There have been many different issues about the holy Qur’an and the Quranic sciences. In this article, all these issues are provided from a different viewpoint:1. Descending of the holy Qur’an in 2 ways, i.e.n a collective manner at once; and again in a gradual manner.2. Proportion of the miracle (s) and sign (s) provided by a Prophet with his step. As the holy Prophet has a unique step, the holy Qur’an has a unique position respectively.3. The words of a speaker is a manifestation of the speaker. The holy Qur’an is a manifestation of the Almighty God.4. The Divine revelations and inspirations are in 2 ways:a. the revelation of the words;b. the revelation of the contents;5. The holy Qur’an is the word of the Almighty God. This is the assertion of the holy Prophet of Islam. His Prophethood will be approved upon the Divine origin of the Qur’an.6. The termination of message and its relation to the outward (words) and inward (meanings) of Qur’an. One of the reasons that proves Islam is the last Divine religion is the superiority of the holy Prophet and comprehensive nature of his religion (Islam).7. According to the tradition of "Thaqalain", the holy Book in addition to its bearers (the true successors of the holy Prophet) are the Proofs of God. To assert the holy Qur’an alone as the Proof needs further discussions.8. To consider the holy Qur’an as a miraculous sign is not limited to its words and verses only; rather it includes the indirect meanings, interpretations, secrets, hints, parables, the decisive and allegorical verses, the capitals in the beginning of some chapters, etc9. The current holy Qur’an is not compiled according to the sequence of its revelation. Altogether, we can say that it is a collection of pearls, and each of them has its special brillianve and value.10. The holy Prophet has been the addressee of the Qur’an.11. The Knowledge of Qur’an includes the concise, very concise, and the detailed / comprehensive branches of knowledge.12. Ethics and morality are parts of the Quranic teachings. Morality helps to purify the soul and achieve perfection. The humility of the obedient servant indicates the superiority and Lordship of the Almighty God. Mortification practices sometimes may cause independence of the servant.13. In the verses of the holy Qur’an we observe indications about the sciences grammar and Syntax, medicine, economics, ethics, and natural sciences.