Effects of verapamil on the ossification and the length growth of rat's long bones of one, two and three months of age were studied. Rats were weighed, grouped and verapamil was administered as fallow: one month old (a) 2mg/kg/day two month old (B) 3mg/kg/day and three months old (C) 4mg/kg/day, all for one week. Also three months old (D) 4mg/kg/dayand three months old (E) 8mg/kg/day, for two weeks. Same number of rats were used as control groups (A', B', C', D', E') for each group and received distilled water. After studying the conditions of animals, those which showed noticeable differences in body skeleton were chosen and radiographic images were taken. The rats were killed and long bones were separated and cleaned. Length, curvature, diameter and weight of the bones were measured, in addition microscopic study of the femur bone on the test and control groups were performed. The results showed that there was an increase in the number of chondrocytes in the growth plate which was accompanied with a decrease in the classification and ossification, in the test group. In addition the length, curvature, diameter and weight of long bone were increased in the test group compared with the control group. The bones were dark in colour and more breakable, furthermore osteoporosis and damage in all test groups were seen. The results of present study demonstrated that verapamile has adverse effect on group and development of skeleton.