From a total of 2000 food samples sent to the food control laboratory, 521 different bacteria belonging to the family Enterobacteriacae were isolated. The routine IMVIC series of test, as well as the decarboxylation of different amino acids and sugars fermentation methods were used for bacterial identification. Escherichia coli alone comprised 300 of these isolates and the remaining bacteria included, 110 Enterobacter spp (40 E.cloacae, 30 E. taylorae, 21 E. aerogenes and, 19 E. sakazakii), 44 Klebsiella spp. (24 K. oxytoca, 15 K. pnenmoniae, and 5 K. terrigena), 41 Serratia spp. (32 S. marcescens, and 9 S. fonticola), 11 Buttiauxella spp, 6 Hafnia alvei, 6 Pantoea spp, and 3 Citrobacter freundii. The kinds of food samples, in the order of their extent of contamination were dairy products, sweets, and ice creams. Due to the fact that these foods items are ready-to-eat and many different enterotoxins and cytotoxins are known to be contaminated by E.coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Hafnia; food contamination with these bacteria should be considered as potential health hazard.