Background: Since 1850, as the first time, DCS have been detected in divers and pitmen .There were no appropriate explanation for this Illness until 1930. Other names such as Bend, Aeropathy, Aeroembolism, Dysbarism، DCI/DCS were used. At the ascend to height, most of the problems which occur due to changing the pressure of the body cavities. The goal of this presentation is collection of the abstract and sufficient information for use our colleagues.Results: The major adventures were happen in DCS is based on henry’s law and consist of any hazardous would be occur in result of every soluble gas molecules egress the body’s fluid which nitrogen is one of the most important of these gases. Obese individuals are more susceptible, because fat tissue have very amount of nitrogen. DCS have different features and net diagnoses were possible by rule out of other diseases. The etiology of this sickness is the sudden reduction in barometric pressure and the release of soluble gases in body fluids.The pathophysiology of this sickness is consist of three different mechanisms which result in tissue damage: 1) destruction of tissue cells by released gases, 2) mechanical obstruction of blood vessels and 3) pressing effect of bubbles or emboli’s on adjacent vessels and nerves.Conclusion: Because of the daily development of aviation and seafaring, inform about DCS and its complications, prevention and treatment for all population especially aviators, divers and medical groups are necessary.