To find out the cause of lactating cow illness in 600 animals of a dairy herd, history taking, clinical examination of affected animals, and food and feeding surveys were done. In addition 2 cows were necropsied. The diseased animals showed head, neck and ear tremor, gnashing of the teeth, hypersalivation, periodic hyperirritability, circling, cortical blindness and convulsion. At necropsy, the brain was congested and edematous. The kidneys were hyperemic with pale areas on the external surface. Necrosis and hemorrhages in the intestine were noticed as well. Histopathologic examination revealed severe perivascular and perineuronal edema, perivascular and focal hemorrhages in the brain, scattered foci of acute tubular necrosis of the kidney and necrotic and hemorrhagic enteritis. Acid fast intranuclear inclusion bodies were present in proximal convoluted tubules epithelia. The level oflead in kidney, farmit (anzymite), farmit-concentrate mixture and concentrate samples were 74.6 ppm, 7129 ppm, 282 ppm and trace, respectively. Only lactating cows were affected and 18 of them died or slaughtered. On the basis of the history, clinical signs, pathologic and toxicologic findings lead poising (plumbism) were definitely diagnosed. The source of the poison was farmit (anzymite).