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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The researches have shown that some plants extracts has protective effects on rats hepatocytes. Most plants have different phenol compounds that for eliciting of them solvents such as ethanol, ethylacetate and water are used. These phenol compounds are able to neutralize free radicals by giving them electrons. Thioacetamide as a destructive toxin in hepatocytes is changed into S-oxide metabolic which is a dangerous free radical and can lead to necrosis and apoptosis of hepatocytes. For evaluation of hepatocytes damages on the treated rats by thioacetamide and also the study of the effects of protective phenol compounds of silymbum extract and hydro-alcoholic, aqueous ginger extract, the value of serum transaminesis of GPT, GOT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, sodium and potassium has been determined. In this research, the male and female of wistar rats have been used. Rats were divided into ten group of five, then thioacetamide with a dose of 50 mg/kg and the extracts with a dose of 100 mg/kg were both injected (I.P) in a sequence of three days. 48 hours after the last injection, blood was directly taken from heart and its serum was prepared. The above mentioned factors were measured and the results have shown that ginger hydro-alcoholic and aqueous extract and silybum extract would have a positive effect on hepatocytes of rats treateds by thioacetamide (P<0/05). A significant difference was not seen among the factors in the male and female rat. Comparatively, the results have determined that the protective effect of silybum extract was higher than the ginger aqueous extract and ginger aqueous extract higher than ginger hydro-alcoholic extract. The protective effect of these extracts is due to the existence of polyphenol substances in the plants, these substances have an antioxydant function.

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Saffron (Crocus Sativus L.) has different biological properties including anticancer activity. In the present research, we studied the possible molecular mechanisms of the saffron as an anticancer compound (interaction with DNA, H1 and H1-DNA complex), in addition to the purification of saffron components. The isolation and purification of major components of Iranian Saffron including carotenoids (crocin, crocetin and dimethylcrocetin) and monoterpen aldehydes (picrocrocin and safranal) performed by different methods. The existence of three types of picrocrocin and four types of crocin in Iranian saffron by using TLC and HPLC techniques was shown. The major fraction of crocins and picrocrocins were extracted. The effects of saffron components on two macromolecules, DNA and H1, as well as the H1-DNA complex were studied. The interaction of saffron extract and all of the cited components investigated with DNA. The results showed the non-intercalative binding of the mentioned ligands with DNA and suggested the minor groove binding. The binding parameters for crocin interaction with DNA obtained (n= 0.54 and K= 2×10-5 M-1). The circular dichroism spectra indicated that the mentioned components interact with DNA at low concentrations, which is accompanied by some conformational changes, B- to C-DNA transition; however, at higher concentrations, they induce more conformational changes, i.e. unstacking of DNA bases. Spectrophotometric investigations of histone H1 titration by different components showed some changes in the peaks. These data indicated the binding of these components to histone H1. All components quenched the fluorescence emission of histone H1 as the result of its structural changes upon complex formation. By Scatchard analysis of the quenching data the binding parameters (n and K) calculated. Histone H1- DNA interaction were also studied in the absence and presence of each ligand. Our results showed that both carotenoids and monoterpene aldehydes of saffron cause the reduction on H1-DNA interaction by about 5 to 22%. These results are preliminary data to confirm our hypothesis that may be the anticancer effect of saffron is due to their interaction with DNA and reduction in the H1-DNA complxes.

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View 2088

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    2 (32)
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trans-a-Bergamotene is an aromatic compound that is used for synthesize of the other aromatic compounds. Pimpinella affinis Ledeb. grows wild in different regions of Iran, north, north-west, center, eastern and north-east. In This research, the aerial parts and seeds of P. affinis were collected from Noshahr in 2003 and 2004. Essential oils were isolated by hydro-distillation. The yields of stem plus the leaf, inflorescence and seed oils for the first year were 0.26%, 1.1% and 4.1% w/w and for the second year were 0.26%, 0.86% and 2.45%, respectively. Four constituents in stem plus the leaf oil, five constituents in inflorescence oil and six constituents in seed oil were identified in samples of 2003. Six constituents in stem plus the leaf oil, fifteen constituents in inflorescence oil and six constituents in seed oil were identified in samples of 2004. Major constituent of the stem plus the leaf, inflorescence, and seed oils was trans-a-Bergamotene (91.1%, 96.2% and 90.2% in 2003 and 94.3% 84.9% and 95.5% in 2004, respectively).

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View 915

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    2 (32)
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This study has been conducted to overcoming seed dormancy of Rubia tinctourum L., Echinacea angustifolia D.C. and Myrtus communis L.. Treatments to break seed dormancy in Rubia tinctourum included: untreated seed (control), mechanical scarification with sandpaper, imbibitions in hot water at 70oC and 90°C for 5 and 10 minutes, chemical scarification with concentrated sulfuric acid for 10, 15 or 20 minutes, pre-chilling (4oC) for 2, 4 or 6 weeks, soaking in gibberellic acid (500ppm) and continuous light. Treatments to break seed dormancy in Echinacea angustifolia included: untreated seed (control), soaking in gibberellic acid (250 and 500 ppm), continuous light, Potassium Nitrate (0.3%), pre-chilling (4°C) for 4, 7 or 10 weeks, continuous light and combined treatment (soaking in gibberellic acid (250ppm) and pre-chilling for 4 week). Treatments to break seed dormancy in Myrtus communis included: untreated seed (control), mechanical scarification with blade and sandpaper, chemical scarification with concentrated sulfuric acid for 3 minutes, pre-chilling (4°C) for 7 or 10 weeks and soaking in gibberellic acid (250 and 500ppm). According to results in R. tinctourum, sulfuric acid for 15 minutes was significantly efficient in promoting germination. From the above one can infer that dormancy of the seeds of R. tinctourum was probably associated with the seeds coat, since the treatment that induce germination were those that can effect disruption of the seed coat. This experiment also showed that combined treatment significantly increased E. angustifolia seed germination. As stratification and GA3 had main role on breaking of seed dormancy so it is known that dormancy is physiological and it is related to embryo and inhibitor factor or both of them. Results indicated that germination of M. communis seeds mechanically scratched with blade significantly increased. So, reason of seed dormancy is hard coated seeds. The seed coat is as one physical barrier against growth of embryo or radicle that inhibits in absorption of water and gas-exchanges. Therefore, type of dormancy is initial dormancy (induced dormancy).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1494

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    2 (32)
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Wheat and barley are the most important stored products and the pests, for example Trogoderma granarium and Tribolium spp., are serious problems for these products. The resistance of insects, in particular stored product pests to chemical insecticides such as phosphin and malathion, caused that a lot of research accomplished about natural, physiological, biological and microbial control. Eucalyptus camaldulensis is an important tree which used for non-chemical control. In this research, the experiments accomplished on the insecticide and repellent property of eucalyptus seed and leaf powder. The experiments for insecticide property carried out at 8 treatments and 4 replications. The results of this research showed that the LC50 of eucalyptus seed powder for Trogoderma granarium and Tribolium spp. was 5.98 and 5.63gr/100gr. So the LC50 of eucalyptus leaf powder for Trogoderma granarium and Tribolium spp. was 6.86 and 6.35gr/100gr. The experiments for repellent property carried out at 3 treatments and 4 replications. The results of this research indicated that the repellent property of eucalyptus seed powder for Trogoderma granarium and Tribolium spp. was 67 and 75 percent. So the repellent property of eucalyptus leaf powder for Trogoderma granarium and Tribolium spp. was 50 and 65 percent.

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View 2254

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    2 (32)
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Aerial parts of Salvia santolinifolia Boiss. were collected in full flowering stage from three different localities from Darab (Fars province), Haji Abad and Fareghan (Hormozgan province). The oils were obtained by hydro-distillation and analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The essential oil yields were 0.72, 0.53 and 0.41 % (w/w) based on dry weight of plants, respectively. Thirty-three, 30 and 32 compounds were identified in samples which constituted 99.1, 99.9 and 99.8 % of the total oils, respectively. In the oil obtained from Darab, a-pinene (54%), Borneol (15%) and camphene (9.8%) were found as the major components. From Haji Abad sample, a-pinene (72%), b-pinene (6.6%) and limonene (5.3%) were characterized as the main compounds. In the essential oil from Fareghan, constituents such as a-pinene (70%), b-pinene (5.7%) and limonene (5.2%) were determined as the principal ones. The results showed that the differences in essential oil composition could be considered as chemotaxonomic significance and it may be attributed to their different ecological and geographical origin factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1190

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    2 (32)
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Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is an annual range medicinal plant that wildly grows in some places of Iran. This research is the first ecological survey on milk thistle. The purpose is was to study ecological characteristics and phonologic stages of milk thistle. The climate of the area is wet. Annual average precipitation is 879.63 millimeters and annual average temperature is 16.29 centigrade. Results showed that the plant density and canopy cover in area was 30,000 plants per hectare and 33.2 % respectively. The mean length of root was 23 cm. The phonological studies showed that growth of roset leaves of milk thistle started from the end of September and continued till mid March. Stems appeared at the end of March, flowering took place from the end of April and the fruits ripped in mid May. On the basis of soil analysis, milk thistle prefers clay loam soils. Amounts of P, K, Ca, N, Organic matters, pH and EC were 4.25 ppm, 1584 ppm, 1.54 meq/lit, 0.16%, 4.26% and 0.1692 mMoh/cm respectively. Silymarin in the seed was 1.67%. Silybin in silymarin was 6.17%. Two different kinds of insect named: Oxythyrea cincletta and Epicormetis hirta poda observed on this plant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1254

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    2 (32)
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Ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight has high energy. It was divided into three bands A, B, and C, due to the wavelength. Plants protected themselves from this kind of radiation, by two mechanisms, enzymatic and non-enzymatic. These mechanisms can be used for medicinal plants. Many of the secondary metabolites including flavonoids, anthocyanin and alkaloids are medicinally important and they as well have a vital role in scavenging of the free radical created by UV radiation. Therefore, UV radiation seems to be able to increase these compounds in plants. In this research the effect of UV-B and UV-C on the amounts of these compounds (flavonoids, anthocyanin and alkaloids) in hyoscyamus niger and hyoscyamus muticus was studied. The seeds were collected from their habitat, sown in pots in growth cabinet at 21±1oC and light period of 16.8 light /dark. After 3 weeks, these plants were treated with UV-B and UV-C for 30 minutes every day, during 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, plant materials were harvested and freezed using liquid nitrogen. The samples were used for determination these parameters. Flavonoids were measured by HPLC method. The amount of flavonoids increased in comparison to the control. Anthocyanins concentration were measured using spectrophotometer. The extinction coefficient was used to calculate the concentration. This compound was shown to increase 35% and 50% in UV-B and UV-C, respectively in comparison to the control. The calculation of reducing sugar showed that these sugars decreased in both species when treated either with UV-B or UV-C.

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View 1452

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Essential oil from aerial parts of Chenopodium botrys L. (Chenopodiacea) was obtained by two methods, hydro-distillation and solvent extraction using n-hexane. From the first oil 29 compounds constituting 91.84% of the total components (34 compounds.) were identified, of which α-eudesmol (15.2%), epi-a-muurolol (11.1%) and cubenol (10.2%) were the major constituents. In the second oil 14 compounds were identified thet representing 91.05% of the oil with α-chenopodiol acetate (35.0%) and eudesma-3, 11-dien-6-a -ol (18.9%) as the major constituents. Essential oil from aerial parts of Ferulago subvelutina Rech. F. (Apiaceae) was obtained by hydro-distillation method. Thirty six from 39 compounds constituting 98.29% were identified, which limonene (27.5%), a-phellandrene (23.1%) and a-pinene (13.3%) were the major components. Essential oil from flower of Rosa gallica L. (Rosaceae family) was obtained by solvent extraction method by n-Hexane. Twelve from 13 components constituting 98.01% were identified which nonadecene (23.8%), isopropyl tiglate (17.5%), 2-methyl-4-heptane (14.9%) and nnonane (11.9%) were the majors. Antibacterial activities of essential oils were investigated on pathogens including three species of Staphylococcus genus, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhi and Echerichia coli.

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View 1120

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In order to study the effects of plant density on yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) an experiment was conducted in Homand Research Station of Pasture under a completely randomized block design with 3 Replication in 2004. The treatment were 17, 25 and 35 Row Spacing (29, 20 and 14 Plant/m2, respectively). The results showed significant difference between densities for seed and biomass yield. Stigma yield also increased with high density. Seed per pappus and harvest index were decreased and number of pappus per plant was decreased significantly with high density. Therefore, safflower could be cultivated and produced with optimum yield under dry farming of Damavand Region.

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View 1520

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The abundant usage from medicinal and aromatic plants shows the place and role of these valuable resources in the world. At first, we should collect and identify all of the medicinal and aromatic plants in our region. The Qom province has different condition in climatic, topography and pedology and so it has a different species of medicinal and aromatic plants. At first Qom floristic list was prepared and after a literature review the aromatic plants were identified. After this stage, some of studding site were considered and then data was recorded because of consideration to phonological condition of aromatic plants. Then ecological parameters were measured. The result showed that 39 species of about 230 medicinal plants were categorized as aromatic plants. These plants belonged to 5 families and 20 genus. 28 species were in semi-stepp region, 4 species were in stepp region and 7 species were common in both semi- stepp and stepp regions. The Labiatae had most frequency species (22) and other families are compositae 12, Umbelliferea 3, Verbenaceae 1, Ephedraceae 1 species.

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View 1771

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The introduction of new species is one method of agricultural development in each region. In this order, seeds of exotic medicinal species were imported from foreign research centers and a research program has been conducted in the field of Medicinal Plants Institute-ACECR in karaj-Iran along 1999-2004. The possibility of production was evaluated via study of their phonological stages f cultivated plants. Of course, selection of species was on the base of parameters such as medicinal properties and their active constituents, which sited in scientific references. The seeds of plants which need to indirect cultivation were planted in greenhouse at February and then seedlings transplanted to field in spring. The other seeds were planted directly in spring at the field. The results showed that 33 exotic species had good performance in direct of their growth & development characters which can be indicated to production potential of these species at karaj ecological conditions. In this study, it is determined that some of medicinal species which are valuable in herbal medicine have high performance for studied conditions such as Echinacea purpurea, Thymus vulgaris, Lavandula angustifolia, Saponaria officinalis, Valeriana officinalis, Tanacetum parthenium, Chrisanthemum cinerarifolium and so on.

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