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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background & Aim: Identifying the factors related to the psychological well-being of medical sciences students is very important. It seems that forgiveness as a process, helping individuals to reduce resentment, improve interpersonal relationships, and decrease negative emotions can play an vital role in their well-being. The present study aimed to predict the psychological well-being of medical sciences students based on forgiveness components. Material & Method: This was a descriptive, correlational study. In this study, 250 medical and nursing students from Kashan University of Medical Science, were selected via a multistage stratified sampling in 2016-2017, and completed the Ehteshamzadeh Interpersonal Forgiveness Scale and the Ryff’ s Psychological Well-being Scale. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean & standard deviation) and inferential statistics including Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t test and multiple stepwise regression analysis using the SPSS software version 22. Results: The mean scores for interpersonal forgiveness and psychological well-being were 66. 73 ± 9. 14, and 76. 32 ± 10. 70, respectively. The total mean scores for interpersonal forgiveness (t=2. 59, P=0. 01) and psychological well-being (t=3. 31, P<0. 01) were significantly higher in female students compared to male students but there was no statistically significant difference between medical students and nursing students in forgiveness (t=-0. 55, P=0. 58) and psychological well-being (t=0. 56, P=0. 57). Psychological well-being had a statistically significant relationship with the restructure of relationship and control of revenge (r=0. 32, P<0. 01), pain control (r=0. 49, P<0. 01), and realistic understanding (r=0. 23, P<0. 01). Moreover, pain control (β =0. 49, P<0. 001) and realistic understanding (β =0. 13, P<0. 05) were the strongest predictors of psychological well-being among the students of medical sciences. Conclusion: The psychological well-being of medical and nursing students could be enhanced by improving the level of forgiveness. Therefore, The development and implementation of educational programs to improve moral virtues such as forgiveness, can promote the psychological health of medical sciences students through preventing anger and promoting realistic understanding.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Endometrial cancer is the most common cancer of the female reproductive organs. Although widespread advances in the treatment of cancer has led to an increase in patients’ longevity, the cancer diagnosis and subsequently invasive procedures such as surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy often result in unpleasant complications in their life. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of a supportive educational program on stress in women with endometrial cancer. Material & Methods: In this interventional study which has been done in 2014, 140 women with endometrial cancer were randomly selected from Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex in Tehran. The intervention was a supportive educational program conducted in 3 sessions in the intervention group. The control group received routine care. Data were collected by the demographic form and the Hari’ s stress Inventory. The SPSS software version 16 and the t test, Chi-square and repeated measure analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The level of significance was considered 0. 05. Results: The stress mean score after the intervention, one month and two months later was significantly less than before the intervention(P<0. 001). Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the supportive educational program was effective in reducing stress in women with endometrial cancer. It is suggested that the content of the program be provided to the patients in writing, such as pamphlets, bulletins, or via the Internet.

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Background & Aim: Verbal communication disorder is one of the most important problems of mechanically ventilated patients which can lead to anxiety and decrease satisfaction. The purpose of this study is designing and psychometric assessment of the questionnaire for artificial airway patients’ satisfaction with nurses nonverbal communication during nursing cares. Materials & Methods: This is a methodological study which was performed using Waltz 2010 method in 4 steps, namely conceptual model definition, determination of goals and tools design, compiling initial plan, and determining reliability and validity in 2016. The study population includes all patients with artificial airway in 3 hospitals under the supervision of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Totally, 240 patients were selected for the study, using convenience sampling. The questionnaire validity was evaluated using face, construct, and content validities. Pearson correlation coefficient and Cronbach's alpha were used to evaluate the external and internal reliabilities. SPSS Software V. 19 was used for data analysis. Results: The initial version of questionnaire was designed with 27 items. After face and content validation process, the second version was designed in 24 items. The maximum score for all items was 1. 5. The values of CVI and CVR were obtained at 0. 89 and 0. 88, respectively. For construct validity, the items were reduced to 12, based on explanatory factor analysis. The final questionnaire was obtained in 3 satisfaction dimensions namely providing physiologic, social, and emotional-psychological needs with predictive power of 47. 706. The Cronbach's alpha value was calculated at 0. 67. Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated at 0. 67, which suggests the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Conclusion: Considering the limitation of data availability for evaluating the satisfaction of artificial airway patients with nursing communication, the questionnaire can be an efficient tool for detecting the patient-nurse communicational challenges and patients’ needs in different areas as well as improving care services quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aim: Organizational citizenship behavior has an important role in providing effective products and services for internal and external customers of the organization and by improving effective use of resources it may lead to the improvement of functions and the increase in productivity. The objective of this research is to study the impact of job involvement on the organizational citizenship behavior by exploring the mediating role of job satisfaction. Materials & Methods: The study is a cross-sectional and descriptive-correlational study, and uses a structural equation model by Smart-PLS-7 software. To collect the data, three standardized questionnaires with a fivepoint Likert scale were used. The Statistical sample included 195 nurses employed in Sirjan hospitals in 2016, selected by the stratified random sampling approach using Cochran’ s sampling formula. Result: The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between job involvement and organizational citizenship behavior among the nurses at the error level of 0. 01 and r=0. 44. Furthermore, the results indicated a mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between job involvement and organizational citizenship behavior. Moreover, a relationship between job satisfaction and citizenship behavior was found at the error level of 0. 05 and r=0. 19 in the study population. Conclusion: Nurses’ job involvement leads to their job satisfaction and the increase in their self-esteem and the emergence of organizational citizenship behaviors. The nurses’ concerns about achieving their goals and organizational values and their involvement in job lead them to enjoy their job and show more empathy.

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Background & Aims: Today, the role of non-drug treatment is important in the treatment of addiction. Compliance therapy plays effective role in improvement of quality of life, reducing the effects sides of treatment and especially in mental health promotion. The present study has been designed to determine the effect of “ compliance therapy “ with group therapy on quality of life, general function, acceptance and care after illness in opioid addicted under Methadone Meintanance Therapy (MMT). Material & Method: The clinical trial methodology was done on the addicted persons who are in recovery phase, in 4 addiction treatment centers in Tehran city during 2016 year. Initially, 120 patients were selected randomly, they were devided in four groups (group therapy, group therapy and compliance therapy, compliance therapy and control group). The variables of study were quality of life (QOL), Global Function, treatment acceptance, this variables were assessed by Quality of Life Questionnaire, and Global Assessment Function and compliance therapy scale. To data analysis we used descriptive and inferential statistic (ANOVA) and ANCOVA via SPSS 20 software. Results: Based on ANOVA analysis, there are significant differences in sub scales of quality of life questionnaire (including interpersonal relationship, activities and Common goals), Global Function Assessment in Social, vocational and educational fields and score of compliance between 4 groups. (P-value<0. 05), But there isn’ t significant differences in “ personality foundation” and “ role effectiveness’ between 4 groups. Conclusion: The results showed that, care after treatment such as group therapy, compliance therapy or matrix therapy are effectiveness in treatment of addiction.

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Background & Aim: Malnutrition is experienced by most of the intensive care unit patients, which causes poor prognosis and worsens the disease. Gastric residual volume represents the status of food tolerate. Regarding some controversies and lack of information on the effect of body position on this issue, the current study was conducted to determine the effect of body position on gavage residual volume of gastric in patients of intensive care units. Materials & Methods: In a clinical trial study in 2014, 90 intensive care patients with enteral feeding were recruited to the study from educational hospital of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. The patients were allocated to three groups randomly. The gavage was done for each group in three positions, i. e. back, right, and left. Subsequently, gastric residual contents were measured before, two, and three hours after the three positions. The data were recorded in a researcher-provided checklist. They were analyzed by SPSS-18 software, using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: In this study, the lowest rate of GRC among the three groups was related to right side position, which was measured at 18. 3 cc and 2. 06 cc in 2 and 3 hours after gavage, respectively; and there was a significant difference between the right side GRC in comparison with the left and back positions (P < 0. 05). Conclusion: In this study, the best position after gavage was right. Hence, it is suggested this topic after gavage will be considered for reducing malnutrition and rising the food tolerance.

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Background & Aims: Postpartum depression (PPD) constitutes a major problem following childbirth that may affect women’ s quality of life. The current study was performed to assess the relationship between women's quality of life and postpartum depression among women attending Gachsaran’ s health care centers in 2013. Material & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 350 postpartum women with and without PPD were selected using the convenience sampling method. PPD was measured by the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale and quality of life was assessed using SF-36 questionnaire. Mean scores of SF-36 were compared between postpartum depressed women and non-depressed women at fourth week and sixteenth week after childbirth and within groups. Data analysis was conducted using the paired t-test, independent t-test and Chi square. A P value less than. 05 was considered significant. Results: The findings showed that there were significant differences in six out of eight mean scores of quality of life dimensions including bodily pain, general health, social functioning, role-emotional, vitality, and mental wellbeing, between postpartum depressed women and non-depressed women (p˂ 0. 001). Comparison of mean scores of quality of life dimensions from fourth week to sixteenth week of postpartum revealed that postpartum depressed women scored lower on all of quality of life dimensions compared to non-depressed women. Despite the increased scores of quality of life in depressed women at the sixteenth week of postpartum, differences were not statistically significant except bodily pain. Conclusion: Postpartum depression is associated with poor quality of life. Thus, postpartum depression screening during routine postnatal care and efforts to improve women's quality of life is important.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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GHAMARANI A. | Mohamadzade A.

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Background & Aims: One of the problems in children with intellectual disability is Feeding Disorders. The Purpose of this study was evaluate the effectiveness of Intervention based of Escape-Extinction (EE) on Feeding Disorders in Children with Mild intellectual disabilities. Material & Methods: This study was a Quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group. The Statistical Society of this study included all children with intellectual disability (3-6 years old) that visited to the Rehabilitation Center of Ilam city in 2016. The research sample included 16 children that were selected from this society with Simple Random Sampling, than they allocated in two groups of 8 people (Experimental and control groups). The experimental group received the Escape-Extinction intervention in 8 sessions and 3 sessions in per weeks. The data collection tools consisted the screening tool of feeding problems (STEP) (Matson & Kuhn, 2001). MONCOVA Analysis was used to analysis of data with SPSS 19 software. Results: The results showed that the mean score of Feeding Problems has reduced from 52/875 to 32/500. Also, the Effectiveness of intervention based of EE was significant on Aspiration Risk (P=0/012 & F=8/391), Selectivity (P=0/017 & F=7/445), Skills (P=0/006 & F=10/680), Refusal (P=0/030 & F=5/951) and Nutrition (P=0/028 & F=10/121). Conclusions: The Intervention Based of Escape-Extinction can be causes decrease Feeding Disorders in children with intellectual disability. Therefore, it is recommended to utilize of this intervention for decrease Feeding Disorders in the rehabilitation centers.

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