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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (مسلسل 14)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (مسلسل 14)
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غده تیروئید با ترشح هورمونهای T3 و T4 و کلسیتونین نقش مهمی در متابولیسم و تنظیم کلسیم بدن دارد که در این ارتباط هر عاملی که باعث تغییرات ساختاری و هورمونی غده شود، می تواند موجب تغییراتی در فعالیت های متابولیسمی بدن گردد. تغییرات درجه حرارت محیط از جمله عواملی است که می تواند موجب این تغییرات گردد. بنابراین با توجه به شرایط آب و هوایی منطقه اهواز، در این تحقیق اثرات احتمالی تغییرات فصلی بر ساختار بافت شناسی غده تیروئید خرگوش، مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. بدین منظور غدد تیروئید 10 سر خرگوش در فصل تابستان و 10 سر خرگوش در فصل زمستان در شرایط آب و هوایی طبیعی منطقه مورد مطالعه قرار داده شدند. غدد تیروئید هر یک از خرگوش ها به طریق اتوپسی جدا شده و بلافاصله نمونه هایی به ضخامت حداکثر 0.5 سانتی متر از قسمت های مختلف آن تهیه و جهت ثبوت، در فرمالین سالین قرار داده شدند. از نمونه ها به روش متداول تهیه مقاطع بافتی، برش هایی به ضخامت 5 تا 6 میکرومتر تهیه و پس از رنگ آمیزی H&E مورد مطالعه بافت شناسی و هیستومتری قرار گرفتند. نتایج بدست آمده نشان داد که نسبت پارانشیم به داربست در دو فصل تابستان و زمستان، دارای تغییرات معنی داری بوده به نحوی که در فصل تابستان به دلیل کاهش تعداد و قطر فولیکول های تیروئیدی، این نسبت کاهش یافته و بالعکس در فصل زمستان به دلیل افزایش تعداد و قطر فولیکول های تیروئیدی، این نسبت افزایش می یابد. نتایج هیستومتری نیز نشان داد که میانگین تعداد کل فولیکول های تیروئیدی، تعداد فولیکول های فعال، تعداد فولیکول های با ماده کلوئیدی واکوئل دار، قطر فولیکول های بزرگ و همچنین ارتفاع سلول های پوششی فولیکول ها به طور معنی داری در فصل زمستان در مقایسه با فصل تابستان، افزایش می یابد (P<0.05). بطور کلی نتایج بدست آمده بیانگر افزایش پارانشیم غده و در نتیجه افزایش فعالیت غده در فصل تابستان می باشد.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1590

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    1 (14)
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Application of transrectal ultrasonography to the study of bovine reproduction represents a technological breakthrough that has revolutionized our knowledge of reproductive biology. Ultrasonography can be used for evaluation of effect pregnancy detection, identification of cows carrying twin fetuses, distinguishing of ovarian and uterine pathological changes, determination of fetal sexing and identification of early embryonic death that each will provide opportunity for reproductive improvement. Thus ultrasonography for routine reproductive examinations of dairy cattle is the future contribution of this technology. The objective of this study is evaluation of the effect of pregnancy detection by transrectal ultrasonography at 28 to 35 days after insemination on maintenance of pregnancy in dairy cattle. This study was performed in an industrial dairy farm around Esfahan. Those cows that did not return to estrus between 18 and 24 days after insemination were divided into two groups randomly, control (n=65) and treatment (n=41) groups. Cows in treatment groups were examined by transrectal ultrasonography from 28 to 35 days after insemination. Pregnancy was confirmed by the observation of fetus, but fetal fluid in the uterine horn and the presence of embryonic membrane were also noted. In this group manual transrectal pregnancy examination was performed at 55 days of pregnancy. In the control group only transrectal palpation was performed. Finally, pregnancy rate in both control and treatment group was 61/5% and 58/5% respectively. Thus statistically there was no significant difference in two groups. Parity, days in milk, milk production rate and number of insemination did not also affect pregnancy rate in either group significantly (p<0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Gentamicin is one of the wide spectrum antibiotics, whose utility has been limited in human and animals due to related side effects such as nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. In this research, twenty-one healthy female donkeys (2-3 years old) were randomly divided into 3 equal groups. Before the study, clinical examinations were done and blood and urine samples were taken in order to ensure about the health of the animals. Group one (control) received only normal saline. Group two and three received 6.6mg/kgb.w and 13.2mg/kgb.w gentamicin (IM, daily), respectively for 15 days.  At the end of the experiment, all animals were euthanized and blood and urine as well as kidney tissue samples were taken. Results showed abnormalities in blood and urine biochemical factors and kidney tissue of group 3 and histopathologic changes in group two. Considering the results of group 2 and 3 and comparing with the control, it could be concluded that renal effects of gentamicin in donkeys are dependent on dose and and length of its administration. It seems that its histopathological side effects appear prior to biochemical abnormalities and the utility of this drug should be taken cautiously.

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View 2249

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    1 (14)
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This study was designed to investigate the effects of immobilization stress and intraperitoneal injection of diazepam alone before and after stress on the formalin induced pain response in mice. A total of 56 male mice weighing between 23-25gr was used. Animals were undertaken of immobilization stress (30 min). Diazepam (2mg/kg) alone or before and after stress was intraperitoneally injected. Mice were placed in the formalin test chambers. Intraplantar injection of formalin (20 ml , 5%) was performed and pain behavior was scored every 15 seconds at five minute intervals for one hour. The results showed that formalin produced a biphasic response (first phase: 0-5 and second pbase: 21-50 min after injection). Stress and diazepam, without any effect on the first phase, decreased the second phase of pain (p<0.05). The suppressive effect of diazepam on the second phase of pain was more intense than that of stress. Diazepam, before and after stress, decreased the first phase of pain (p<0.05). The suppressive effect of stress on the second phase of pain was potentiated by diazepam. It is concluded that stress and diazepam suppressed the second phase (inflammatory pain) of formalin-induced nociception, and stress-induced analgesia was potentiated by diazepam.

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    1 (14)
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The number of 56 buffaloes was selected in summer (19 buffaloes) and autumn (37 buffaloes) in Urmia to determine 1) the concentrations of the serum sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (IP) in lactating buffaloes during the summer and autumn seasons in Urmia and 2) to determine the seasonal differences in serum microelement and 3) their relationships with each other. They were mainly black breeds and were in lactation period. Blood samples were collected from Jagular vein, and serums were assessed for Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg and IP by spectrophotometer and flame photometer methods in mmol/I. SPSS statistical program and case summaries, compare means and Pearson correlation tests were used to analyze the data. Mean and standard error of mean for serum Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg and IP concentrations were overall 134.4±3.56, 4.1±0.06, 103.4±2.36 2.57±0.042, 2.11±0.06 and 1.32±0.03 mmol/l, respectively. The comparison of the mean serum macroelement concentrations between summer and autumn showed differences in chloride (P<0.01), sodium (P<0.05), potassium (P<0.01) and Mg (P<0.056), while no differences were observed in Ca and Phosphorus concentrations. The results of Spearman correlations among serum macroelement concentrations showed significant negative correlation between Mg & Phosphorus (r=-0.31, P<0.05), and Ca & Na (r= -0.27, P<0.05) concentrations, while significant positive correlations were observed between Ca & Phosphorus (r=0.82, P<0.01) and Na &K (r= 0.48, P<0.01) concentrations. It is concluded that concentrations of serum macroelement in buffaloes varied between summer and autumn. Secondly, the correlation between Ca & IP and Na & K were stronger than other macroelements, that could probably be a result of their daily rations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1279

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    1 (14)
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In this experimental study five healthy mongrel dogs of both sexes (3 males and 2 females) with average weight of 15 kgs were used to evaluate the augmentation cystoplasty with descending colon. Anesthesia was induced with thiopental sodium (2.5%, 10mg/kg) and was maintained with halothane (1-1.5%). The abdomen was opened by a 10-15 cm midline incision caudal to the umbilicus. Fifteen centimeters of the descending colon with its mesenteric vessels were resected, and this segment was longitudinally opened and flushed with copious amount of normal saline. Almost fifty percent of urinary bladder was resected and the intestinal plate was easily adapted to the remaining bladder and sutured in one layer simple interrupted polyglycolate 2/0. The animals were evaluated daily on the basis of clinical findings, and ultrasonographical and radiological were performed on day 45. Clinically all dogs were dull and depressed and passed mucus and blood tinged urine for the first few postoperative days. Ultrasonographical findings showed distinct margination between bladder and colon, floating of the very small particles in new bladder and a mass (40mm x 40mm) in cranial part of the bladder in one case. Radiological evaluations revealed lack of normal distension in graft site, and no inflammatory responses or leakage were observed. On the basis of clinical, radiological and ultrasonographical findings it can be concluded that colocystoplasty is apractical method for augmentation cystoplasty in dogs. However, some ultasonographical findings such as lack of normal distension in graft area and small floating masses in neobladder are inevitable.

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In order to find out the relationship between plasma Progesterone (P4) concentrations and plasma and milk metabolites 5 days post insemination in post calving cows, 130 treated with either Ovsynch or Ovsynch-CIDR procedures. In a commercial dairy farm in Mashhad suburbs, in a completely randomized design, cows were divided into two groups of Ovsynch (60 cows) and CIDR (70 cows). Experimental cows were in their second parity onward and had body condition scores between 2.75 and 3.00. Cows were examined on days 20 and 30 post-pactum and if their reproductive tracts were normal, on day 50±5 in, the CIDR group, Ovsynch-CIDR protocol was applied and Ovsynch group cows were treated according to the Ovsynch protocol. Five days post-insemination, plasma and milk samples were collected and P4, total protein, BUN and albumin of plasma and milk were measured. Results showed that conception rate was higher in the Ovsych than CIDR in the first insemination (P<0.05) but, in the second insemination onward, conception rate was higher in the CIDR than Ovsynch (P<0.05). Comparison of cumulative data of P4 concentrations of pregnant and non-pregnant cows, from both groups on day 5, showed higher concentrations in the pregnant cows (P<0.05). Excluding milk urea nitrogen which was higher in the pregnant cows (P<0.05), concentrations of other measured plasma factors were not significantly different between pregnant and non pregnant cows (P>0.05). In conclusion, measuring plasma metabolite concentrations on day 5 after insemination was not a reliable method to foresee the reproductive status of the cows but determination of the P4 concentrations at this time may have applications in the pregnancy diagnosis. However, protocols in which P4 is the key synchronizing hormone can be used for the synchronization of ovulation as well as for improving post partum re-establishment of the reproductive cycle in the dairy cows.

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View 1244

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    1 (14)
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To evaluate CMT for diagnosis of dairy cattle's subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus, S. agalactiae, S. dysgalactiae, and S. uberis , 100 CMT positive and 20 CMT negative milk samples were collected and examined by PCR and conventional bacterial culture methods for obove agents and the results of each methods were compared with CMT results. In bacterial culture, S. mtreus was isolated from 25 samples; all had positive PCR and CMT reactions.The sensitivity of CMT for diagnosis of S. aureus subclinical mastitis was 100%. In bacterial culture, S. agalactiae was isolated from 19 samples, 15 with positive CMT reaction, and 4 from CMT negative samples. S. dysgalactiae was isolated from 10 samples, seven of which were CMT positive and three were CMT negative. S. uberis was only isolated from one CMT positive sample. There was not any streptococcal culture of positive sample being negative in PCR, but there were 10 PCR positives being negative in culture method. There were 14 and 7 CMT negative samples being positive by PCR and culture methods respectively, so the sensitivity of CMT for detection of streptococcal subclinical mastitis comparing to PCR and culture methods was 65% and 75% respectively.In conclusion, CMT has not sufficient sensitivity for detection of subclinical mastitis due to these streptococcal agents but has 100% sensitivity for detection of subclinical mastitis due to S.aureus.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2192

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    1 (14)
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An accurate, early diagnosis of pregnancy in the cow has become essential for a successful, and profite breeding program. Between different methods of pregnancy diagnosis assessment of serum or milk progesterone is one of the best method for early diagnosis of pregnancy in dairy herd. Progesterone can be measured by ELISA and RIA methods. ELISA was preferred to RIA for being more accurate, cheaper, safer, less time consuming and also needs less laboratory equipments. In this study, milk samples (10-20ml) were collected from evening milking in clean test tubes and kept out from light and heat and submitted to the lab as soon as possible. Then its fat homogenized by shaker and its progesterone content determined by ELISA. If the progesterone value was more than 2ng/ml, the pregnancy is confirmed and less than 2ng/ml was reported as negative. In this four month survey, the samples were collected from 272 dairy cows of industrial farms in the vicinity of Tabriz, which were inseminated 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 days later. Then, the progesterone contents of the samples were determined in laboratory.From the 272 samples taken, 76 cases were determined non pregnant by ELISA, and this 76 cases were also checked for pregnancy by ultrasonography and reported non pregnant in 35 days after insemination. Therefore, the accuracy of this method in negative cases was 100%. From 196 cases considered positive through progesterone measuring method, 136 cases were pregnant and 60 cases were detected non pregnant by ultrasonography in 35 days so that the accuracy of this method for diagnosis of pregnant animal was 69.4 %. In general the accuracy rate of diagnosis pregnancy was 84.7 % and the rate of accuracy of this method was in nineteen days 78.5 %, twenty days 78.5 %, twenty one days 81.2 %, twenty two days 96.8 %, twenty three days 87.5%, and twenty four days 81.8 %. Although the accuracy of this method in nineteen days after insemination was 78.5%, on that day there was sufficient opportunity for detecting of estrus and rebreeding of animal. However, the best time for detecting pregnancy in this method was 22 days after insemination with accuracy rate of 96.5%.

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View 7475

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In this study 21 healthy kittens aged 1.5-2monthsold and body weight of 650- 900gr of both sexes were divided randomly to 3 equal groups. Before the experiment, the kittens were weighted, examined clinically and paraclinically.In group one, all of seven kittens (100%), which were fed only infected brain of mice, shed oocyst nearly one week after infection and lasted for 7 to 8 days. In group 2, all of seven kittens (100%), which were fed infected brain tissues of mice once on day 1 and Monensin 0.02% from day -3 to + 21 after infection, didn't shed any oocyst. Kittens from group 3 (control group) that were not fed any drug or infected brain tissue didn't shed oocyst up to the day 30 post-infection. The strain of Toxoplasma gondii used in this study was Tehran strain.This strain infects mice chronically and lacks the acute infectivity rate of other strains of Toxoplasma. Oocyst shedding in kittens from group one compared with other groups studied by Exact Fisher- test had significant difference (p<0.01). Also increase of antibody titers in kittens from group one compared with groups 2 and 3 studied by ANOVA test was significant (p<0.01). Mean body weight gain in kittens from group one (214.3 gr) was compared with groups 2 (285.7 gr) and 3 (307.2 gr) that were studied by Pairedt - test and ANOVA was significant (P<0.02). The results of this study showed that Monensin 0.02% has a perfect inhibitory effect (100%) on 'oocyst shedding of Tehran strain in the experimental cats.Therefore, we may propose using Monensin by definitive host for prevention of oocyst shedding during the risk period of exposure to oocysts distribution.

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View 721

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    1 (14)
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The killed avian influenza vaccines is recommended for preventing avian influenza disease subtype H9N2. However, the available vaccines don't produce high levels of antibody unfortunately. Considering a direct relationship between the antibody titer and protection against this disease, this study is investigating the effect of an immunostimulant drug "Levamisole" on production of antibody against killed influenza vaccine subtype H9N2.Therefore, 100 day-old chickens were procured and divided into 5 groups of A, B, C, D and E. Two days before vaccination, chickens of group A and B received a daily dose of 2mg Levamisole (4mg totally) orally and intraperitonealy respectively. Chickens of group C and D received influenza vaccine and 4mg levamisole simultaneously, and with same routes.Group E (Control group) was vaccinated against influenza disease but didn't receive levamisole. On the ninth day, chickens of each group were vaccinated once with killed avian influenza vaccine back neck subcutaneously. On days 0, 7, 21 and 35 of post vaccination, 10 chickens of each group were bled randomly, and influenza antibody titers were determined by HI test. The results showed that daily administration of 2mg levamisole from two days before vaccination, or 4 mg levamisole at the time of vaccination against influenza disease increased avian influenza antibody titer. There were not seemang differences between oral or intraperitoneal levamisole administration on the specific avian influenza antibody titer.

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View 1577

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Every anesthetic agent has advantages and disadvantages including complication in cardiovascular, respiratory and thermoregulatory mechanisms. Propofol was reported to be a short-acting agent, characterized by rapid recovery which can produce respiratory and cardiovascular depression. The effects of propofol administration on arterial blood pressure, heart rate, arterial blood pH, blood gases, temperature and respiratory rates were recorded in eight healthy stray cats. All cats were induced intravenously with 6 mg/kg of the propofol and were continued by infusion of the same drug (0.5mg/kg/min) for 60 minutes. All baseline measurements were obtained before induction (time 0) and 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after induction. An intravenous catheter was inserted in femoral artery for collecting blood samples and arterial blood pressure measurements. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA method including repeated measure design and least significant difference. In this study temperature, heart and respiratory rates, pH, PaO2 and mean arterial blood pressure were significantly decreased during anesthesia specially from 30 minutes after induction (P<0.05). Only partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) values were increased significantly after induction of anesthesia (P<0.05). It is concluded that infusion of propofol in cats has limited application in surgery unless anesthetic depth is monitored. The major adverse effect of propofol was respiratory depression, and artificial ventilation of cats during propofol administration is recommended.

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Members of the Besnoitia genus produce cysts (0.5 mm) containing bradyzoites which occur in the skin and other tissues of cattle. Oocyst is shed in the feces of felids. In this survey from July 2004 until June 2005, eyes, nose and cannon of 1000 cattle and 1000 buffaloes were inspected for Besnoitia cyst. From One hundred and twenty four suspected samples (71 and 53 samples from cattle and buffaloes respectively) were taken and stained in laboratory.The results indicated that none of the suspected samples were infected with Besnoitia. In conclusion cattle and buffaloes are not suitable intermediate host for this parasite in this region. However, to date, there are not any reports of clinical and sub - clinical diseases from other intermediate and final host in this region. It may be due to climate situation and lack of suitable final host in this area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this survey, which was taken in four horse riding clubs in Ahvaz, the rate of Salmonella infection in apparently healthy horses were investigated. The Fecal samples were collected from 58 horses and cultured between April 2004 to January 2005. The sampling and culture were done 5 times in two week intervals for each horse. Isolation and identification of Salmonella from fecal samples were done according to routine bacteriological methods. The results of this survey showed that only one (1.72%) horse was infected with Salmonella and it was identified as Salmonella entertains.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to examine if the plant Centaurea iberica can be used as a growth promoter in broiler production. The plant was collected from Shiraz area in sufficient quantity and was dried at room temperature. After grinding to a fine powder, it was added to the proper chicken diets in various concentrations (0.5 and one percents). One-day old broiler chickens (two hundreds and ten) were randomly divided into seven groups (thirty chickens each) and were reared under similar conditions. The chickens in the first, third and fifth groups were fed a diet containing 0.5% dried plant powder starting from first day, 18th day and 36th day, respectively. Groups 2, 4 and 6 were treated similarly but with the diet containing 1% plant powder. Chickens in group 7 received normal diet not containing the powder. Chickens were weighed every five days until the age of 50th day. Statistical comparison of average body weights in each group showed that chickens in the second and fourth groups (fed the ration containing 1%plant powder since day one and day eighteen) were significantly (P<0.05) heavier than the birds in other groups. Although plenty of this plant is wildly grown in the area, that according to the results of this research can be used as feed additive in the broiler diet, further investigation on the effect of the plant's individual ingredients seems necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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