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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


طلوع بهداشت

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    4 (مسلسل 46)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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طلوع بهداشت

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    4 (مسلسل 46)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: One of the most important factors for disease risk is the undesirable health condition of the houses. The dark, damp and unsanitary house exposes residents to TB. As the housing status is crucial in establishing the conditions for the transmission of TB, this study was designed to survey the situation of housing environmental health of tuberculosis patients in Yazd on transmission of communicable diseases according to World Health Organization standards in 2010.Methods: In this descriptive study, the housing statuses of all TB patients of Yazd in 86 cases were collected through a questionnaire survey, observation, and measurement.Results: Results showed that the houses in 22.1 % of cases were made of adobe and mud, 3.55% having average density of room, 50% of houses had insufficient natural light, 54.7 % had unfavorable natural ventilation, and 26.7 %, inadequate heating appliances. Also 32.6 % of the floor, 32.6 % of the walls, 37.2 % of the ceilings, 22.1 % of the sewage disposal, 12.8 % of drinking water, 20.9% of garbage collection, 11.6% of keeping-pet places, and 20.9% of waste disposal were in unhealthy conditions. In addition, 2.3% of these houses lacked toilet and 7% lacked bathroom.Conclusions: Comparing the housing condition of people with TB via the existing standards, the status is assessed as unfavorable. Thus improvement of the tuberculosis condition calls for the education programs to inform people of such disadvantages. Also the attention of housing stakeholders and relevant agencies should be drawn to help low-income people.

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Introduction: AIDS as an infectious disease and the fourth leading cause of death in the worldwide is known as the deadliest diseases in this century. Today high school students are more exposed to the risk of HIV/AIDS than others. The purpose of this study was to compare the knowledge and attitude of high school students on HIV/AIDS in 2004 and 2013 in Yazd Province.Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in which 2146 students from different levels of education in Yazd Province (Yazd, Meybod, Ardakan and Mehriz) were investigated during the academic years 2004 and 2013. Data were then collected by questionnaire and by statistical software SPSS18, and were analyzed through T-test and ANOVA.Results: The data showed that the majority of the students' knowledge in 2004 was good and in 2013 it was moderate. The attitude of most students (36.3%) was positive in 2004, but in 2013 it was moderate (70.1%). The mean percentage of correct responses to transmission in 2004 was 84.36, but in 2013 it had been reduced to 77.93. The data in 2013 showed that between knowledge and gender, urban residence and education and between attitude and sex, years of education, urban residence and educational level, there is a statistically significant relationship (p<0.001).Conclusion: This study indicated that the knowledge and attitude of students in 2013 were lower and more undesirable than 2004. Considering high school students, for the reason that they are at risk, it is necessary to promote their awareness and attitude. Thus health education programs should be considered as a priority for them.

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    4 (46)
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Introduction:desirable of residual chlorine, total and fecal coliforms, bacteria parameters indicates the water pools is to provide minimum standards that in water quality monitoring is important. So In this study, perspective of Total Coliforms, fecal coliforms and residual chlorine water quality of 17indoor pools of Kermanshah city were studied.Methods: This is a descriptive - analytical study. In this study, a total of 12 months a year for three consecutive years, indoor pool, and 17 water qualities in Kermanshah with the sample of 618 Total Coli forms, fecal coliforms, and residual chlorine were studied. All the samples and tests were performed according to standard methods of testing water and wastewater treatment.Results: showed that the most desirable and undesirable the water quality perspective of chlorine residual, is depend to (C and L) and (P and I) pools, respectively. Most desirable and undesirable the quality perspective of fecal Coli forms, is depend to (C and I) and (G and H) pools. Of residual chlorine, April and May least desirable and October and November were most desirable and of fecal Coli forms, August and September least desirable and December and February were dedicated to the most desirability.Consider the desirability of water quality in pools of residual chlorine and fecal Coli forms from 2009 to 2011 has been an upward trend & of the seasons, spring and summer were least desirable and most desirable to due to the fall and winter.From both the residual chlorine and fecal Coli forms, pools merely masculine more desirable, feminine, it just kind of the least desirable and feminine - masculine, borderline case, had the two types mentioned above.Conclusion: Consider the Environmental health officers inspection & oversight the regulatory and monitoring water quality in pools, shows the positive impact on upgrade the water quality during 2009 to 2010. From the results , although the pools of water quality parameters has been studied in almost ideal But in summer, especially on a female pools and pools with wells water supply source than other pools , to be more oversight.

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: One of the heavy metals is chromium which is used in trivalent and Hexavalent oxidation state in industries such as, glass, ceramic, tannery, leather especially in electroplating industries. Hexavalent Chromium has proven several health hazards such as a carcinogen. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of Melia azedarach ash in the removal of hexavalent chromium from synthetic electroplating industry wastewater.Methods: This is an experimental study which investigates the effect of initial chromium concentration, adsorbent dose and reaction time on removal of chromium by Melia azedarach ash. The adsorbent was prepared in experimental conditions using electric oven in 550 0C at 2 hours and pulverized using ASTM standard sieves with a particle size range of 40–60 mesh. The study was performed on the synthetic samples containing 5and 10 mg/l concentration of chromium. The unknown concentration of Hexavalent chromium was detected by spectrophotometer set (UV/VisibleSP-3000 Plus-Japan) at 540 nm.Results: According to the results, removal efficiency increases by increasing adsorbent dose and reaction time and decreases with increasing initial concentration of chromium. Results of this study showed that Hexavalent chromium adsorption by Melia azedarach ash reaches equilibrium at 180 minutes.Conclusion: Melia azedarach ash is an effective adsorbent in removal of hexavalent chromium from synthetic electroplating industries wastewater. In addition, the use of this biosorbent in preparation and application aspects is simple and cheap compared to many other natural and man-made adsorbent.

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: Noise and light can effect on body posture during the study. With regard to the importance of the mentioned factors and their effect on body posture, measurement and assessment of these parameters seems essential in the study rooms. These studies aimed to measure and assess these factors and their relationship with students' postural status.Methods: In this cross-sectional (descriptive- analytical) study, 167 male and single students in dormitories of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) were selected. Measurement of noise and lighting was done according to the standards of the Iran National Committee on Occupational Health. The RULA method was used to assess the students' posture.Results: In this study, light (433.88±114.83 lux) and sound pressure levels (49.59±4.64 dB) were obtained. The results of assessment of physical exposure to musculoskeletal risks by RULA technique showed that in 34.7% of the studied subjects, the level of exposure to musculoskeletal risks was in Action Level (AC) 2, 41.3% in AC 3 and 24% in AC 4.Results showed no significant correlation between the sound the students' posture, but significant correlation was observed between light and the students' postural status.Conclusion: Posture of students during the study has correlation with light. Therefore, improved lightening can improve student posture and consequently a remarkable help to increase the studentscomfort.

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View 1648

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: Nowadays, EQ is of a high importance in the different aspects of people’s life. Specifically 80 percent of people's success in different stages of their life is related to their EQ and only 20% is related to their IQ. Marriage happiness, which could be affected by EQ, is a very important factor in this issue. Hence, this survey aims at the relation between EQ and marriage happiness.Methods: The method used in this survey is descriptive-analytic. All the 101828 married couples in Yazd city make the statistical population. Based on Morgan and Grajes table, 388 people were randomly selected using cluster sampling. Data were collected using two types of questionnaire, Shring’s EQ questionnaire and Inrich’s marriage happiness questionnaire. Descriptive and deductive statistics, such as Pearson correlation coefficient, were used for data analysis.Results: In this survey, 63.5% of subjects were female and 36.5% were male. Subjects’ level of education was from lower than diploma to higher than masters, of which, 50.5% had diploma or lower degrees. 49.5% were self-employed. 43.6% were between 25 to 35 years old (the goup with the highest frequency). 61.6% have been married during the past 10 years. The results show that there is a meaningful relation between EQ and marriage happiness. There also exist a meaningful relation between the components of EQ (empathy, understanding emotions, self-control and social skills) and marriage happiness(P=0.01). In some cases, there was meaningful relation between demographic variables and EQ and marriage happiness, too.Conclusion: Since there exist meaningful relation between EQ and marriage happiness and some other variables, therefore, EQ improves and energizes family relations and is considered as an important factor. Therefore improving young peoples’ EQ, by training them, will improve their personal relationships and later will result in a happy marriage.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1794

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: Considering patients' opinion is essential for the assessment of health care services. The aim of the present study was to survey patients' satisfaction with the services at Khatamolanbia Dental Clinic affiliated to Yazd University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out on 1380 randomly-selected patients who had referred to Khatamolanbia Dental Clinic. Data were gathered using phone interview and questionnaire. The questionnaire included some questions about demographic characteristics and viewpoints of the patients about dentistry, clinic, received treatment, dentist and clinical team. Data analysis were conducted using SPSS software.Results: The total mean score of the patients' satisfaction was 3 ± 0.02 out of 4. The highest level of satisfaction was related to guiding signs (99.6%) and hygiene and infection control (99.5%). The highest level of dissatisfaction was related to parking situation (90%) and treatment cost (21%). Totally, 90.2% of the subjects asserted they will choose this clinic again if they require treatment in the future.Conclusion: The patients' satisfaction was almost complete. Dissatisfaction about parking and high costs of some treatments are amendable regarding related authorities at University and the province and better contribution of insurers to dental services.

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: Today, it is somewhat possible for general Population to use bicycle as a means of transportation or sport. Physical activity is considered as an important strategy for the prevention and treatment of obesity and other critical metabolic diseases in the different ages of life. Since the Theory of Planned Behavior assesses perceived control beliefs about behaviors, it seems appropriate to study exercise. In the study, the views of male students - as a group which are affective on community norms- about bicycle use were investigated.Methods: In this cross-sectional study 250 male students in Yazd University of Medical Sciences responded to a researcher made questionnaire which was designed for assessing their views about bicycle use, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. The data were analyzed using SPSS v16.Results: The mean age of participants was 23.01±3. 83. Findings revealed that the scale means of the theory constructs were as follows: behavioral intention: 8.54±3. 9, Attitude: 2.97±15.2, subjective norm: 12. 1±2.9 and perceived behavioral control: 17 5±4 6. Regression analysis indicated that attitude and subjective norm explained 29.7% of behavioral intention variations (P<0.001).Conclusion: According to results which indicated that Attitude and subjective norm had more powerful relationship with and predictive power of behavioral intention about using bicycle it is recommended that cultural activities and interventions may be effective to promote using bicycle among students.

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    4 (46)
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Introduction:Efficiency indicators are the most important ways to measure hospitals performance, but the individual application of these indicators can result in misleading hospital performance measurement. The application of simultaneous indicators can eliminate many problems in the case of hospital performance measurement; therefore, through using Pabon Lasso Model, the indicators at university- affiliated and university-nonaffiliated hospitals were assessed simultaneously.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 20 hospitals of Yazd Province during 1391. The sample consisted of 13 university-affiliated and 7 university-nonaffiliated hospitals. Data were prepared by the University treatment assistant and then three indicators including Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR), Bed Turnover (BTO) and Average Length of Stay (ALS) were simultaneously assessed through Pabon Lasso Model.Results: Pabon Lasso Model includes 4 areas in which among 12 university- affiliated hospitals, 3 cases (25%) were in the first area, 2 cases (16%) in the second , 5 cases (33.3%) in the third and 3 cases (25%) in the fourth, and among 7 nonaffiliated ones, 3 cases (42.8%) were in the first area, 1 case (14.3%) in the second , 2 cases (28.6%) in the third and 1 case (14.3%) in the fourth.Conclusions: The country hospitals in comparison with those in Yazd, and university-based comparing to non-university-based hospitals were centrally placed in the third area of efficiency. In this regard, it is essential that contemplation in available methods considers resource allocation and proposing new ways for Yazd and non-university based hospitals.

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Introduction:The growth problems in primary schools is one of the common disorders that can have permanent negative effects on the students' physical and cognitive status. This study aimed to investigate this disorder and to do interventions to eliminate them in primary school students in Paveh City.Methods:This is an interventional, education-based study conducted in the primary schools of Pavah for 15 months. The tool used in this study was WHO growth chart that assessed the height and body mass Index for age. The data analysis was performed using STATA10 Software (P<0.05).Results:In this study, a number of 574 students participated out of which 51.5% were girls and 48.5% were boys. The pre-test showed that 23.3% of the students suffered from low weight disorder, 4.8% from stunting disorder, 8% from overweight and 10.6% from obesity. The results indicated that interventions had been conducted successfully thus contributing to positive changes especially in the underweight and the overweight. Also it was shown that this positive effect was more significant in girls than in boys.Conclusion:This study indicated that the growth disorders can be subsided using a suitable design, application and follow up of interventions. Undoubtedly, the methods used in this study can also be applied in similar fields.

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: Introducing a powerful antibacterial agent to control pathogenic bacteria especially strains resistant to antibiotics is of paramount importance. The purpose of this study is ZnO nanoparticles synthesis by using ultrasonic waves and evaluation of its antibacterial properties.Methods: Zinc oxide nanoparticles were synthesized using ultrasound irradiation. Then physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles were studied. Antibacterial activity of the nanoparticles was investigated for two strains bacteria: Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus through standard methods such as placing well and disc diffusions, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC).Results: Chemical and physical investigation of the synthesized ZnO nanoparticles indicated that from nanoscale particles, spherical forms were produced with no impurities. The MIC for E.coli and Staph.aureus were reported as 0.125 mg/ml, and 0.062 mg/ml respectively. The MBC for E.coli and Staph. aureus was reported to be 0.500 mg/ml, and 0.250 mg/ml respectively. In comparison, for the methods of well and disc diffusions, inhibition zone diameter of the well method was more than disc diffusion.Conclusion: High purity zinc oxide nanoparticles can be synthesized by ultrasonic waves and have the significant antibacterial properties against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus bacteria. In contrast to Escherichia coli, Staph. aureus showed greater sensitivity against Zinc Oxide nanoparticles.

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Introduction: Vegetables are important things of alimentary diet and beeing exposed to polluted alimentary diet of heavy metals via consumption of vegetables, be carried to account a risk for human health. This thesis have been done with target of appointment of concentration of cadmium, nickel, lead and zinc metals in soil and parsley and health risk assessment of this metals in withdrawed parsley vegetable from some farms in Hamedan city.Methods: This thesis was a applicational studing and for this meaning sampling was done from parsley and soil of 3 farms in Hamedan city with 3 repetition for every farms. In generally, in this survey 9 samples of parsley and 9 samples of soil was evaluated. Samples was digested in laboratory by using of acidic digestion. Then concentration of elements was read by using of atomic publication machinery and for analysis of datas, was used version 19 of SPSS (a=0.05).Results: Average concentration of cadmium, nickel, lead and zinc in parsley vegetable is in the order of 1.14, 2.56, 16.65 and 25.23 mg/kg and average concentration of this metals in soil is in the order of 0.23, 23.51, 20.85 and 57.5 mg/kg. Results of this study showed that average concentration of Cadmium and Leadin parsley is above WHO/FAO whereas average concentration of Nickel and Zink in parsleywas assessed less than WHO/FAO. Also the average concentration of every four metals in soil of farms was less than WHO/FAO levels.On the other hand the amount of risk and health index (HRI) in parsley for lead metal was above 1 and for cadmium, nickel and zinc metals was less than 1. Conclusion: According to the studing results, cultivated parsley in this area was polluted to the heavy metalsCadmium and Lead, and the results indicates the very easy transferring of this metals from soil to parsley that was not healthy for human daily consumption and risk and health index (HRI) that was above 1 for lead metal shows the hygienic potential risk of this metal in relation to the polluted parsley consumption in human daily alimentary diet.

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View 2452

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: The proper management of hospital waste due to environmental pollution and nosocomial states has important role in promoting community health. One of the most important design and implementation of a correct program for management of hospital waste is knowledge of the qualitative and quantitative values of hospital waste. This study aimed to determine the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of produced waste in Be'sat Hospital in Sanandaj city.Methods: This study was cross-sectional carried out in Be'sat Hospital of Sanandaj in 2011. For determining the quantitative and qualitative values of the produced waste, various types of waste were analyzed monthly for one year. The findings were presented using descriptive indicators.Results: The total quantity mean of waste generated in the hospital was 1191.5 kg/day. This amount for public waste (like home) and infectious and hazardous waste were 650 (54/54%) and 541.5 (46/45%) kg/day respectively. Considering 370 beds in the hospital, per capita waste generation per one bed was estimated 22/3 kg/day. The most infectious and hazardous wastes were related to ICU section, 2 72/0Kg/day (per bed). Quantity analysis of total hospital waste indicated that plastic ( 46%) comprises the highest weight. Gravity average of the total waste produced amounted to 75/45 kg /m3.Conclusion: Given the high rate of infectious and hazardous waste, it can be concluded that despite the segregation of hospital waste still there are problems. In this regard, more attention of the authorities as well as the use of new methods for disinfecting waste before leaving the hospital are required.

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View 1559

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    4 (46)
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Introduction: Oil pollution has severe effects on the water resources, environment, soil and human health. One of the most important goals of environmental engineers is removing of contaminants from water. Adsorption process is an effective manner for removing of contaminants in aqueous solutions. In this study, the efficiency of adsorption process by activated carbon granular has been investigated to decrease chemical oxygen demand (COD) due to gasoline in water.Methods: This study was an experimental study that was conducted in laboratory scale. The adsorption process was done batch in 100 ml in closed Erlenmeyer and the effective parameters such as the initial concentration of contaminant (1, 2% V/V) and contact time (2, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 60 min) were adapted. In all experiments, pH of 7.85 and the adsorbent mass of 1g/100mL were fixed. The COD values were measured by return reflux method according to D 5220 method presented in Standard Methods book for water and wastewater examinations. Data were analyzed with Freundlich, Langmuir and Temkin isotherm models for determining of adsorption isotherm. The charts were drawn by Excel software.Results: The results of this study showed that the average of gasoline removal percent in 1 and 2% was 93.64±3.17 and 53.7±22.76, respectively that the difference was significant (P-value<0.05). Also, the average adsorption capacity of granular activated carbon for 1 and 2 % concentration of gasoline was attained 264.28±53.71 and 199.85±87.17 mg/g that this difference was not significant (P-value>0.05). Regression coefficients showed that adsorption data followed by Freundlich isotherm model and pseudo-second order kinetic.Conclusion: We can conclude from this study that the activated carbon is an appropriate adsorbent for decreasing of COD due to gasoline contamination in water. The use of this adsorbent can well decrease COD of water contamination due to gasoline at times of 30 min.

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View 1353

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Introduction: Today technology development and is notable the role of labor in industrial environments. Hence Importance of the having a safety culture, safety climate As a subset of safety culture survey perceptions of staff understanding about the work environment, level of interest in safety management and risk control measures relating to safety and deals with the turnout. And work hand in mine, is known among the riskiest. This study aimed to assess the safety climate was one of the mines in Yazd province 2012.Methods: This Study was cross-sectional descriptive. Community was the operation of mines in Yazd province formed the census method, 32 patients were included. Data collection tools in two section with a valid safety climate questionnaire of twenty questions (α=0.77) in seven domains including four item management commitment (α=0.8), three item communication about safety issues (α=0.83) three item safe environment (α=0.77), three item responsibility managers (α=0.75), three item perceived risk (α=0.64), two item job satisfaction (α=0.71) and the consciousness safety issues with two item (α=0.84) if the answer to the five-degree Likert completely disagree (1 point) to totally agree (5). The second part of demographic and background questions included: age, marital status, work history, monthly income, education, and work long and shifts. The interview data collected by the Mine Safety and Environment authority were tested by SPSS-18 by using descriptive and analytical tests such as the Pearson correlation, ANOVA, independent T-test and linear regression analysis α=0.05.Results: 28.1% single, 71.9% married, 40.6% of primary and guidance school education, 21.9% diploma and 28.1% had bachelor's or higher. Mean score of each of the domains were management's commitment 11.09±2.66, Communication 7.50±2.36, environment safety 8.09±1.92, responsible managers, 6.56±1.58, to risk perception 8.43±1.56, job satisfaction 4.59±1.58 and consciousness of safety issues 4.25±1.27. The mean age among the domains of management commitment (r=-0.458,p=0.008), communication about safety issues (r=-0.390 , p=0.027), there was a significant correlation.Risk perception and consciousness of safety issues Domains predictive job satisfaction.Conclusion: The results showed that statues of verity safety calamite domain were in average level in view point of mine labor.

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