To study components of partial resistance toward maganapOr the grisea Hebert. fungus in some rice cultivars Tarom mahalli, Nemat, San Huang Zhan-2, C101-PKT and C104-PKT, were tested in greenhouse experiments and in an upland nursery experiment in Amol Rice Research Institute in 2002. The experiment was conducted in the diallel desing in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Traits in this study were infection type (IT), lesion number (LN), lesion size (LS, mm2), percent diseased leaf area (DLA, or disease severity percent) and sporulation capacity (SC, spore/gram fresh weight). Results showed that the cultivars and F1 differenced significantly. Tarom mahalli and hybrid combination (Tarom mahalli/ Nemat) showed susceptible reaction. For these traits, Nemat, San Huang Zhan-2 and hybrid combinations of these cultivars with the other cultivars were resistant to the three fungus strains (IA-90, IA-89, IA-82) in greenhouse and field races of blast. Using the area under disease progress curves as a measure of relative disease progress in the nursery disease development on Nemat, San Huang Zhan-2 and hybrid combinations (F1) of these cultivars with the other cultivars were slight, Tarom mahalli and hybrid combination (Tarom mahalli/ Nemat) were high. Hayman analysis showed the high additive gene effect were observed in controlling DLA to the fungus strains (IA-89,IA-90) and LS to the fungus strains (IA-89, IA-82) and SL to the fungus strains (IA-89).These results indicate the main effect of genetic elements on plant resistance to blast diseases.