Due to the common use of gentamicin in pregnant women for treatment of specific infectious diseases. The study was conducted on pregnant white N. MAR! female rabbits in order to find out its probable teratogenic effects on the testis. Forty rabbits, 32 females and 7males, all 6 months old were selected. Under the same experimental conditions, females were added to each group for copulation. All rabbits were fed with dry food, lettuce, carrot and water ad libitum. Each female was injected gentamicin sulfate intramuscularly for 8 days, 3 times a day after fertilization, vis; first group just after fertilization, the second 8 days post fertilization and the third 20 days post fertilization. Controls were not injected. Newborn females were divided into 2 groups, (10 in each group), based on the desired age: 3-day old newborns and adults. Histological studies showed that gentamicin at the predifferentiation and embryonic stages induced early maturation of the testis in 3 day newborns. These effects were more obvious and severe at embryonic stage. The effects were very mild at fetal stage. Exhausting and disturbing effects of drug on spermatogenetic trend were observed in adults, Specially at the embryonic stage. These effects were milder at fetal stage, appearing as retardation in spermatogenetic process.