abbas Mirza, the Qajar Crown Prince, felt the need for obtaining western sciences through translation. He was the first patron of translation who ordered translation of western texts. His next step was to dispatch students to Europe. He believed that these students would be a source of scientific developments in Iran upon acquisition of western sciences and technologies.
Another development that helped improve and modernize Iran's level of science was establishment of the printing press and journals. Iranians familiarized themselves with new scientific discoveries through these media. During Naser ud-Din Shah's period, with the establishment of the Dar ul-Fonoon Polytechnic College, as the first Iranian academy, western sciences began to be taught. With the establishment of modem schools, scientific development began in Iran and proper grounds were prepared for scientific and cultural developments.