We know Edward Said with his book "Orientalism." There are three principles that were important in his thought and his books: first, his obsession with exact expression of intellectual's place and cultural message; second, analysis of Westerner's discourse on the east generally and Islam especially; and third, distinguishing Palestinian fighting. Even though we can see some contradictions in his works and words, Said's aim is to gain a general and transcendental aim: Fighting for retaining his homeland, i.e. Palestine. Said, then, in the framework of threefold obsessions thinks about bringing out Palestine territory, history and people (and Muslims) from the oblivion of modernity discourse in general and orientalism in particular. In this path, he never omits any attempt and by attention to the facts of the world and region, he first, reveals the truth, then, even accepts the Jewish- Palestine country in order not to let the name of Palestine be removed from the political scene of the world.