Background: ICU patients mortality rate has been reported 5-35%.The patients mortality is predicted by using various scoring system including, SAPS.II, APACHE.III. The aim of this study was determination of mortality rate, acute renal failure (ARF) frequency, their relationship and other related factors with mortality in ICU patients.Materials and Methods: This cross- sectional descriptive-analytic study was conducted in the year 2005, at the Mostafa khomeini Hospital, Tehran. The study population consisted of 427 ICU patients. Data were registered and collected in a questionnaire. All data analysis were carried out using the SPSS-11.5, pearson correlation.Results: Of 427 patients, 56.7% were male and 43.3% female. The mean value of age was 56.7±8.2 years. The mean duration of hospitalization was 7±1.9 days. The mortality rate was 28.5% so that 56.2% of dead persons were male. ARF (doubling of basal serum creatinine) was seen in 30% of patients and 72% of ARF patients were died. ARF was significantly correlated with the systolic blood pressure (P<0.001). Other variables didn't show this correlation. ARF with requirement of mechanical ventilation (P<0.001), co-morbidity, multiple organ dysfunction, age over 60 years, plasma Na concentration disorders, elevated serum bilirubin and Liver enzymes, hemoglobin concentration (Hgb<10g/dL) and thrombocytopenia had statistically significant correlation with the mortality rate (P<0.05). But gender, serum K concentration disorders and kind of drug administration had not correlation with it.Conclusions: Determination of related factors with the mortality rate, in ICU patients obtains a prediction of patients prognosis. This may also be important in decreasing of therapeutic costs. This study showed that systolic blood pressure in acceptable range, anemia correction, careful monitoring of the fluid and electrolytes and critical organs function including, the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys and early diagnosis and management of their dysfunctions can play important roles in patients prognosis.