The music of Qur'an in one of the features of its text inimitability that can be studied from different aspects. In this article we have examined the impact of the music of a word on its meaning. The music of the word is the lune of the word due to its main and minor characteristics, its vowels, sustenance of the phonemes, Kind of phonemes points of articulation (makharidj) additional words, phonetic changes (Ibdal) contract (idgham) and ellipsin that has different implications and is a display of one's excitements. This has an obvious effect on the meaning expressed as follows: exaggeration in meaning, abundance, growth, continuity been extraordinary or reminiscent of outside sounds and events, causing fear and anxiety expressing strangeness, recurrence and sequentality, obviousness, progressivity noisiness, time-consuming and relaxation of a movement, fastness of response and penalty, averting its heaviness and also mixture and proving the impact of phonemes on the meaning expressed, it will also be proved that synonymy does not exist at all.