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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Considering positive effects of social support, resilience and intellectual aptitude on positive adjustment and individual's development in problematic positions, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of predictability of resilience, social support and intellectual aptitude in subjective well-being of students’ mothers with intellectual disability.Methods: This is a descriptive and correlational study. The statistical population was all mothers (436 students) of educable intellectual disability students studying at Noor exceptional school in Arak city in 2015-2016. For this purpose, 216 mothers were selected by convenience sampling method. Data collection tools included Vaux's social support questionnaire, King's intellectual aptitude scale (SISRI-24), Connor & Davidson's resilience scale, Lyubomirsky & Lepper's subjective happiness scale and Diener's satisfaction with life scale. Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data.Results: Results showed there was a positive relationship between the resilience, social support and intellectual aptitude with the subject's well-being and its dimensions (happiness and life satisfaction). Also, the results of multiple regression showed that intellectual Aptitude (B=0.42), social support (B=0.37) and resilience (B=0.11) can significantly predicted the subjective well-being in mothers of Students with intellectual disability respectively and 43% of the variance of the subject's well-being was explained using Intellectual Aptitude, Social support and Resilience.Conclusion: We can increase the subject's well-being (happiness and life satisfaction) among mothers by raising intellectual aptitude, social support and resilience.

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Introduction: Job burnout is one of the most important factors affecting intent to leave among nurses and quality of care. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of demographic and organizational variables and also job stress on burnout among nurses.Methods: This cross sectional study was done among 170 randomly selected nurses of a hospital in Shahroud. Data were collected using organizational demographic questionnaires, Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire. The data analysis was performed by Pearson correlation and multiple logistic regression at 0.05 significant level using SPSS version 24. Results: Among the dimensions of occupational stress, conflict with peers and lack of support had the highest (11.79±4.45) and the lowest (3.77±1.64) average respectively. The highest average of burnout was belonged to emotional exhaustion (19.29±9.65). Emotional exhaustion had a significant correlation with lack of support (OR=1.91, CI=1.14-3.18), inadequate preparation (OR=2.01, CI=1.13-3.57) and conflict with physicians (OR=1.64, CI=1.45-1.92). In addition, the depersonalization was positively correlated with death and dying, lack of support and personal accomplishment had a negative and positive association with inadequate preparation and clinical experience.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that improving some aspects of occupational stress, such as conflict with physicians, inadequate preparation, lack of support, death and dying, as well as improvement of shiftwork schedule might reduce perceived burnout.exhaustion had a significant correlation with lack of support (OR=1.91, CI=1.14-3.18), inadequate preparation (OR=2.01, CI=1.13-3.57) and conflict with physicians (OR=1.64, CI=1.45-1.92). In addition, the depersonalization had positively correlated with death and dying, lack of support and personal accomplishment had a negative and positive relation with inadequate preparation and clinical experience.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that improving some aspects of occupational stress, such as conflict with physicians, inadequate preparation, lack of support, death and dying, as well as improvement of shiftwork schedule might reduce perceived burnout.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Nurses with night shift work have sleep problems. Sexual quality of life can be a sing of health status and general quality of life. Aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sleep disturbances and sexual quality of life among female shift working nurses.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the studied population was female nurses working in hospitals affiliated to Shahroud University of Medical Sciences (Imam Hossein and Bahar). Sampling was carried out using convenience sampling. The inclusion criteria were history of shift working in hospital more than one year, having at least two night shifts in a week, married and living with a spouse, and willingness to participate in the study. All participants completed the informed consent form before entering to the study. The data collection tools were a demographic and medical history form, women's sexual quality of life questionnaire and Pittsburgh Sleep Inventory and Sexual Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. To examine the relationship between demographic factors, medical history and sexual self-efficacy with sexual quality of life, ANOVA and independent t-test were used. Logistic regression analyzes were used to determine the predictors of the sexual quality of life status.Results: A total of 260 questionnaires from 285 eligible samples were evaluated for the final analysis. The results of this study showed that 65.4% of participants had poor sleep quality. The mean of sexual quality of life score was 67.67 ± 8.71. Age, age of the spouse, duration of marriage, work experience in years, the score of sexual self-efficacy and sleep quality obtained by the Pittsburgh sleep quality are factors associated with sexual quality of life among married shift working nurses.Conclusion: Overall, the variables explained 44% of changes in sexual quality of life. The most important predictor was the quality of sleep among the studied variables. According to these results, it is possible to improve the sexual quality life by controlling some variables.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the response of biochemical markers of bone metabolism to aerobic exercise among healthy and sedentary males.Methods: In this quasi-experiment study, twenty two sedentary males (mean age 35.2±3.1 years) were divided into training (n=12) and control (n=10) groups. Subjects of training group did 12 weeks of aerobic exercise. Control group did not participate in any exercise training or physical activity. Serum levels of alkaline phosphatase and Carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen, vo2max and body fat percent were measured at the beginning and after training. Data were analyzed using independent and paired t-test.Results: No significant difference was observed in the levels of alkaline phosphatase and Carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen after aerobic exercise; however aerobic exercise resulted in a significant increase in VO2max and a significant decrease in body fat percent in exercise group.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that 12 weeks of aerobic exercise has no effect on biochemical markers of bone metabolism of sedentary males. It seems that the intensity of exercise was not enough to alter bone metabolic markers.

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View 1034

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Introduction: The adverse effects caused by abusing anabolic androgenic drugs include cardiovascular disorders, liver dysfunction, kidney disease, testicular problems, psychiatric and behavioral disorders in both sexes as well as other problems on human body. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a course of Sustanon self-administration and Omega 3 consumption on serum levels of total Cholesterol, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) among male bodybuilders in Khorramabad city, Iran.Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 14 male bodybuilders (age: 28.27 ± 5.42 years; weight: 82.27 ± 10.19 kg; height: 180.07 ± 4.73 cm) voluntarily participated and randomly divided into two groups: 1) Experimental 1 (n=7, Sustanon) and 2) Experimental 2 (n=7, Sustanon and Omega 3). All subjects used Sustanon for 35 days. During this period, group 2 received an omega-3 tablet (3 grams) per day. During the course of consumption, all subjects had regular bodybuilding training. Blood samples were taken in the fasting state 48 hours before and after the course to measure serum levels of total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, BDNF, and ALT. The paired-Samples T test and ANCOVA were used to identify any significant differences and statistical significance was set at 0.05.Results: Results of t-test showed that serum levels of BDNF and ALT increased significantly in group 1 (P<0.05), But in group 2, serum levels of BDNF and HDL increased (P<0.05) and LDL decreased significantly (P=0.03). Also, the results of covariance test showed that the difference between the two groups was significant only in serum BDNF concentrations (P=0.015), but in other variables was not significant (P>0.05).Conclusion: The use of Sustanon alone and Sustanon with omega-3 for 35 days in male bodybuilders increased serum levels of BDNF, but co-administration of sustanon and Omega-3 was more effective.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Prostate cancer is one of the most important causes of cancer deaths in men. The presence of tumor suppressor proteins is one of the regulatory mechanisms for controlling the progression of the disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the review of short-term concurrent training on expression of P53 and P21 tumor suppressor genes in men with adenocarcinoma type of prostate cancer.Methods: In this semi-experimental study, by referring to the pathology department of the Baqiyatallah El - Azam Subspeciality Hospital in Tehran and reviewing the medical records of men with prostate cancer in the first six months of 2016, twenty men with adenocarcinoma type of prostate cancer at the T1 and T2 stage with an average age 62.60±7.71 years and body mass index 26.10 ± 3.40 kg / m2 were randomly selected and divided into control (n=10) and experimental (n=10) groups. The experimental group performed concurrent training for three days a week within eight weeks, including resistance training with 60-75% of a maximal repeat and aerobic exercise with 60-75% of maximum heart rate. The expression of P53 and P21 genes was measured by Real-Time PCR and analyzed by independent/paired T test.Results: The results showed that short-term concurrent training increased significantly P53 gene expression (P=0.000) and P21 gene expression (P=0.00) in the experimental group, and compared with the control group (P=0.00). There was no significant difference between P21 and P53 gene expression in the control group (P>0.05).Conclusion: Significant increase in aerobic power and muscle strength following short-term concurrent training and its consequent significant increase in tumor suppressor proteins may possibly reduce the progression of adenocarcinoma type of prostate cancer tumors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1219

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Introduction: Determining the effect of combined exercises along with the consumption of omega-3 and L-carnitine on the serum level of Irisin, resistance insulin, and profile lipid of type 2 diabetic women.Methods: In this clinical trial study, 58 female volunteer with type 2 diabetes, were randomly divided into 6 groups of 10 persons: 1. exercise + placebo; 2. exercise + omega-3 supplement; 3. exercise + L-carnitine supplement; 4. exercise + L-carnitine + omega-3 supplements; 5. omega-3 + L-carnitine supplements; and 6. control group. Combined Exercises (8 week, 3 sessions per week) included a 30 minutes aerobic exercise of running on a treadmill, and 30-40 minutes resistance exercise of circular. The omega-3 group consumed 2 capsules (each 1,000 mg) of omega-3 each day, and the L-carnitine group consumed 500 mg L-carnitine each day. The consent forms and the health questionnaires and physical activity (PAR-Q) were completed by the participants. Results were analyzed by SPSS.Results: The findings were evaluated among women with a mean age of 52.7±6.1 (years). Serum level of irisin in s was significantly increased in group 2 (P=0.02) and 4 (P=0.04). A significant HDL increase was observed in groups 4 and 5 (P=0.005), and a significant TG decrease was observed in groups 2 (P=0.01), 4 (P=0.03), and 5 (P=0.05). Resistance insulin had a significant decrease in group 2 and 5 (P=0.04), (P=0.01).Conclusion: Results showed that exercise + omega-3 supplement, and exercise + L- carnitine + omega-3 supplements were more appropriate stimuli than other groups to increase Irisin level, and reduce the diabetes risk.

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View 2070

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Introduction: Colorectal cancer mostly be derived from adenomatous polyposis including tubular, villous and tubulovilluos types. Investigation of some genes that play role in angiogenesis can be used as a biomarker in molecular diagnosis for polyp progress to malignancy. The aim of this study is Comparing the expression level of VEGF-A gene in adenoma polyps located in colon and rectum and it's relation with malignancy incidence.Methods: In this study, 50 biopsy samples of adenoma polyp and 20 normal samples were collected from Taleghani hospital. Clinical information was collected. mRNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were performed. Gene expression was investigated by Real time PCR method and fold change of gene expression was evaluated by (2--ΔΔct) method. The outcomes were analyzed by the ABI 7500 Sequence Detection System (SDS) software, version 2.1.0 and Graph Pad Prism, version 5.Results: In this study, we observed the increased VEGF-A mRNA level in adenoma polyps compared to the control group. However؛ this difference was not significant (P>0.05), and also found overexpression of VEGF-A mRNA in adenoma polyps located in the colon site in comparison to the rectum site. But statistically, these differences in VEGF-A mRNA expression did not reach to a significant level (P>0.05).Conclusion: Adenoma polyps have more malignancy potential for making colorectal cancer and the overexpression of VEGF-A gene perhaps has a critical role in adenoma polyps malignancy process. Also, maybe the location of adenoma polyps has a important effect on VEGF-A gene expression.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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