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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2472

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3785

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Introduction: Faith and religious beliefs are important and even the most fundamental assets of life. Physical and spiritual health and also length of life is owed to beliefs of people. A Muslim considers performing religious affairs as the most and best way of religious commitment. Providing religious care to those in needs is patient's right and it's an important religious duty.Objective: This study aimed to determine the condition of religious care provided to hospitalized patients in selected educational centers in Rasht city.Methods: This is a descriptive-analytic study. One hundred patients hospitalized in medical-surgical units in one of the selected hospitals in Rasht city in 2011were chosen by convenience sampling method. Data were collected through a researcher made questionnaire to survey the religious care provided to hospitalized patients that included 20 questions in domains of sex conformity, condition of patient privacy, praying condition, visiting and confidentiality and condition of praying facilities in hospital. Collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Friedman test.Results Most samples (72%) were older than 45 years. Most were female (55.6%) and housewife (55.4%). 85% had education under diploma. Patients had the most sex conformity with nurses and least conformity with the doctors but it was statistically non-significant (p<0.097). Patient privacy compliance and condition of praying was unfavorable and there was no significant difference between different units (p=0.009).Conclusion: Overall findings indicated that care provided was unsatisfactory in most domains surveyed. Study results require authorities to increase the knowledge of personnel and promote the hospital structure.

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View 992

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Introduction: Inadequate and improper prenatal care may result in adverse neonatal outcomes. Various are implemented to evaluate the adequacy of prenatal care; one of the new indices for accurate and comprehensive measurement is adequacy of prenatal care utilization index. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the adequacy of prenatal care and its relationship with neonatal outcomes.Methods: This analytic historical cohort study was performed on 205 pregnant women referring to health centers in Rasht city. Data gathering instrument consisted of a four part questionnaire covering demographic data, data related to current pregnancy, data related to neonate and adequacy of prenatal care utilization index. Care was classified in four groups: intensive, adequate, moderate and inadequate. Data were analyzed using by descriptive statistics and, Chi-square and Spearman's correlation coefficients.Results: Most cases of preterm birth, fetal death, low birth weight, neonatal jaundice was in the group with inadequate prenatal care (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in four groups as regard to age, employment, education, body mass index and attendance of childbirth preparation classes. There was no significant difference found in four groups between height and head circumference at birth and adequacy of prenatal care.Conclusion: In attention to implementation of reducing number of referrals of pregnant mothers (based on Standardization Protocol for Mothers in Iran), this study, along with confirmation of effect of adequacy of prenatal care on reduction of neonatal outcomes, once again emphasizes on providing the minimum care (based on the National Protocol).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1986

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Introduction: Violence at work is considered an important risk factor worldwide. Nurses due to their presence and practice in treatment centers, direct contact with patients and also many stresses are at risk of various types of violence.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of violence against nurses working in educational-medical centers in Rasht city.Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical cross sectional study which its population consists of nurses employed in educational-medical centers in Rasht city and 442 nurses were selected by stratified randomize sampling methods. Data collection instrument was extracted from Nachreiner and Rahmany tools used to survey incidence of violence against nurses in the educational-medical centers in Rasht. The findings were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics such as T and Chi square tests.Result: Findings showed that 54.1% and 11.1% of nurses experienced verbal and physical violence respectively. Verbal violence in most cases occurred by visitors and physical violence often occurred by patients and in most cases who did not report violence was because it was considered useless. In addition results indicated a significant relationship between verbal violence and level of education (P= 0.02) and physical violence and work condition (P=0.02) and marital status (P=0.02).Conclusion: Results indicated high frequency of verbal and physical abuse toward nurses in health centers in Rasht and different measures are needed to decrease its incidence.

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View 1531

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Introduction: The educational status is the more important purpose of the head of educational development programs in every country. the purpose of the educational institutions, is based on increasing academic success Therefore review and evaluation of students' achievement during study, investigation of cognitive factors and social influence including identity are indispensable elements for improving the quality of education in universities.Objective: in this study we examined the association between educational status and identity style.Methods: This cross-sectional study is a descriptive - analytical study which was conducted on 371 students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. The samples were selected using a stratified systematic. The questionnaire was consist of demographic characteristics and standard questionnaire-style identit, respectively. In order to evaluate the educational status, final mark of students were applied. Data were analyzed using parametric statistical tests (mean±SD) and bread-parametric (Spearman and Mann-whitney and kruskal-wallis).Result: Spearman's test showed that the normative identity style (P<0.03) and commitment (P<0.001) is correlated with the average total students.Conclusion: there was correlation between normative identity style and commitment statistically. Consequently it seems that for educational progress achievement in each country, the identity and psychosocial status of students is essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1208

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Introduction: Posttraumatic growth is defined as subjective positive psychological changes following the struggle with highly challenging life events.Objective: The aim of current study was to determine dimensions of posttraumatic growth in patients with cancer.Methods: This is cross-sectional descriptive study. Study population included all cancer patients of two main referral hospitals in Tehran and samples consisted of 402 patients who had the entrance criteria were chosen by convenience method. Instruments used included demographic characteristics questionnaire and Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. For data analysis, descriptive and analytical statistical tests (T-test and Variance analysis) were used.Results: Mean age of samples was 46.7±14 and 60% were female, 38.5% had metastatic cancer. The mean Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) score of the participants was 68.68±14.68. Among dimensions of post trauma, the dimension of "spiritual changes" and "communication with others" had the highest score (7.63±2.13 and 25.03±4.9 respectively). From different variables age (r= 0.193; P<0.001) had reverse relation with post traumatic growth and significant difference was shown between level of education, (P<0.013), income (P<0.15) and growth after trauma.Conclusion: Study results showed that despite many physical, psychological and social problems in cancer patients, confronting such stressful trauma can result in positive psychological outcome.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2574

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Introduction: Fasting is a commitment to God, therefore many pregnant women have a tendency to perform it, but they are concerns about its possible complications which may affect fetal health.Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between fasting on pregnant women and their fetal birth weight.Method: This study was conducted on pregnant women referring to maternity hospitals in Kashan city during Ramadan in 2009 who were divided into two groups of fasting and no fasting. Regression model was used to control the multiple confounding factors. Study data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent tests, Chi-square, Variance analysis and Linear Regression.Results: The mean gestational age in fasting group was 3338±498gr and 3343±339gr in no fasting group. Findings indicated no significant difference between the mean neonate birth weight born to fasting and no fasting pregnant woman (P<0.931). Also conducting linear regression and controlling variables showed that fasting was not a predictor of birth weight.Conclusion: People studied showed that fasting of mothers had no effect on neonatal birth weight.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1324

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Introduction: Misbehavior and over-activity are the most problems among children. However, how to communicate with children is important and may relate to their parenting style. Parenting styles play an important role in the formation of abnormality and normal personality behavior in children. The use of adaptive styles in children can lead to many negative consequences, including behavioral problems.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and children misbehavior (internalizing and externalizing).Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study performed with randomly selection on 741 student aged 6 to 12 first grade to fifth grade public and private schools of 1th and 2th region in the city of Rasht in 2012. The information collected tool was Baum rind parenting style questionnaire and teacher reports. The data was analyzed using descriptive and Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression method stepwise.Results: The results showed that parents of subjects with authoritative parenting style were the most (96.5%) with a mean of (SD) 41.26±8.29. Also, 12.1% of children have externalizing misbehavior and 8.9% of them have internalizing problems. Results indicated that authoritative style had negative significant relationship between internalized behavior problems score (p<0.003) and externalizing problems score (p<0.020). There was a significant positive relationship between permissive style and internalized behavior problems score (p<0.006). The results of regression analysis showed that authoritative style is a negative significant predictor with all internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and permissive style is a positive significant predictor of all internalizing behavior problems.Conclusions: Authoritative parenting, with associations of control under high passionate support, creates independence and conjoint relationship between child and parents, which could characterize an important role in prevention of problems behavioral disorders of children. Also permissive style with little supervision and parental unresponsiveness towards the child's behavior could also lead to behavioral problems in children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 15196

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Introduction: Nursing is among most stressful jobs and a common syndrome is job burnout in nurses caused by stress. Enhancing coping capacity is an effective factor in dealing with stresses. Thus it seems significant to study the effect of sense of humour on job burnout and nurses’ resiliency.Objective: The present study was conducted to determie the relationship between severity of nurses’ burnout and tolerance and their sense of humor.Methods: This correlational descrirtive study was conducted on 60 employed nurses in hospitals of Ghazvin province and targeted sampling method was used. Measuring instruments used included Sense of Humor Questionnaire (SHQ) and job burnout of Jackson and Maslach and resiliency of Kanner and Davidson (CD-RISC). Data were analyzed using One-way variance analysis test.Results: Study findings suggested that burnout severity was less in nurses with high sense of humour than nurses with low sense of humor (P<0.029). Frequency of job burnout in nurses with high sense of humor was less than nurses with low sense of humor (P<0.0045) and also, resiliency of nurses with high sense of humour was more than nurses with low sense of humor (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Sense of humor and applying it when dealing with stress can lead to decrease in job burnout and increase coping capacity in nurses. It is recommended to consider interventional studies and educating nurses on sense of humour in nursing program.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2330

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Introduction: Performing continuous and clinical monitoring of patients with emphasis on proper and adequate facilities and equipments is the basis of the work of professional nurses as care providers in intensive care units. This requires attention and understanding the issues related to needed equipment and facilities in intensive care.Objective: This study evaluates the performance obstacles associated with technology and equipment from the perspective of nurses in intensive care centers.Methods: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive analysis. The sample in this study includes all nurses working in intensive care units in hospitals affiliated to Guilan University of Medical Sciences (130 persons) in 2013. For data collection, one part of Gurses performance obstacles questionnaire was used which contained background and demographic information and information about performance obstacles associated with technology and equipment during a shift. Data was gathered through interviews conducted by the researcher. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics.Results: Findings suggest that the major performance obstacles associated with technology and equipment experienced by nurses respectively include lack of equipment (50%), having to use old and poor conditioned equipment (46.9%) and non-isolated beds or rooms assigned to nurses (33.8%).Conclusion: Study results indicated that shortage of equipment in ICUs and force to use this poor condition equipment can affect care provided and those in charge should pay attention to this problem.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1231

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Introduction: Appropriate nutrition is necessary all through life and it's an important factor in student learning and education development. Malnutrition in adolescents may affect cognitive abilities necessary for learning process and consequently educational achievement.Objective: This study was conducted to determine dietary pattern, breakfast and snack in guidance school students in Ramsar city.Methods: In this cross sectional descriptive analytical study 208 governmental middle schools were selected by cluster sampling. Data were gathered by demographic questionnaire and HFFQ (Harvard’s Food Frequency Questionnaire). Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytic statistics (chi-square, kruskal- wallis).Results: Based on study findings, the main food group consumption of most participants (56.2%) were unsatisfactory. 92.8 % of samples ate breakfast at home and 96.2 % had snack in school. Samples always consumed milk products (34.1%) meat (10.6%), egg (13.9%), vegetables (17.4%) and fruits (34.1%). There was significant relationship between sex and frequency of milk (P< 0.02), meat (p<0.00001), egg (p< 0.004) and sours consumption (p< 0.04).Conclusion: Study results indicated the need for governmental policies to focus on promotion of nutrition education through students and parents education programs by incorporating it in the school curriculum.

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View 2664

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Introduction: Cancer is among diseases characterized with uncontrollable growth and invasion of tissues and metastasis. Hopeful spirit is important and essential factor in cancer patients that has many effects on patients’ adaptability with life situation, especially in periods of pain and suffering. Hope has a significant role on promoting the general health of patient with cancer and affects various steps of disease.Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of hope therapy training on promoting hope to live and general health in patients with cancer.Method: This is an experimental study with pre and posttest with control group. Samples included cancer patients being treated in Shafa Hospital in Ahvaz. They were selected by simple random method. At first, all patients completed the general health and life expectation tests. Then, 30 patients who had the lowest scores in these tests were selected. The training of hope therapy was done in 8 sessions; each session lasted 90 minutes. After finishing sessions, posttest was administrated to experimental and control group.Results: Data analysis showed a significant difference in mean scores of control and experimental group (p<0.01), so the training of hope therapy leads to improving hope to live and general health in experimental group.Conclusion: In order to improve cancer patients’ quality of life, presenting educational services and hope promoting program with proper methods such problem based learning or patient active participation can be effective.

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View 8538

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Introduction: Training and understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of communication skills in Clinical education programming for nursing students is essential.Objective: This study aimed to determine communication skills and related factors within patient by nursing students of shahid beheshti nursing & midwifery faculty of Rasht.Methods: This cross - sectional study was performed in year 1391 on 176 nursing students. The participants were recruited into the study by completed the questionnaire of related factors and Communication skills assessment tools (A, S, M, A). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent t-test, ANOVA, Pearson and Spearman correlation and multiple linear regressions.Results: The mean scores between participant for general and specific communication skills were 53.23 and 121.60 respectively. Communication skills level amongst students was at moderate to good. The mean scores of variables such as marital status, communication skills training and experience in patient care did not showed significant (p<0.05).The results showed a positive correlations between age, presence of the clinical environmental conditions and communication skills.Conclusion: The results of present study showed that communication skills of students are at moderate towards good. Due to this study; according relationship between communication skills training and proficiency in communication skills and positive correlation with age, It seems that communication skills training would be preferably useful if start from the beginning of the study in nursing college.

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View 3837

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