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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Serum concentrations of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K) and chloride (Cl) in industrial and traditional dairy Friesian cows in Urmia were studied: 1) to determine and compare the physiological concentrations of macro minerals in dairy herds, 2) to establish the seasonal differences in macro-minerals between two types of breeding, 3) to find the relationships between macro-minerals in different seasons and breeding types. A number of 1781 blood samples including 1367 cows from industrial Friesian herds and 414 cows from traditional herd were collected from Jugular veins in 2003-4. Serums were assessed for Ca, P, Mg and Cl by Auto-analyser. Sodium and K were assessed by Flame photometer. The comparison of the mean macro-minerals among herds showed differences in industrial (P<0.01) and traditional (P<0.01) herds. The mean concentrations for Cl, P, Ca and Na in industrial herds were greater (P<0.01) and Mg and K concentrations were lesser (P<0.01) in traditional herds. Seasonal comparison of the mean macro-mineral concentrations showed significant difference between seasons (P<0.01) except for CI concentration in industrial herds and P and K in traditional herds. The lowest overall mean concentrations for. Mg, Cl and Ca were in winter, P and K were in spring and sodium was in autumn. There were positive correlations (P<0.05) between Mg & Cl, Ca & P, Na & K and negative correlation (P<0.05) between Mg & Na. There were positive correlations (P<0.05) between Ca & P and Na & K in traditional herds. It is concluded that the serum macro-mineral concentrations were different in industrial and traditional herds. There were seasonal differences in maco-mineral concentrations in that Ca, Mg and K were important in winter and spring. The presence of significant correlations between Ca & P, Na & K and Mg & K shows the importance of Ca, Mg and K that could be considered in daily ruminants ration.

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Abomasa of 400 randomly selected cattle were examined at the slaughterhouse of Shahre- Kord during four seasons of 1999-2000. Age and sex of the animals, location, number, type and size of the abomasal ulcers and abnormal contents of abomasa were recorded. Chi-square test was used for data analysis.Ninety eight (24.5%) of the 400 abomasa with confidence limits (20.5-28.5%) had ulcerative lesions. Type 1 ulcers were seen in 97 abomasa and only one abomasum had type 2 ulcer. Most of the ulcers were observed in the fundic region in two forms of linear and oval. Results indicated that there are not significant relations between occurrences of abomasal ulcers and factors such as age, sex and season, but there was a significant relation between occurrence of abomasal ulcers and the presence of sand in abomasum (P<0.05).

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The aim of this study is to recognize and discriminate between two protozoan genera Babesia and Theilria using immunostaining. In addition, the use of the immunostaining for gene expression studies is evaluated. For these purposes, blood sample slides were stained with the antibodies specific against Babesia or Theileria in peroxidase system as the brown structures in the cytoplasm of the infected erythroctes. The leukocytes infected with Theileria schizonts were stained with the specific antibody against heat shock protein 70 from Schizonts in alkaline phosphatase antialcaline phosphatase. The schizonts are demonstrable as red structure in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. These cells were simultaneously stained with the monoclonal antibody against proliferation associated with nuclear protein Ki-67 in peroxidase system as well. The brown stained nucleus showed the expression of the Ki-67 protein in the schizont harboring proliferating cells (Immuno-double-staining). It seems that the immunostainig method can be used as a Gold standard method besides western blotting for the identification of parasite specific protein and expression studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2023

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In order to determine the epidemiologic indices, causes and the predisposing factors associated with lameness in horses of Ahvaz city, a prospective study was designed. In this study, two types of data were used. The first belongs to five housing stables of the region, defined as sample population and the second to horses being lame assessed at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Ahvaz regardless of the primary reason for their admission, defined as hospital cases throughout the study. Data collection from the sample population achieved by frequent measures done at the place of the selected stables and the hospital cases were assessed at the large animals surgery section of the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Ahvaz university. Chi square test was used for the analysis of the data. The study showed that the incidence rate of lameness problem was 0.09 cases per horse-at risk-year. The risk of the problem increased in order of increasing age and was higher in older horses. The forelimbs were accounted for most of the injuries and more horses were noticed as lame during work than any other time. Leg and joint problems were the most commonly perceived cause of lameness in sample population (54.5%, 36.3%). There were no considerable differences in the affected sites of hospital cases. Race horses were the most affected group in sample population whereas most injuries in hospital cases occurred among pleasure horses. It was identified that predisposing factors like racetrack and terrain condition, amateur trainers, ignorant clients and jockeys, training methods failure, hard work, conformation abnormalities and management are playing an important role in the occurrence of lameness among surveyed populations.

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    3 (16)
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This study was conducted to compare the quality of raw milk of water buffaloes by two methods including, Total Aerobic Mesophilic Plate Count (Reference Method) and Methylene Blue Reduction Test. 80 samples of raw milk of water buffaloes were collected from different areas of Ahvaz city and examined under sterile conditions. Samples belonged to cold and warm seasons (40 samples in each season). In Total Microbial Count Method, the average of microbial count of raw milk samples in cold and warm seasons were 2.8x106cfu/ml and 1.5x107cfu/ml; respectively, and total of the survey was 9.0x106cfu/ml. According to the scoring of microbial quality of raw milks from the aspect of total microbial count in each milliliter (cfu/ml), 36.25% of samples were excellent, 10% grade 1., 11.25% grade 2., 10% grade 3.,15% grade 4., 2.5% fairly acceptable and 15% were non - acceptable. Statistical analysis of the results using SPSS, 11 software showed that the results of both methods were the same and similar (P<0.001) and the relationship between these methods was highly correlated (r2=0.77). The difference of total microbial count between cold and warm seasons was not statistically significant (P>0.05).

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View 1028

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This study was done on 22 TRP suspected cases that were referred to veterinary hospital of Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz, Iran. In all cases after history taking and clinical examination, pericardiocentesis was done. Pericardial fluid samples were studied macroscopically and microscopically and their color, odour, turbidity specific gravity and total protein were recorded. Also, the samples were studied cytologically and microbiologically. Results showed that edema, bilateral engorgement and pulsation of jugular vein and muffled heart sound were the major clinical signs. Macroscopic examination showed that the most pericardial fluids were red or brown in color, turbid and had foul- smelling. Means of specific gravity, total protein and WBC count of samples were 1.027±0.003, 4.55±0.548 gr/dl and 5083±278 cell/m1 respectively. Also, in all cases the number of neutrophils was greater than lymphocytes. The most prominent isolates from the pericardial fluids was Arcanobacterium pyogenes (82.6%). Other isolates were Bacillus Spp., S. aureus, Clostridium. Spp., E. coli and Flavobacterium Spp. Also in 3 cases protozoa species were found in pericardial fluids.

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View 1525

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This project was conducted to study morphometery and radiography of distal sesamoid bone of cattle with abnormal digits. 20 abnormal digits (hind and forelimbs) with overgrown hoof and 10 normal digits as a control were collected from slaughterhouse. At first, two radiographs were taken in latero-medial and cranio-caudal views. Then the digits were dissected for determination the anatomical position of the distal sesamoid. For morphometric study, the distal sesamoids of digits were removed, and then their dimensions including length, width and thickness were measured.In morphometric study, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in length of distal sesamoid of 3rd (medial) and 4th (lateral) digits of abnormal hind limb in comparison to normal digits, whereas no significant differences were observed in width and thickness. There was no significant difference in length, width and thickness of the distal sesamoid bone of 3rd and 4th digit of abnormal forelimb, in comparison to the normal digits.In radiographic study of distal sesamoid, the radiographic changes were classified as follow: change in bone density (16 samples), change in anatomical position (12 samples), new bone formation (7 samples) and bone remodelling (9 samples). In addition, wedge-shaped bone of distal phalanx (3 samples) and soft tissue calcification (l sample) were also observed.Osteomyelitis reactions were observed in 2nd and 3rd phalanges of some abnormal digits.

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View 837

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    3 (16)
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This study was carried out to determine the prevalence and distribution of tropical theileriosis in cattle in Zahedan based on clinical examination, inspection of herd and microscopical methods. Giemsa-stained thin blood smears were prepared between April 2003 and May 2004 from cattle and examined for the presence of Theileria. A total of 600 whole blood smear samples were collected from cattle of various breeds and ages in Zahedan.Piroplasms of Theileria annulata were detected in 5.6% of the samples (34/600). In clinical examination of infected cattle: paleness of mucosal membrane (61.7%), enlargement of lymph nodes (50%), icterus (17.6%), petechial hemorrhage (14.7%), diarrhea (2.9%), and coughing (2.9%) have detected in infected cattle. Ticks were identified to be Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum on the basis of morphological features. In conclusion, lowest rate of infection were in group of >3 years old (5%) and the highest rate of infection was in cattle under one year old (76%) and this difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Also there was a significant difference between the rate of infection in Holstein breed and local or hybrid cattle (P<0.05). The study showed that native calves were also more resistant than European Bos taurus (Holstein) calves to tick-borne tropical theileriosis (Theileria annulata infection).Additionally, no significant difference was observed between male and female (p>0.05).comparison of results in different seasons indicated that the lowest and highest rate of infection were respectively observed in winter and summer.

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View 1461

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    3 (16)
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In this study, fifteen skulls from human, horse and dog (each of them five skulls) were collected. After preparing the skulls, temporal bone and middle ear bones (malleus, incus and stapes) were removed and weighted and dimensions of ear bones were measured. The results showed that the location and relations of temporal bone and human's middle ear in these animals were similar but there were some differences in some structures such as: the length of eustachian tube which was longer in dog and horse than human. In human hypotympanum was smaller with a minor space in comparison with tympanic bulla in dog. The diameter and length of horse zygomatic process of temporal bone was longer than human and dog. Unlike human and dog, there was a muscular process in tympanic bulla of horse. Diameter of internal carotid foramen of human was larger than dog and horse. Comparing the parameters between human and each of animal with T-test revealed that, weight and length of the long process of malleus in human and dog were similar but in other parameters, the difference was significant (P<0.05). All parameters of malleus had a significant difference in human and horse so that in horse were longer than human (P<0.01). In os incus, length of trunk plus those of long and short processes and distance of two process between human and two animals had significant difference (P<0.01).These parameters in human were longer than dog and horse. In os stapes, weight, distance between two ramus and basal length in dog and human had significant difference and in human was larger and longer than dog. Also in horse most of parameters were longer than human.

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Blue tongue is a viral disease. Culicoides mosquitoes are the main vector for the disease. Sheep is the most susceptible species. According to high prevalence of blue tongue in Turkey and similar climate and ecosystem in Iran, the investigation of disease situation in Iran is important. Serum samples were taken from 605 suspicious sheep in west Azarbaijan in 2003. Agar gel immunodiffiusion test was done to detect antibodies against blue tongue. Results showed that 382 (63.1 %) animals were positive for blue tongue. In spring and summer 69.1% of samples and in autumn and winter 57% of samples were positive (P<0.005). The most and lowest prevalence were Makou (76.8%) and Salmas (53.7%), respectively. Prevalence rate in west Azarbaijan was 63.1 %. It is necessary to determine which types of virus cause the positive reaction and whether the virus is similar to types that are circulating in Turkey and the other neighbors of Iran or not.

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Mesenteric lymph nodes of 100 goats slaughtered in Urmia slaughterhouse were examined for Linguatula serrata infestation between September 2000 to July 2001. The number of lymph nodes collected from each goat varied from 1 to 10 and altogether 604 were collected. The results indicated that 68(68%) of the animals had at least one infected lymph node. Out of 604 lymph nodes 222(36.75%) were infected to Linguatula serrata nymph. The number of parasites from each lymph node varied from 1 to 313 with an average of 6.98 nymphs per node. The results showed the lower rate of infection in lymph nodes with normal gross appearance compared to other lymph nodes with changed appearance (p<0.05). The results also indicated the significant differences between number of parasite in different color and consistency groups of lymph nodes (p<0.05).

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View 931

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Hydatid cyst is one of the zoonotic diseases which has losses on animal and human populations. One of the most important problems in hydatidosis is the diagnosis of the disease in human and animals. Various assays have been developed and used for the detection of specific antibodies in human and animals sera with variable results. Since the evaluation of serological tests in human has restriction, this study was carried out in experimentally sheep hydatidosis. In this study, periods of antibodies appearance were surveyed by Gel Diffusion test which has high specificity in hydatid cyst diagnosis. The hydatid fluid (HF) and protoscolces were aseptically obtained in laboratory. Each dog was given 15,000 viable protoscoleces. About two months later, as soon as the taenid eggs were observed in the dogs stools, the dogs were autopsied after euthanasia. The small intestines were opened and Echinococcus granulosus were collected and placed in physiologic saline. The gravid proglottids were crushed and the eggs were released and counted. About 2000 eggs were orally administred to each of 13 sheep. Six other sheep were kept as controls and physiological saline were fed to them. All sheep were bleeded each week. And all sera were kept in -200c until use. All sera samples were then examined with Gel Diffusion test. The sensitivity of Gel Diffusion test, in detecting antibodies in the sera of infected sheep was nil during five weeks of post- infection (P.i). The sensitivity increased to 15% in the sixth week and reached its maximum (69%) only in the 14th week of p.i. then it decreased in the following weeks. However, the specificity of the test was 100% by examining the noninfected sheep sera through the experiment. It seems that the capability of diagnosis of antiydatid antibody depends on cyst growth stage. Although positive results are very valuable, the negative results are not indicative of the absence hydatid cyst in sheep, and doing other serologic tests is necessary with high sensitivity for hydatid cyst diagnosis.

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View 1115

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This study was carried out on 62 stray dogs in Marand city between 2001-2002. After hunting the animals, they were transmitted to parasitology section of Razi institute which is located in northwestern part of Iran. For decreasing the probability of contamination in personals, the carcasses were decapitated and their heads were kept in 10% formalin solution for 30 days. The head were cut longitudinally and divided to symmetrical halves. Then, all the parts of nose and nostril cavities were looked for 1inguatu1a serrata. The separated parasites were studied and their characteristics were recorded. The results showed that the infection rate is 53% and the minimum and maximum number of parasities were 0 to 4 respectively. The nearly 95% of the parasites were female.

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The aim of this investigation was to assess the subclinical mastitis rate based on bulk-tank somatic cell count (BTScc) among traditional dairy herds in Khorram-Abad in Iran. For this purpose, over a period of five months during March to July 2005, a total of 171 milk samples were taken from the milk vehicles that had been collected the farmers' milk production from the different areas of Khorram-Abad suburbs. Samples were carried to the laboratory and stained with Gimsa solution. The number of somatic cells was calculated by multiplication of work factor in the number of cells (at least 400 cells) which were calculated along the bands. The mean of see on March, April, May, June and July were 184.1±2.2, 154.1±2.4, 165.1±2.6, 121.7±2.6 and 173.4±2.2 x 10 3 cells/ml, respectively. The overall mean of see was 159.6±10.6 x 10 3 cells/ml. The results of this study showed that the mean of BTScc in 164 (95.91 %) cases had less than 2 x 10 5 cells/ml and 7 (4.09%) were above the standard threshold for subclinical mastitis. It was concluded that subclinical mastitis rate was low during the study among Khorram-Abad dairy cattle.

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View 1523

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To find out the cause of lactating cow illness in 600 animals of a dairy herd, history taking, clinical examination of affected animals, and food and feeding surveys were done. In addition 2 cows were necropsied. The diseased animals showed head, neck and ear tremor, gnashing of the teeth, hypersalivation, periodic hyperirritability, circling, cortical blindness and convulsion. At necropsy, the brain was congested and edematous. The kidneys were hyperemic with pale areas on the external surface. Necrosis and hemorrhages in the intestine were noticed as well. Histopathologic examination revealed severe perivascular and perineuronal edema, perivascular and focal hemorrhages in the brain, scattered foci of acute tubular necrosis of the kidney and necrotic and hemorrhagic enteritis. Acid fast intranuclear inclusion bodies were present in proximal convoluted tubules epithelia. The level oflead in kidney, farmit (anzymite), farmit-concentrate mixture and concentrate samples were 74.6 ppm, 7129 ppm, 282 ppm and trace, respectively. Only lactating cows were affected and 18 of them died or slaughtered. On the basis of the history, clinical signs, pathologic and toxicologic findings lead poising (plumbism) were definitely diagnosed. The source of the poison was farmit (anzymite).

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