Knowledge and technology are fundamental factors and prerequisites of competitive advantage maintenance. Being optimally organized and accessed, knowledge results in competitive advantage. Traditional organization instruments such as classification designs, subject headings and thesaurus and etc, have initially been designed for the print environment. As technology improved, they also changed to electronic forms in order to adapt to the new environment. However, these instruments have some limitations for operating and organizing knowledge in the electronic and web-based environments. In this regard, the new technology is seeking for some instruments to organize knowledge in such a way that the capabilities of knowledge organization; concepts search ability, their cooperation and knowledge retrieval improve in the new environment. In this paper, we have investigated some useful approaches for applying the knowledge organization technology. Furthermore, the necessity of applying new knowledge organization instruments and investigating knowledge organization systems; such as semantic web, ontology and simple knowledge organization systems are discussed. The role of knowledge organization systems in organization, storage and retrieval processes are also investigated.