The purpose of this paper is to design a conceptual model for the assessment of entrepreneurial opportunities in life insurance. We apply a mixed method approach with semi-structured interviews with life insurance experts (both academic and administrative experts. Interviews were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding methods, and opportunity assessment criteria were driven from interviews. In the axial coding stage, 36 criteria were driven and classified into 8 general factors including "human resources, available and required administrative capabilities", "product", "target market and demographic groups", "laws, regulations, and administrative infrastructures", "threat of competitors", "profitability of the opportunity", "barriers to entry" and "uncertainty and ambiguity in market". The criteria were drafted into a questionnaire to assess the importance of each criterion. The questionnaires were distributed among life insurance managers of selected insurance companies' main branches in Tehran and 87 questionnaires were collected. The validity of the questionnaire was tested through Cronbach's alpha test (alpha=0.93). SPSS software and factor analysis method were used to analyze the data. After factor analysis, some factors were omitted and another factor named "entrepreneurial strategy" was added to the above-mentioned factors. Finally the assessment model of entrepreneurial opportunities in life insurance was designed based on nine factors. Based on the results, the profitability of opportunity, product specifications, and the entrepreneur's human resources were the most important factors in assessing life insurance entrepreneurial opportunities.