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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 63)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 63)
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    1 (پیاپی 63)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 967

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To evaluate the effect of stem pruning and plant density on yield and yield components of pumpkin, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications was carried out at the Research Field of University of Zanjan in spring 2011. In this study, plant density in three levels including 8000, 12000, 16000 plant/ha and stem pruning in three levels including no stem pruning and stem pruning after 14 and 18 nodes formation were investigated. Results showed that stem pruning had significant (p≤0.05) effects on all traits except number of seed per fruit. The highest fruit yield (142.2 ton/ha) and seed yield (3219 kg/ha) were obtained at pruning of stem after formation of 14 nods and the lowest fruit yield (112 ton/ha) and seed yield (2775 kg/ha) were obtained at no stem pruning treatment. Also, results showed that the plant density had significant effect (p ≤ 0.01) on fruit and seed yield. The highest fruit yield (157.4 ton/ha) and seed yield (3754 kg/ha) was obtained in 16000 plant/ha and the lowest fruit yield (93.5 ton/ha) and seed yield (2170.8 kg/ha) were obtained in 8000 plant/ha. Interaction effect of stem pruning and plant density on measured traits was not significant.

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    1 (63)
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Hypericum genus is one of the most important medicinal plants in Iran. Currently in Iran, there are 17 herbaceous, perennial and shrub species of Hypericum of which three species are endemic to Iran. This research was aimed to investigate Hypericine content in nine species of Hypericum. For Hypericine content 1 gram of plant was extracted in two steps, chloroform extraction then methanol extraction using a Soxhlet device. Hypericin content was measured by HPLC, using the following condition, mobile phase: (methanol 68%, ethyl acetate 20% and sodium hydrosulphate (0.1 M) 12%) and stationary phase C18, and UV detector: set on 590 nm. Generally, no hypericin was detected in different organs of H. androsaemum L. Hypericine content detected in flowers, leaves and stems were: H. apricum Kar. & Kir. (in flowers 0.061% and leaves 0.005%), H. armenum Jaub. & Spach (flower 0.003%), H. asperulum Jaub. & Spach (in flower 0.025%, leaves 0.004% and stems 0.003%), in H. hirsutum L. (flower 0.007%), in H. linarioides Boss. (flower 0.007%), in H. tetrapterum Fries (flowers 0.008%, leaves 0.014%, and stem 0.001%), and H.vermiculare Boiss. & Hausskn. (flowers 0.005%), in H. perforatum L. (flowers 0.124%, leaf 0.028% , stem 0.003).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1153

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    1 (63)
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In this study the effect of drought stress on morphological traits, metabolites proline accumulation, soluble carbohydrates and the yield of Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.), was evaluated in order to produce Tarragon in drought stress condition as a medicinal plant, and also determine the threshold of stress tolerance. This research was done using randomized complete blocks design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The stress treatments were included T1 (100% of field capacity), T2 (80% of field capacity), T3 (60% of field capacity) and T4 (40% of field capacity). According to the results of statistical analysis, the drought stress had significant effect on morphological traits, flowering shoot yield, proline and soluble carbohydrates. In addition, the enhancement of drought stress led to decrease in plant height, canopy diameter, leaf length, leaf width and leaf surface, stem diameter, the length of longest lateral shoot, root length and its development, shoot yield and dry leaf yield. Comparison of treatment means showed that the highest plant height, canopy diameter, leaf length, leaf width and leaf surface, stem diameter, the length of longest lateral shoot, root length, shoot yield and dry leaf yield were related to T1 (non stress); in addition, the highest amount of proline, soluble carbohydrates and root development were related to T4 (40%FC). Therefore, drought stress had negative effect on most morphological traits and flowering shoot yield; however, it led to increase in the root length, proline and soluble carbohydrates of flowering shoots.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1380

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    1 (63)
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It has been widely accepted that the increase of atmospheric pollutants and depletion of ozone, are the main causes for the increase of ultraviolet radiation on the earth. In the present study, the effects of UV-B and UV-C on of Malva neglecta calli were investigated. Besides mocuza whose wound healing effects is well known, the plant contains different flavonoids and anthocyanins which are known as good antioxidant and UV protectants as well. Explants from leaves were surface-sterilized and cultured on a modified B5 medium. After 7 days, the calli were emerged and were subcultured every 10 days. After 11 subcultures, the calli were exposed to different doses of UV irradiation as follows: 144, 288, 432, 576, 720, 864, 1296, and 1728 j/m2 for UV-B and 204, 408, 612, 816, 1020, 1284, 1836, and 2448 j/m2 for UV-C. The results showed that the flavonoids and anthocyanins contents (UV absorbing compounds) were increased significantly, compared with the control cells. The levels of apigenin and delphinidin in Malva neglecta cells decreased after exposure to UV-B and UV-C compared to the control calli. Malvidin increased in UV-B and UV-C exposed Malva neglecta cells. In addition, membrane lipid peroxidation increased by longer exposure to UV-C and UV-B, compared to the control cells. The results suggest that the effects of UV-B and UV-C on flavonoids and anthocyanins contents of callus-cultured Malva neglecta cells are not identical and therefore they should be differentially suggested as tools for increase of desigred components.

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View 979

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    1 (63)
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Rosewater industry, a supplementary industry in Kashan, is one of the important sources of income and occupation for this province’s inhabitants. Due to the limitation of production resources and rich background in rosewater industry in Iran, technical efficiency of its production was studied using economic optimality principles with usage of production inputs from rosewater producers in city of Kashan in 2009. Information and data were collected through questionnaire from 100 rosewater producers in 5 sections. Sampling method was classification with proportional allocation. After estimation of Translog functional form and its selection as optimum form of relationships between production and inputs consumption, technical efficiency by stochastic frontier analysis was obtained. Results of the estimated production function showed that 22% of producers used flower input more than optimum level while 28% of producers used water input in first production area, i.e., with increasing of this input they could increase their production. The average of technical efficiency in sample was 97% which has fluctuated between minimum of 67% and maximum of 99%. Also, age, experience, getting new knowledge and creation of side revenue were effective factors on efficiency and with increasing of experience, getting new knowledge and creation of side revenue they can increase their efficiency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1036

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    1 (63)
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During recent years, using medicinal plants in many countries around the world has uptrend. In many types of people are using natural plants such circumstances knowledge of factors related to utilization of medicinal plants, information and possible intervention to change behavior in order to expand use of medicinal plants, is effective. Considering the importance of Yazd in the production of medicinal plants in this study to determine factors associated with the use of medicinal plants by the inhabitants of Yazd city, has been done. This study used a survey questionnaire that apparent validity and reliability was confirmed, was performed. Study population included residents of the city of Yazd were selected for sample from random cluster sampling was used and a total of 500 patients were studied. Also analyzed data from the statistical software SPSS (version 16) was used. After reconciling the demographic economic and other variables - social, some findings showed that the use of medicinal plants in the form of women significantly more than men, people with a degree diploma in the form of significantly higher than other academic and government insurance form significantly greater than other types of insurance was. The significant correlation between the residential area, age, occupation, monthly income, insurance and economic status using medicinal plants did not exist.

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View 1788

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    1 (63)
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Portulaca oleracea L. belongs to Portulacaceae order. From the physiological point of view, P. oleracea L., generally known as ragwed, has a very high tolerance and compatibility to the environments polluted with salts or heavy metals. It is considered as a suitable species in planting as well as in refining soil and environment from these kinds of stresses. According to these contexts and in order to show the effects of two heavy metals, lead and copper, on malondialdehyde, proline and antioxidant enzymes activity some experiments were performed in a completely randomized design. For this purpose, plants were planted in sterile bed, leca, irrigated with Hogland nutrient solotion. Treatments included different concentrations of Pb (NO3) 2 and CuSO4.5H2O (0, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 1500 mM) with three replications. After ten days of treatment, plants were harvested for experiments. According to the results, an increased absorption of lead and copper was recoreded at high concentrations compared to the control treatment. The amount of atomic absorption of these two elements in roots was more than that of shoots. Stress increased significantly at high concentrations compared to the control. The amount of proline showed a significant upward trend in both lead and copper stress as well as in both roots and shoots. Peroxidase activity showed a significant upward trend in both lead and copper stress as well as in both shoots and roots while a significant downward trend was recorded for catalase activity. In general, a higher amount of malondialdehyde, proline and peroxidase activity was obtained in root samples comperd to shoot samples, indicating the role of root as the main accumulator of heavy metals, lead and copper. The lower catalase activity in roots compared to shoots proved enzyme sensitivity towards high Pb and Cu accumulation in roots.

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View 1177

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    1 (63)
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Rose is known as the queen of flowers. Rosa damask (Rosa damascena Mill.) is utilized as a main source of rose oil and rose water in Iran. Biotechnology methods are considered as a fast and efficient way to produce haploid plants and pure lines. Among the different methods, androgenesis is considered as the most effective procedure, due to its high quantity of microspores in the anthers. In the present study, the effect of medium composition was evaluated on anther culture in two ecotypes of Damask rose, and miniature rose. The results showed that the interaction between H1 medium and mid-uninucleate stage produced the highest callogenesis in Damask rose, Kashan ecotype. Furthermore, the results showed that removing ammonium nitrate and doubling potassium nitrate in the medium produced higher callogenesis. In miniature rose, the medium containing calcium chloride and calcium nitrate produced higher callogenesis. Also, the amino acids improved callogenesis in anther culture of Damask rose, and miniature rose. Moreover, glycine, glutamine and casein hydrolysate were more effective than other studied amino acids. Sucrose was a better sugar compared to sorbitol for callogenesis in the studied genotypes. The chromosome counting and flowcytometery results illustrated that the produced calli were tetraploid (28 chromosomes).

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View 1394

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Thymus eriocalyx (Ronniger) Jalas belongs to the family Lamiaceae. Among different species of Thymus, distributed in the world, 18 species are growing in Iran, of which four species are endemic. To study the variation of essential oils among population individuals of this species in Iran D.S.S. (Determination of special station) method was used. In this study, the aerial parts of 5 individuals of Thymus eriocalyx were collected from 10 special stations, at full flowering stage for chemical investigation and were dried at room temperature. The essential oil was extracted by hydrodistilation method using a Clevenger-type apparatus. The chemical composition of essential oils was analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Results showed that the highest average yield of essential oil in three replications based on dry weight belonged to the first individual of Te2 population (4.09%), while the lowest was recorded for the second individual of Te10 population (0.21%). Totally, thirty one compounds were identified in the essential oil of 10 studied population individuals. In this study, it is noteworthy that the individuals of a population showed variation among themselves in terms of chemical compositions. Among existing chemical compounds in the essential oil of 50 individuals, the following compounds revealed the variation widely: p-cymene (0.1-20.1%), 1,8-cineole (0.4- 29.4%), γ-terpinene (0.1-8.7%), linalool (0.1-82.3%), camphor (0.1-15%), borneol (1.6-22.7%), geraniol (0.1-74.6%), thymol (0.1-57.7%), geranyl acetate (0.1-49.6%), caryophyllene oxide (0.2-9.1%), limonene (0.2-24%) and α-terpineol (0.1-36.2%). The results of the analysis of chemical data using MVSP Software by UPGMA and PCO methods led to the identification of 9 chemotypes as follows of which 7 chemotypes were introduced as new chemotypes: 1-geraniol/geranyl acetate, 2-geraniol, 3- linalool/geraniol/geranyl acetate, 4-linalool, 5-α-terpineol/1,8-cineole, 6-geranyl acetate, 7-geraniol/thymol/borneol/1,8-cineole, 8-thymol/limonene and 9-thymol/p-cymene/borneol.

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View 1205

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In order to find recyclable, environment friendly and easy accessible insecticides, the essential oils of Thuja occidentalis L. (Cupressaceae), was used against the adults of Lasioderma serricorne F. (Col.: Anobiidae). The analysis of T. occidentalis essential oil used for insect fumigation by phase gas chromatography revealed the presence of 22 compounds including a-thujone (49.64%), fenchone (14.06%), and b-thujone (8.98%). The experiment was conducted in 6 replications using a completely randomized design of factorial experiment. The essential oil was extracted by water distillation method. Experiment was carried out at 30±2 oC and 60±5% R. H. under dark condition. Treatments consisted of 5 concentrations of essential oil with three replications for each concentration. Each replication contained 20 adults of 7-14- day old. According to the results, the studied oil showed a significant lethality against the adults of Lasioderma serricorne. LC50 value for the oil of T. occidentalis, in this experiment was 246 ml/l airs for L. serricorne.

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View 1062

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Nowdays, in spite of all scientific advances in medicine and pharmacology and increasing production of chemical drugs, traditional medicine as well as the name of medicinal species is more important and remarkable. Origanum majorana in Iranian traditional medicine has been introduced as an anti-stress and tranquilizer agent. The present study was performed to compare the anti-stress effect of this herb on male rat with diazepam. Different groups of male wistar rats with the same age and weight, received Origanum majorana extract with doses of (100, 200, 400 mg/kg, ip) per kg of body weight, and 1.2 mg/kg diazepam per kg of body weight and dimethyl sulphoxide with an equal volume. The injection was intraperitoneall, 30 minutes before assessing the effects of sedation and antianxiety by using an elevated plus maze. Results showed a significant increase in induced sleep time with ketamine and time spent on the open arms of the patient in the group with doses of 200, 400 mg/kg Origanum majorana extract (p≤0.01). In addition, it was found that Origanum majorana extract with a dose of 200 mg/kg per kg of body weight was significant compared to diazepam at a dose of 1.2 mg/kg and had sedation and antianxiolytic effects.

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View 1799

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In this research, in order to study the effect of different packaging on essential oil content, antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds, total flavonoid, flavone and flavonol content, microbial load and color characteristics of Dracocephalum moldavica L., an experiment in a randomized complete design (RCD) with nine treatments and three replications was carried out. The packaging treatments were P1: control (without definite packaging), P2: polyethylene packaging with ambient gas combination exposed in light conditions P3: Polyethylenepolyamide package with ambient gas combination exposed in light conditions, P4: polyethylene-polyamide packaging with ambient gas combination exposed in dark conditions, P5: polyethylene-polyamide packaging with 5% O2 and 95% N2 gas combination exposed in light conditions, P6: polyethylene-polyamide packaging with 5% O2 and 95% N2 gas combination exposed in dark conditions, P7: polyethylene-polyamide packaging and vacuum gas combination exposed in light conditions, P8: polyethylene-polyamide packaging and vacuum gas combination exposed in dark conditions, P9: dried material before of packaging. All packages were stored at room temperature for three months. Results showed that packaging treatments had significant effects on some factors. The maximum essential oil content (0.73 and 0.72%, respectively v/w) was related to pre-packaged sample and P8 treatments and minimum essential oil content belonged to control, P2 and P5 treatments (0.28, 0.37 and 0.39%, respectively). Maximum antioxidant activity was obtained in pre-packaged, P1 and P5 treatments while P2 and P4 treatments showed minimum antioxidant activity. The highest (188.8) and the lowest (72.) content of phenolic compounds (mg Quercitin/g DW) were measured in P9 and P2 treatments respectively. The maximum (78.6) and the minimum (14.1) content of flavonoids (mg Quercitin/g DW) were detected in P9 and P7 treatments, respectively. Fungal colony in P9 treatment (4´103 Cfu) was higher than other packaging methods while the quantity of this contamination was not significantly different among other packaging treatments.

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View 1190

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To study the effect of different levels of soil moisture, zeolite and biofertilizers on physiological characteristics, yield and essential oil of medicinal plant Dracocephalum moldavica L., this research was performed in 2010 at Tehran university research greenhouse. For this purpose, a factorial split-plot experiment in RCBD with 4 replications was used. In this study the main plots included different soil moisture levels (90%, 60% and 30 % FC) and subplots consisted of two levels of zeolite (zero, 8gr 4kg-1 soil) along with four levels of biofertilizers (without biofertilizer, nitroxin, biphosphorous, nitroxin+biphosphorous). Results showed that the highest amount of total, a and b chlorophylls, relative water content and yield of essential oil were obtained through %90 FC, but the highest amount of solution carbohydrates, proline and percentage of essential oil were obtained through %30 FC. The maximum amount of studied physiological traits as essential oil percentage and essential oil yield were obtained from application of nitroxin+biophosphorous. Interaction effects of soil moisture, zeolite and biofertilizers showed significant differences among different treatments on amount of a, b and total chlorophyll, relative water content, percentage and yield of essential oil. The maximum amount of oil yields were obtained from zeolite application and combination of nitroxin+biphosphorous and 60% FC and treatment of no consumption of zeolite and combination of nitroxin+biphosphorous with 90% FC. It could be concluded that moderate drought stress (60% FC) with application of zeolite and combination of nitroxin+biphosphorous is beneficial for Dragonhead essential oil yield.

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View 960

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Aloe vera L. is considered as one of the most important medicinal species, having high resistance to water scarcity and soil salinity. To investigate the effects of planting date and location on yield and a few characteristics of Aloe vera, a split plot experiment in a randomized complete blocks design was conducted with three replications in 2009. The main treatment included location at two levels (Tekab, 329 m a.s.l and Chahar Farsakh, 930 m a.s.l) and two planting dates including (October 2009 and February 2009) were considered as sub treatments. Data were analyzed in terms of yield per plant, height, leaf length, leaf width, and gel yield. According to the results, the highest yield, plant survival, gel yield and leaf number were obtained from the second planting date (25 Feb.). Also, a significant and positive correlation was found among the studied traits, as leaf number, leaf diameter, and plant height had the highest correlation with flower yield. According to the obtained results, the best planting location and planting date were Tekab (Shahdad) and 25 February, respectively.

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View 895

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In order to identify the best genotypes of rose (Rosa damascene Mill.), a field experiment was conducted in a randomized completely blocks design with seven treatments and three replications. Flower number, flower fresh weight, yield, petal fresh weight, petal to flower fresh weight ratio, petal number, flower diameter, flowering period, essential oil weight were investigated for seven genotypes of rose (Fars1, Fars2, Darab1, Darab2, Darab3, Estahban1, Meymand). Essential oil was obtained by distillation method and essential oil composition was determined by GC and GC/MS. Data analysis was performed by SAS and Jamp4. According to the results of mean comparisons, the highest yield and flower number were recorded for Darab1, Meymand and Fars2, while the highest amount of essential oil was obtained for Maymand and Fars2. A positive and significant correlation was also found between yield and flower number, leading to the increased essential oil. Citronellol, neral, and n-nonadecane were identified as the major components of the essential oil, respectively found in Darab1, Darab3, and Estahban1.

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