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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although rainfall forecasting has an important effect on agricultural production and therefore reducing risks on climatic disasters especially in wheat cropping areas of Iran, but the subject doesn’t take care of farmers as adopting this innovation as well. This research aims at investigation of long-term rainfall forecasting adoption among Fars province wheat growers with a survey research method and cluster sampling technique. The survey instrument was a structural questionnaire with open and close ended questions, which validity and reliability confirmed. Results revealed that statistically there was no difference between adopters and non-adopters of rainfall forecasting information in the field of personal, social, economical and cultural characteristics. Although the knowledge, perception and behavior about using results of rainfall forecasting are different among various stakeholder, the innovation characteristics; relative advantage, triability, compatibility and complexity are statistically different among two groups of adopter and non-adopter farmers. Logistic regression modeling results showed that, farmer's access to information sources, relative advantage, and compatibility were the most important factors to predict adoption of rainfall forecasting usage. Optimizing use of rainfall forecasting information, it is necessary to use extension programs for changing knowledge, perception and behavior among wheat farmers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Human resource in extension system is considered as a key factor in agriculture and rural development process. Adequate number of well-trained staff plays a vital role for a progressive extension service.Not only, working context, financial setting, structure and management would also directly contribute in success of an efficient system, but also human resources deserves as a foundation for extension activities. The aim of this paper was to compare various working aspects of extension agents in former Ministries of Jihad-e-Sazandegi and Agriculture to screen and adopt the most desirable status for extension system in new Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture. The survey, however, rests on a statistic society composed of all agricultural extension education experts at national scale. Findings showed that, the extension workers have confronted with important challenges in terms of qualitative or quantitative dimensions to meet the requirements of the extension-training interventions, education degrees and capabilities for the agents, deserving people-oriented morale, and self-reliance and confidence. This deficit had a great influence on performance of extension system in Iran. Extension agents of Ministry of Jihad were significantly different regarding to: making better communication with farmers, ability to make diversity in extension programs, civility, self-confidence and self-reliance comparing with Agricultural Ministry extension workers. Results showed that Ministry of Jihad experts had got higher means in above abilities. Accordingly, the analysis revealed that extension workers of the Ministry of Agriculture also recorded statistically significant different and higher means than their co-partners in Jihad, particularly regarding to: showing higher capacities in better mutual linkage between extension and research, wider acquaintance with technical-special issues in agriculture field, being much familiar with current regulations and guidelines, and adopting qualified recording, reporting and documentation modes in operations.

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Adoption of integrated rice-fish farming (RFF) is a complex process. There are many factors that contribute toward this process. Identifying these factors could help planning more effective extension programs. The aim of this research was to study the characteristics which distinguished adopters from non-adopters of RFF practices in Fars province. A survey was conducted using a stratified random sample to collect data from farmers. The questionnaire validity and reliability was tested and measures were taken to improve the instrument. Results of the study revealed that the most important difference between adopters and non-adopters of RFF technology was access to aquacultural information, which was significantly higher among adopters. The two groups did not differ with regard to degree of earliness in awarness about RFF innovations, however there was a signifcant difference between adopters and non-adopters regarding knowledge of aquaculture. Adopters had a higher level of knowledge about feeding, management and fish fingerlings. Therefore, providing awareness and related knowledge could have an important impact on diffusion of RFF. The discriminant function derived from integrated model could suitably categorize adopters and non- adopters of RFF. The most important variables, which differentiated RFF adopters and non-adopters, were access to information, knowledge of fish fingerlings, aquaculture management, plot preparation for aquaculture and knowledge of fish harvesting.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main objective of this study was to investigate farmer's perception toward the privatization of livestock extension services in Iran. The study was carried out through a survey method. The statistical universe of the study consisted all farmers who had at least one livestock unit and living in rural areas of the East Azarbaijan, Mazandaran, Golestan and Fars Provinces of Iran. To study the farmer's perception toward the privatization of livestock extension services and factors associated with that, a sample of 1200 farmers was selected by use of "multi-level stratified random sampling" method. A questionnaire was used to collect information about variables. The reliability and validity of the perception toward the privatization of livestock extension services Index were determined. Cronbach’s alpha computed to measure reliability of the index was 0.81. The data were analyzed using statistical methods such as frequencies, percentage, mean score, standard deviation, and product moment correlation analysis, F test, regression analysis and factor analysis. The findings of the study revealed that there was a significantly relationship between perception toward the privatization of livestock extension services and independent variables consisting: age, educational level, level of agricultural production and level, income from agriculture. According to Multiple Regression Analysis 45 percent of the changes in farmer's perception toward the privatization of livestock extension services was due to their educational level, level of agricultural production, level of income from agriculture and level of income from livestock production.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effective cultural and social factors regarding wheat farmers’ attitude of Nahavand Township toward sprinkler irrigation development. The research design used in this study was a descriptive- correlation. The population of this study included all wheat farmers in Nahavand Township who had used irrigation method to cultivate their farms (N= 15364). Stratified proportional sampling technique was applied to select the subjects (n=375). Face validity was achieved by a panel of experts in the fields of agricultural extension, irrigation and agronomy. A pilot test was conducted to determine the reliability of the questionnaire and Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.86 was achieved.The result of this study showed that the relationship between the variables of yield per hectare, level of extension contacts, use of communication channels, social participation and technical knowledge of wheat farmers regarding farm water management were significantly correlative and positively linked with their attitude about sprinkler irrigation development. Where as, the relationship between social status of wheat farmers and their attitude toward sprinkler irrigation development was not significant.It is worthy to note, significant differences were found in the mean score of wheat farmer's attitude regarding sprinkler irrigation development in relation with the use of extension services, membership in production cooperatives and rural gathering, type of water source and the method used for irrigation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Youth unemployment, especially academic graduates in agriculture fields, is one of the severe challenges in recent years in Iran. The aim of this research was to investigate the status of agricultural graduates' employment. A survey research methodology was conducted in this research and "content analysis" was used to infer the perceptions of the subjects. The population of the study consisted of all the chief administrators of the Jihad-e-Keshavarzi organizations of all provinces in Iran; therefore census studies were applied. The research instrument was an open ended questionnaire which was mailed to the respondents after its face validity was confirmed by experts in Agricultural Extension and Education Department, Shiraz University.The results indicate that the majority of the administrators (90%) believed in "Economic Orientation" in contrast to 10% who agreed toward "Social Orientation" in curriculum planning of higher agricultural education. In this study also, competencies and skills needed for governmental and nongovernmental sectors, were investigated and presented. Finally strategies to enhance employability for agricultural graduates in public, private, and self-employment sectors were suggested.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Fisheries experts have an important role in aquatic production system. Their main function is to guide the clientele and fish producers to make sure they practice sustainable aquaculture with regard to the principles, laws and regulations as determined by the Iranian Fisheries Organization (Shilat).The main purpose of this study was to assess perceptions of fisheries experts in respect to sustainable aquaculture. The type of study is descriptive – correlative and applied survey method. The population include in 550 officers who employ in headquarters and aquaculture executive sectors. Samples of 226 officers were selected using stratified sampling technique. Validity of the research instrument was done with due attention to the supervisor and advisor comments and collective of aquaculture experts. A pilot test was conducted by 10 questionnaires and 0.85 was computed as a coefficient of Alpha. The research findings showed that more than 97 % of subjects have positive perception toward sustainable aquaculture, and also the respondents emphatically agreed that: It must be applied proper techniques and technology for site and different conditions through sustainable aquaculture practices, sustainable aquaculture must prohibit aquatic resources and it must have the least of environmental destruction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Educational courses are the practical ways to improve knowledge and skills of farmers. The contents of educational courses based on real needs of participants could enhance production and improve their life quality. The purpose of this research is evaluation of educational courses that implemented for stock mans. The CIPP model was used for evaluation of context and input of those educational courses. A survey research and questionnaire was conducted. Therefore, 150 stock mans from Qaemshahr whom attended in educational courses that presented by Mazandaran Agricultural Jihad Organization, were randomly interviewed. The results indicate that the stock mans believed the necessity of the educational courses and that the courses related to cattle diseases are the most important needs for them. The respondents said that the contents of courses are easy to understand, and goals of the courses are suitable for their information and educational needs. Also, they satisfied and interested to attending these courses. They believe that length of the courses is not sufficient and must be increased. Finally, to improve courses, some recommendations have been proposed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In response to challenges that public extension is facing privatization has become an acceptable choice.This research aims at investigatimg extension workers' attitudes toward privatization of agricultural extension, in Northwest region of Khuzestan province (Dezful, Andimeshk and Shoush) and determining the effects of personal and professional characteristics on their attitude. Survey research method was used and all extension workers were included in the study. Mail questionnaires were sent to all 50 extension workers in the region and data were analyized by SPSS. The results showed that there is a negative correlation between independent variables such as job experience and satisfaction of workers and their attitude toawrds privatization of agricultural extension.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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