The purpose of this study has been to identify the current weaknesses and strengths of the university curriculum in Educational Administration in Iranian system of higher education in order to pave the way for its improvement and ideal status. Eight hypotheses on the current and ideal status of goals, contents, and instructional, as well as evaluation, methods were developed. To test these, the opinions of a sample consisting of both graduate and undergraduate students at Tehran, shahid Behesthti, Alzahra, Tarbiat Moalem, and Allameh Tabatabai, as wet as experts and employers were surveyed. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire and followed by an interview, both of which were based on a strategic model developed by the author. The results show that all hypotheses regarding the current and ideal situations in educational administration curricula, at all levels of education, were confirmed. The current status, generally speaking, is not addressing the needs of the respondents, however the need for improvement seems to be much stronger at the undergraduate level.