Genus of salsola, have to many annual and perennials species. This is important plant in the arid and semi arid regions and it has more deployment in the country and Semnan province. 6 species of annual and 12 perennial species of salsola genus has known in the Semnan province. Salsola rigida, besides most of the gastronomy and desirability, has to the resisting species in the equivalent (opposite) natural unsuitable condition. This species perennial shrubs forms, distribution in the Semnan province rangeland. This plant has high nutritive value. For investigation of rang characteristic of them, at first step, has selected three sites with salsola rigida coverage: 1) with good coverage, 2) with average coverage and 3) weak vegetation. Then, it has measure density, canopy cover, quantity of production1, gravel and biomass. Therefore, quantity of canopy cover of salsola rigid in the first vision has %4.5 (450 m2/ha) and quantity of production has 219.7 kg/ha. In second region, quantity of canopy cover %3.9 (390 m2/ha) and quantity of production has 124.4 kg/ha. In the third region, quantity of canopy cover has %1.8 (180 m2/ha) and quantity of production has 31.3 kg/ha. This species produce a large amount of seed. So, it is possible to produce many shoot and numerous shrubs have been planted desert and dryland in the Semnan province and country. This plant is useful in several cases: 1) planted in the poor cover regions and regions that expose to desertification. 2) planted in the tribes traffic line for range management. 3) So, for increase of quantitative and qualitative of range forage for tribes animals (sheep and goat). In this manner, this plant is very good plant for natural resource action.