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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    1 (مسلسل 56)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (مسلسل 56)
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Background: Medication administration is an important part of care process. Correct medication administration and its accordance with standards are essential concerning the significant effects on patients’ health. Hence, this study was designed and carried out to determine Medication administration process using “clinical audit”.Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional one which carried out with “clinical audit” in a hospital of Tabriz city in 2014. This audit conducted in six steps as followed: 1) selecting topic of clinical audit, 2) determining the criteria and standards, 3) assessment of current status, 4) comparing current situation with standards( Standards of Ministry of Health, Medication safety handbook, medication administration curriculum and NHS guideline in medication management), 5) designing and implementing intervention and 6) re-audit. In order to organize process evaluation, a valid instrument used via observation and checklist.Results: Results of this audit study revealed that 11 out of 25 assessed steps had very low accordance with standards (less than 15%) and the average accordance of total process was 47 percent before intervention. However, the average of standard adherence rate increased to 78 percent after intervention implementation.Conclusions: The results indicated the effectiveness of educational intervention programs in using kardex instead of medication card on improving medication administration process generally. In spite of the occurred improvement, it is necessary to have an ongoing assessment and intervention in order to quality improvement.

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    1 (56)
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Background: Nowadays, managers should develop working conditions which attracts new nurses, retains current nurses and prevents their absenteeism. This study at aim at determining Effective Factor Analysis on Health Related Absence among Nurses of Clinical Wards in General Hospitals Affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences.Materials and Methods: four hundred nurses of clinical wards selected as sample size to participate in this descriptive-analytical; cross-sectional study from general hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The instrument was a questionnaire in 100 items and two sections including demographic characteristics (13 items) and effective factors of sickness absence (organizational directorial factors in 49 questions, physical factors in 16 questions and mental factors in 22 questions). The validity of questionnaire confirmed by experts and reliability was calculated 0.79.Absenssism criterion was based on Rajbhandary and Basu' definition (2010); total numbers of days that they didn't present at ward/hospital due to sickness. Data gathered retrospectively from nurses' records. Data analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistics tests, simple and multiple linear regressions.Results: The mean age of participants was 44.97±5.910 and 73.8 of them were women. Explaining power of predicting factors was very well (F=71.121, P<0.01). Variables such as Marital Status (b=0.150, P<0.001), ward's type (b=-0.553, P<0.001), physical factors (β=0.101, P=0.001) and mental factors (b=0.226, P<0.001) explained 42% of the absence variance.Conclusion: considering some aspects such as physical and mental factors and also health issues of nursing staff based on wards' type can be result in absenteeism reduction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (56)
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Background: Medical errors and adverse events are the main reasons of many avoidable deaths and imposed expenditures in worldwide health systems. Hence, this study aimed to recognize some challenges, medical errors and adverse events, and to address the appropriate solutions in order to solve them in the Iranian health system.Materials and Methods: This qualitative study had three main data resources including key informants, national documents and expert panel. Key informants (30 persons) and experts (12 persons) were selected purposefully from macro, meso and micro levels of health system and some other health related organizations. Data were interpreted and analyzed through a mixed (inductive/deductive) thematic framework.Results: Although, most reasons of medical errors were in relation with weak patient security system and low level security culture in hospitals, other factors like manpower, physical and external agents of hospital environment induced these errors as well. The most considerable solutions to decrease the medical errors comprised identification of medical error reasons in different levels of heath system, errors documentation and generation a consolidated system for recognition and following the errors and their main causes.Conclusion: Relieveing the reasons of medical errors and adverse events can be a great step to prevent them. In order to eliminate the medical errors and its challenges, it is necessary to develop the consonant programs in national level via conclusive will of organizations, groups and related individuals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (56)
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Background: Suitable budget allocation of organizational activities can deliver the resources distribution, enabling operational monitoring and providing expected access to the cost results. The aim of this study was to calculate the cost of final units in one of the Armed Forces Hospitals.Materials and Methods: One of the Armed Forces Hospitals selected in 2013.Data gathered from all cost centers to costs calculation and evaluated based on theory of Activity-Based Costing analysis. General wards and intensive care units, operating rooms, dental, emergency and dialysis were considered as final units. Cost calculation performed using Excel software version 2007.Results: Total cost of hospital was 244,416 million rails in 2013 which direct and indirect allocated costs were 52% and 48%, respectively. The CCU, surgery ward, ICU and operating rooms had the highest and clinics and dental had the lowest in case of costs. More than 50 percent of the direct costs of all the units have been spent on manpower except the operating room. After labor costs, medication costs accounted for the largest percentage of direct spending units.Conclusion: Paying attention to human resources in terms of number and distribution of all units especially in the final units, also considering medications use particularly in middle units and consumables in overhead ones especially can be result in reduction and adjusting hospital costs.

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    1 (56)
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Background: Considering the importance of hand hygiene in nosocomial infections prevention and the low outcomes of performed researches in hand hygiene, this study aimed at assessing the effective factors on hand hygiene using planned behavior model among nursing and midwifery staff in atea hospital of Hamadan in 2015.Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive and cross-sectional study in which all nursing and midwifery staff of the Atea hospital selected through census sampling. Hand hygiene behavior was observed and all participants filled out a questionnaire based on Planned Behavior Model. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: only 31 participants (21.1%) had hand hygiene behavior higher than average and 123 (79.9%) had lower than average. Hand hygiene was in the lowest rate, 21.3% and 13% after patient contact and prior to action aseptic respectively. Knowledge (84%) and attitude (90.4%) about hand hygiene was high, but the level of perceived control, (53.35%) was at the low level. Also, there were significant statistical differences between perceived control and hand hygiene between subjective norms and hand hygiene (p<0.05).Conclusions: The knowledge and attitude to adopt hand hygiene behavior is not enough alone. Along with staff training, it is necessary to have hospital managers and physicians training, providing appropriate context and omitting barriers to have suitable hand hygiene behavior in practice.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (56)
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Background: Nursing is considered as one of the most stressful occupation which influences their quality of work and life. The inevitable fact of occupational stress and low emotional intelligence management leads to negative effect on the nurses’ performance. The study aimed at determining the relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress among the nurses of alzahra hospital in Isfahan.Materials and Methods: This study was an applied and descriptive survey. The study population consisted of 960 nurses of alzahra hospital in Isfahan. Sample size calculated 247 using Cochran formula. Sampling method was stratified random sampling. Data gathering was used by two questionnaires including emotional intelligence (sybershring) with 0.85 reliability coefficient and Health and Safety Institution of England (HSE) questionnaire with 0.84 reliability coefficients. Data analysis performed by SPSS software using independent t-test and Pierson Correlation Coefficient tests.Results: Findings revealed that the stress level and its measuring scales such as expectations, control, management support, colleague’s support and role ranked more and the interrelation scale ranked less than average among nurses. Emotional intelligence level of nurses and scales such as self-awareness and self-regulation ranked average and empathy, self-motivation and social skills ranked less than average. Therefore, there was a significant relation between the emotional intelligence level and nurses' stress in p<0.05. With increasing the emotional intelligence level, the occupational stress in nurses decreased.Conclusions: Having emotional intelligence skills can result in experiencing stress less and improving nursing performance; and better service quality among patients. Hence, hospital’s managers should be adopting proper policies with respect to the emotional intelligence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (56)
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Background: Given that Tabriz Shohada hospital is the place of admitting emergency patients including accident victims, Nurses are exposed to double stress at hospital. This study conducted to predict nursing stress based on personality traits and job engagement among nurses in Shohada hospital of Tabriz.Materials and Methods: The current study was a correlational one. Randomly selected 105 nurses from Tabriz Shohada hospital sections such as sixth general sections including Rehabilitation, ICU & Emergency Department participated. Contributors answered to Nursing Stress Scale, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised (EPQ-R) and Job Engagement Scale. Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression analysis.Results: The study results indicated that nursing stress was more strongly associated with the neuroticism; there were no relationships among nursing stress and extraversion or psychoticism. Also, nursing stress revealed a positive relationship with job engagement. Using the multivariate regression analysis showed that the neuroticism trait (p< 0.001, F=10.68) and job engagement (p= 0.004, F=10.12) were suitable predictors for nursing stress among three personality factors and job engagement.Conclusions: Nursing stress influenced by internal factors more than demographic variables and two important predictive variables (neuroticism trait and job engagement) had more important roles in nursing stress prediction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (56)
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Background: Nowadays, it is essential to employ medical and clinical librarians to provide the required information for healthcare professionals and enhance accessibility to evidence based information in hospital libraries. Thus, this study aimed at assessing the medical librarians' employment status in hospital libraries in Tehran city in 2013. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. Study population considered from all 152 hospitals in Tehran city. Data collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS version 18 using descriptive statistics.Results: only thirteen participants had medical librarianship and information science degree. While 28 persons graduated in librarianship and information science from universities affiliated to Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and others had degree in non relevant fields. The majority of participants (51.3 %) with non-related degree were educated empirically and others had learned librarianship skills with other methods. Most of participants were employed based on hiring official process and friends and relatives recommendation.Conclusions: There is a real lack of medical librarians in the hospital libraries in Tehran city. Thus, these libraries are not able to perform their professional duties such preparing information and omitting healthcare professionals' needs in hospitals. It is necessary that hospitals’ managers attempt to hire medical librarians' and overcome employment barriers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (56)
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Background: Informative hospital website is a suitable system to exchange information between patients, hospital and health professionals and attracting consumers in hospitals. This study aimed at determining quality indicators of hospitals' websites.Materials and Methods: A literature review study was performed by searching in different databases such as Pro Quest, Ovid, Science direct, Scopus, Google scholar, PMC, PubMed and Persian Electronic Databases like Iran medex, Magiran , SID, Iran doc) using Quality and Hospital website keywords. Full text of articles including English and Persian were reviewed from 2001 to 2014. Selection criteria were articles' subject which were about quality websites hospital and some articles which found from other health-related Websites (85 articles). According to the requirements and selection criteria 45 article were utilized.Results: In this review, some indicators notified such as Alexa rank, Google page rank, website type, technical content of website, information and hospital facilities, medical and admission service, online interactive services, research scientific activities, accessibility, speed of website, comprehensive plan of website, protect users' personal data, website language, user satisfaction, website map, possibility to navigating in hospital website, email of website and impartiality.Conclusion: Today, regarding to the importance of hospital websites' quality and addressing to biotourism, it is recommended that hospital websites become so efficient, accessible, useful, credible and accessible in order to further clients satisfaction.

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    1 (56)
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Background: Providing high quality, safe and effective health care services requires competent and motivated employees. Employee’s creativity plays a significant role in motivation and health care system productivity. Various individual and organizational factors influence employees’ creativity. This study aimed to examine the relationship between managers’ leadership style and employees’ creativity in Qazvin hospitals.Materials and Methods: Creativity and leadership questionnaires were used to conduct this descriptive and cross-sectional study. The questionnaires were distributed among 800 employees in ten hospitals using stratified sampling method. Descriptive and analytical methods utilized for data analysis using SPSS software.Results: The mean score of hospital employees’ creativity was 47.5 out of 60 (moderate level). The prevalent leadership style of managers was transformational. There was a significant statistical association between employees’ creativity and managers’ transformational leadership style.Conclusion: Since, leadership styles of hospital managers influence employees’ creativity, they have to apply appropriate leadership style to motivate employees and develop their creativity in order to improve hospital productivity.

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