From ancient times (about 20-30 thousand years ago) with settlements of human groups and formation of primitive societies, imitation and misuse of others, thoughts and idias, and benefiting from their useful obtained gatherings, have been experienced. Often, the ignorant, pretends the ideas and obtained results of the wise, as his own and in this way, obtains fame, prestige and Wealth, Probably, this imitation and fabrication is the first step in stealing ideas.Time after time, with invasion of Iran by foreign ethnic groups, most writings, collections of wise statements or divans, texts of advises and oaths, official orders and ethical codes, customs and rules of conducts of this renowned and cultured land, along with books and library burnings, culture eradications, particularly in areas of literature (language and writings) and arts, have been destroyed or plundered. It is not surprising that the contents of those texts, appeared later in the literatures and cultures of the invaders, as their own.Many of the review articles, data collections and even research papers, particularly when the author (s) speaks of the work and obtained data without making proper references to the origin (knowingly or unknowingly) mislead the reader to the idia that the writing is the findings and productions of the author of the new article.Undoubtedly, teachers ought to teach their students, from the beginning, how to avoid imitations, hypocrisies, deceit, fraud, dishonesty in all social fields, including science.Parts of the scientific reports, even in the margins of the science, particularly in developing countries, are in fact nailing up wisdom and ideas of others with new topics namely plagiarism. Unfortunately, this ethical misconduct, more or less, has been experienced not only at university level, but also in industry, arts, thoughts and reflections, politics and governing levels.After this short summary, some vocabularies and their interpretations, glossary of selected group, in this area, with their Persian equivalents are presented.Thereafter, the text of statement of the Association of Editors of National Medical journals on "publication ethics and prevention of scientific misconduction" is presentedA note from the Editor:-………….opinions of the editor of this Journal for reminding and completion of prevention methods in propagation of this scientific calamity have been stressed.