Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 1336

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Background: Disorder of testosterone (T) biosynthesis and decline of serum level had reported in systemic inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis disease and with less frequency in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a few other pulmonary diseases. However, no known study has performed about sulfur mustard(SM) induced asthma in Iranian veterans. The aim of study was to assess status of hypogonadism and free serum T levels in SM induced asthma and to compare with healthy subjects.Materials and Methods: Protocol of study based on random selection of target population among SM induced diseases by self- report questionnaire, male, physician- diagnosed asthma, and positive history of SM exposure. Healthy subjects enrolled according to age sex- matched as a control.Results: thirty-three chemical victims had mean age 53.39±6.69 SD years. Mean serum free T level was 15.98±10.52 SD. 30.6% had below the lower normal range. Moreover, means serum values of Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Latinizing hormone (LH), Dehidroepianderstone (DHEA) were 11.70±9.45 SD, 10.40±7.65SD, and 1.32±0.70 SD respectively. Mean free T level of 39 healthy subjects were 23.45±8.31 SD. The independent samples T test was performed between SM induced asthma and normal groups. Highly Significant differences were founded between free serum T levels among SM induced asthma and normal subjects (P<0.001).Conclusion: The highly significant frequency of hypogonadisem observed in SM induced asthma group. It may be due to stress of chemical war, influence of glucocorticoid usage, and toxic effect of SM on spermatogenesis. Further studies will suggest carrying out in future years.

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View 800

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Background: Identifying the exact position of appendix and completion of its anatomic information has great importance in both of basic aspect and clinical value. Whereas, acute appendicitis is the most common and emergency in the surgical abdomen, the identification of the variations of the appendix position can be very useful to surgeons.Materials and Methods: In a cross sectional retrospective study, 1041 files of patients with previously appendectomy in the Kerman medical centers in 2003-2005, were studied.Results: The number of patients which they were under appendectomy was 336(32.3%) males and 705(67.7%) females that their range of ages was between of 12 to 70 years old. The analysis of the data is indicated: in the males, 325(96.7%) patients have posterior position appendix and 11 (3.3%) patients have anterior position appendix. In females, 684(97%) patients and 21(3%) patients have posterior position and anterior position appendix, respectively. The most common posterior position in both genders was the subcaecal which was observed 81.5% in males and 84.9% in females. The rarest posterior position in both genders was the retroileal which was observed 0.6% males and 0.1% females. The most common anterior position in both genders was the preileal which was observed 45.4% in males and 57.1% in females. The rarest anterior position in males was the pararectal which was observed 9.1% and in females was the precaecal which was observed 4.8%.Conclusions: In the posterior position, the most type of appendix was the subcaecal and the least type of appendix was the retroileal and in the anterior position, the most type of appendix was the preileal, in both genders. But, in the anterior position, the pararectal in males and the precaecal in females were the the least type of appendix.

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View 947

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Background: Evaluation of the diagnostic value of silver nucleolar organizer Region assessment in skin diseases is important. According to this reason, we want to study the Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizer Region (Ag-NOR) count and Subjective Ag-NOR Pattern Assessment (SAPA) score in normal skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Solar Keratosis (SK).Materials and Methods: The study groups consisted of 69 cases (18 SCC, 18 SK, 17 BCC and 16 Normal skins). The specimens were studied by microscope which were prepared by H&E staining and silver staining for Ag-NOR.Results: The mean count in SCC was 2.92, in SK 2.29 and in BCC 1.59, which was statistically significant compared to 0.93 in normal skin (p value <0.001). The SAPA score was in SCC 7.94 in SK 7.61 in BCC 6.35 and in normal skin 5.00 (p value <0.001).Conclusions: Ag-NOR count and SAPA score in normal and pathological status of skin has positive results.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 849

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Background: human being's mood can be high, low or normal. Our fillings are under control of us but in mood disorders this control is damaged. The prevalence of that in life time is 2-25%. This study was design to determine the prevalence of mood disorder in conscript and official staff of NEZAJA and its attributed risk factors in Tehran within 2005-2006.Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was done on 385 conscript and official staff of NEZAJA Garrison. Clustered stratified sampling was done to select the samples. The diagnose of disease was based on DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistic manual of Mental Disorder) criteria and documented by psychologist interview.Results: 12.7% of samples had mood disorder. The patients with mood disorder had more contributory psychiatric diseases. The prevalence of depression was higher in younger patients and those had fiancée.However, ranks and servitude have no significance relation with mood disorder. (P<0.05) Conclusions: servitude has no significance relation with mood disorder.

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View 787

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Background: In man the immunosuppressive drug Cydosporine A (Cs A) has been used successfully in organ transplantation and in the treatment of autoimmune disorders and exerts toxic effect on various parenchymal organs. This study was performed with the aim of testing whether Cyclosporine plus vitamin A would be reversed the effect of cyclosporine on rat's testis.Methods and Materials: 40 male Wistar rats, 2 months old were divided into four groups (10 in each group). Experimental groups (A) were injected daily 40 mg/kg body weight of Cyclosporine and olive oil subcutaneously and in group (8) rats were injected daily 40 mg/kg body weight of Cyclosporine and olive oil plus vitamin A. In group (C) rats were injected only olive oil and in group (D) rats were normal and without any injection. Rats were kept under optimal hygienic condition, temperature 25°C, relative humidity 40 to 45% and light provided for a 12-h day/12-h night cycle for 2 weeks. They were given water and rodent pellets.After 2 weeks rats were killed and testis were fixed in formalin 10% and were stained and studied with light microscopy.Results: Distances between seminiferous tubules were increased. Accumulation of necrotic materials of the cells in the lumen of seminiferous, oligospermia, displacement of seminiferous tubules and changing the situation of sertoli nuclei were seen. All of changes were not seen in group (8).Conclusions: we can use vitamin A as a protective in young patient against Cs side effects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1356

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    4 (SERIAL NUMBER 16)
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Background: Salmonella is the most important diarrheagenic pathogens, which can cause food borne disease where the main route of transmission among human is through contaminated meat and poultry foods. Its symptoms can be diarrhea, fever, vomiting and sometimes bloody diarrhea. For its importance, it is essential to be identified and characterized by more precise methods such as molecular techniques. The aim of this study was to consider sensitivity of PCR-Ribotyping method for identification of Salmonella spp.Materials and methods: In this study our samples were Salmonella strains, which were isolated from patients with diarrhea. Their DNA was extracted by phenol! Chloroform method. We did PCR-Ribotyping method with P1, P2 primers for 16S-23SrRNA gene. At last PCR-products run on 1.8% agarose gel in 120V for 90 min. the analysis was done after Ethidium bromide staining.Results: All the 40 strains containing paratyphi A, B, C and 0 serotypes also, serotype typhi contained 5 bands ranging 700 to 2500 bp.Conclusions: According to the results we can say that PCR-Ribotyping method has the highest sensitivity for identification of genus Salmonella but it is not suitable for Serotyping of Salmonella strains.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 856

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    4 (SERIAL NUMBER 16)
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Background: patients on hemodialysis exhibit higher susceptibility of infection because of decreased immunity. Several microbial pathogens are responsible for the variety of infections. Staphylococcus aurous is one of the most important bacterial agents that specially colonized the skin, nasal mucosa and pharynx. The nasal carriage rate is estimated to be about 42% to 60% in similar studies that is greater than then general population (20% - 40%). Staphylococcus aurous is one of the most important causes of shunt infection, exit site infection, bacteremia, septicemia, bone and joint infection in hemodialysis patients.Material and methods: We conducted a clinical trial before and after treatment in which culture specimens were collected from anterior nasal nares of hemodialysis patients and were cultured.Results: In a total of 74 patients, 35 cases were culture positive (47/3%). Rifampin 300mg twice daily was prescribed for patient with positive culture for 5 days. In five month follow up, 21 cases had negative culture after 1 month and 19, 18, 16 and 14 specimens had negative culture for the further evaluation, respectively (90/4%, 85/7%, 76/1%, 66/6%).Conclusions: There was not a significance difference between the duration of hemodialysis and the colonization rate of staphylococcus aurous (p>0.05).

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View 1106

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    4 (SERIAL NUMBER 16)
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Background: Previous studies have shown high efficacy of formol-detertgent (FD) technique for detection of intestinal parasite. This study aimed to estimate this technique using two different detergents.Methods and materials: This was 190 stool samples in this study transferred from the Health center of Qom city (Shahid Bahonar) to parasitology laboratory of Qom University of Medical Sciences. Each of them was examined by two different detergents in FD technique, separately. Local dish-washing (Richa) and liquid soap was applied for FD technique. At the end, Sediment of them observed by microscope. The sensitivity of each technique in positive sample was estimated separately.Results: FD method using dish-washing offered an advantage for detection of Entamoeba Histolytica cyst and FD method using hand-washing offered an advantage for detection of Iodamoeba butschlii cyst. Conclusions: As a whole the ability of (FD) technique for detection of intestinal parasite was good and the quality of Sediment in FD which uses Richa was better.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2202

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Background: The aim of this study is to explain the epidemiologic characteristic of the patients with Gestational Trophoblastic Tumors (GTT). GTT is among the rare human malignancies that can be cured even in the presence of widespread metastasis. Although persistent GTT usually occurred after molar pregnancy, it can occur after term pregnancy, abortion and ectopic pregnancy.Materials and Methods: In a descriptive study based on existing data, we reviewed the records of 85 cases of GTT in Imam Hossein, Taleghani and Mirza Koochak Khan teaching hospitals in Tehran during 1992 to 2002 .The epidemiologic variables taken into consideration include: age, parity score, antecedent pregnancy, mean serum Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) level before therapeutic interventions, clinical manifestations, probable metastasis and staging.Results: mean age of the patients with GTT was 30.8 with standard deviation (SD) of 10.9 .80% of them were multipara and 80% developed GTT following molar pregnancy. 64.3 %of cases were in stage 1 (limited to uterus) and the other 35.7% of cases had distance metastasis to lung (16.7%), brain (8.2%), liver (8.2%), kidney (2.4%) and other sites. surprisingly, levels of bHCG were less than 5000mlU/mLin more than half of the patients before therapeutic interventions.Conclusions: In this study most cases of GTT occurred after molar pregnancy, while it could be prevented by following bHCG levels. More over, mean level of serum bHCG was too low even in the presence of metastasis which needs further investigations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 686

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Background: Wastewater is one of the most important risks for human health and environment because of high content of chemicals and microorganisms. The importance of hygienic wastewater disposal in bounded locality such as garrison, which people are in close contact, is doubled. So, it is necessary to have survey on Units affiliated to Islamic Republic Army Force.Materials and methods: Data from 199 major garrison were collected using questionnaire. These data were analyzed using SPSS software (ver 11.5).Results: From the 199 garrison, highest and lowest numbers were belonging to Land force (67.34%) and Military Police Department (1.5%), respectively. 18.09 percent of I. R. A. Units were used adsorption well, and 10.06% septic tank, and only 8.04% had wastewater treatment plant. 24.12 percent of these units are connected to sewerage and 28.64% had no treatment on wastewater.Conclusions: With respect to results, it is obvious that in I.R.A. wastewater discharging to environment is the most common method for wastewater disposal, and although wastewater treatment is important from public health and other viewpoints, but in I.R.A. has low priority. With respect to results, it is obvious that most of I.R.A Units discharge wastewater with notreatment and cause to environmental pollution and spreading of pathogenic agents, which is apposite to with Department of Environmental Protection Regulations and should be under consideration in all future programs as one of the most important priorities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2522

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Background: The urinary tract infection is common the etiologic of U.T.I is gram negative bacillary (especially E.coli) in general. Multiple risk factors as BP.H, nephrolithiasis, diabetes, previous U.T.I, folley catheter, genetic, cigarette and alcoholism is predispose to U.T.I.Material and methods: In this study urine culture of 100 male patients with UTI and B.P. Hevaluated. Results: The most common etiologic causes UTI in B.P.H is E.coli (80%), other causes is proteus (10%) and klebsiella (5%).Conclusions: Thus, our data show causes of UTI in male with B.P.Hlike to .other general population.

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View 917

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Background: ICU patients mortality rate has been reported 5-35%.The patients mortality is predicted by using various scoring system including, SAPS.II, APACHE.III. The aim of this study was determination of mortality rate, acute renal failure (ARF) frequency, their relationship and other related factors with mortality in ICU patients.Materials and Methods: This cross- sectional descriptive-analytic study was conducted in the year 2005, at the Mostafa khomeini Hospital, Tehran. The study population consisted of 427 ICU patients. Data were registered and collected in a questionnaire. All data analysis were carried out using the SPSS-11.5, pearson correlation.Results: Of 427 patients, 56.7% were male and 43.3% female. The mean value of age was 56.7±8.2 years. The mean duration of hospitalization was 7±1.9 days. The mortality rate was 28.5% so that 56.2% of dead persons were male. ARF (doubling of basal serum creatinine) was seen in 30% of patients and 72% of ARF patients were died. ARF was significantly correlated with the systolic blood pressure (P<0.001). Other variables didn't show this correlation. ARF with requirement of mechanical ventilation (P<0.001), co-morbidity, multiple organ dysfunction, age over 60 years, plasma Na concentration disorders, elevated serum bilirubin and Liver enzymes, hemoglobin concentration (Hgb<10g/dL) and thrombocytopenia had statistically significant correlation with the mortality rate (P<0.05). But gender, serum K concentration disorders and kind of drug administration had not correlation with it.Conclusions: Determination of related factors with the mortality rate, in ICU patients obtains a prediction of patients prognosis. This may also be important in decreasing of therapeutic costs. This study showed that systolic blood pressure in acceptable range, anemia correction, careful monitoring of the fluid and electrolytes and critical organs function including, the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys and early diagnosis and management of their dysfunctions can play important roles in patients prognosis.

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View 1469

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ackground: Prevalence of sexual disorder in American males is 30-50% and prevalence of Premature ejaculation is 15-42%, There for a study for survey and dignosis of this disorders very important.Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study (Case - Series) in 150 Patients who Refferd to the Urology clinic at 501 medical center with any symptoms of sexual disorders. The data were collected and analysed in SPSS-11.5.Results: The Prevalence of different sexual disorders was as follow: premature ejacalation (39.3%), erection dysfunction (22/7%), desire disorder (4.7%), and erectal dysfunction and premature ejaculation (32%).Conclusions: In this study, premature ejaculation was the most common sexual disorder. Moreover psychiatric disorders were the most common influencing factor on rectal dysfunction.

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View 1542

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Background: The birth control has been a hurdle to overcome especially in the high growing nations of the Asia. This has been assessed by the KAP study aiming at the contraception methods. The affecting factors are of concern in the process of the assessment. Numerous studies have indicated that follow ups and repetitive studies are necessary to find out the changes in the knowledge, attitude and practice of the subjects.Material and method: A descriptive cross sectional study in a contraception KAP study was performed on 275 of married women 19-45 years old married women. They were asked to fill in a questionnaire designed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of contraception which including 45 question comprised of personal, knowledge based, attitudes toward contraception methods, and the state of practice of the attendants. The data thus gathered was analyzed by the Spss 11.5 for the central values and standard deviations. The data was normalized using Smirinov- Colmogrov test and normalized data was assessed by the independent sample test and one way ANOVA using tukey test.Results: The most frequently used method of contraception is the natural method (37.7%), the next ranking the highest accepted method being the use of condom (19.6%). The least accepted methods were the use of the IUD and the tubal ligation (11.6%, 11.2% respectively). A mean of 49.8% of the attendants replied correctly to the knowledge section questions. The most and the least correctly answered items were contraceptive pills and the implantable contraceptive respectively.Most individuals attended the practice considered the availability, morals and religious considerations most affecting factors in the state of contraception use. And the mutual acceptation of the contraception method being used was the item believed by the participants to affect the use of the techniques.The practice section questions showed that 66.6% of the participants performed wrongly in case of more than one pill was forgotten. This wrong behavior reactched 61.4% in case of barriers.Assessing the correlation of knowledge of the attendants with the pills forgotten more than once a meaning relation was found (P=0.01).This condition was also found to be existing among the knowledge status of working women and housewives. The knowledge of women was also affected by the level of their own and their husbands' education.Conclusions: The contraception is mainly affected by the knowledge status of the users but gaining a high level of education alone is not an assuring factor in the proper and correct use of the method.

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View 810

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Background: Parasitic diseases are one our society's most important regional health problems. Considering the high prevalence of parasitic infestation in the Tehran region, and to determine sources of contamination, this study was performed on consumed vegetables in the city of Tehran.Materials and Methods: In this study, 270 vegetable specimens were collected from vegetables shopping and supermarket and restaurant.Specimens were examined using time sedimentation, centrifugal concentration and floating techniques. Results: Results show that 41.3 % of vegetables samples were infested with various pathogen and nonpathogen parasites.Conclusions: The highest rate of infestation was attributed to Giardia lamblia cyst.

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View 1171

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Background: This Syndrom is rare, but aggressive and potentially life-threatening disease most often affects infants from birth to 18 months of age, but cases in older children and adults have been reported.Materials and Methods: Cases Report Study in Masih daneshvary Hospital. AII related records in this regard were collected from late year.Result: Superiority of sexual (Men) and low mortality rate.Conclusions: Because HLH is often fatal, one must have a high index of suspicion that patients who present with several of the following: high fevers, maculopapular rash, failure to thrive, central nervous system symptoms, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, cytopenias, coagulopathy, abnormal liver function tests, and high serum ferritin, Sudden decrease of ESR, may have HLH.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Choleare is caused by Vibrio choleare and it is well explained as water and food borne disease. During 2005 totally 1133 cases with 12 death occurred across the country. With good making decision on health the outbreak was controlled.Case Presentation: This study is described 4 soldiers whom infected with Cholera from West and Center of Iran in 2005. In this study investigated that only 0.35% of cholera cases were soldiers.With rapid diagnosis and application of appropriate medical therapy, all 4 cases were treated and discharged with good health condition.Conclusions: Decontamination of water and consideration of health measures during travel could be prevent the risk of infection.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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    4 (SERIAL NUMBER 16)
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Backgrand: More than thousand of years, Rodents have lived with human especially in the harbours and ships. They not only eat human foods but also make disasters because of chewing of power lines, phone and computer cables. Also they may chew any aluminum, wooden and plastic particles of machineries (machinery's). Rodent are also vectors, reservoirs and carriers of 40 bacterial, viral and parasitic zooanthroponoses. This paper is proposed to high lighting the importance of control and management of rodent population in urban zone and harbour and to propose the new methods of rodent management. Materials and methods: This study was a review article based on the information and data, which is published in internet, journals and associated research.Conclusions: As a result of this research, wide distribution of rodent in harbours, ship and urban zone is a pandemic problem specially in developing and also developed countries. The strategies .and methods of control completely depend on biology and bioecology of rodents, new and integrated management of rodents depopulation, type of ship and its usage, formulation of rodenticide and so on which is discussed in the presentation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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