Introduction: There is a vast variety of environmental health condition factors influencing students' health status such as the quality and quantity of drinking fountains, toilets, potable water condition, removing sewage system, garbage management, safety, sport grounds and green area. Lack of information about the conditions of these factors may leave devastating and irreparable effects on the health condition of society. Regarding the important role of school environmental conditions in promoting the health level in society, this research was conducted in Kerman in 1386 to have an overall investigation of school health condition and school agronomy.Method: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional research. The sample included 257 students of primary, secondary, high school and pre-university in Kerman.The data were collected by census. The checklist was cmpleted by going to schools, observations and interviews with practitioners. Later the collected data were analyzed with SPSS software.Results: Of the schools, 68 % were state-run whereas 32% were non- profitable schools. In 55.7 % of primary and secondary schools the required area per student had been observed while it hadnot been observed in 86% of high schools and technical schools.The estimated green area per student is 0.5 m2 but had not been observed in 67.4 % schools.53.1 % schools had no health service room.89.9 % of schools had healthy potable water. In only 66.3 % of schools each toilet was provided for 40 students. In 95, 96% of schools sewage removing system was hygienic.76% of schools had hygienic dust bin among which 90.2% followed the standard time lag of empting and washing the dust bins.76% of schools observed the article No.13 of school legislation for nutritious, cosmetic and hygienic materials in schools buffet. In 92.6% of schools, there was a proportion between benches and students height.80% of school took advantage of sunlight.Conclusion: It seems that during the last 13 years, the health and safety conditions of schools have developed and improved and, generally speaking, 80% of the schools had made use ed light perfectly.