To study the stability and adaptability of grain yield and genotype x environment interaction, 19 promising triticale lines/varieties were evaluated in Moghan, Mashhad and Zabol Experimental Stations during 2001 to 2003 cropping seasons. The experimental design in all the locations and years was completely randornized block design with three replications. Combined analysis of variance carried out over locations and years. The place x year and genotype x place x year interactions were significant (P<1%). There was not significant difference between genotypes. The different stability methods were used to identify stable genotypes in this research. The results of analysis on grain yield using parametric method of Eberhart and Russell (1966), stability of variance and Ecovalance indices (Shukla, 1972 & Wricke, 1962), environmental variance (Si2), coefficient of determination (R2), coefficient of variation (C.V.) and non-parametric method of rank (based on Rand SDR parameters) showed that genotypes No. 4, 12, 14, 17 and No. 11 were stable and high adaptable genotypes. The genotype No. 4 with high mean yield (6382kg/ha), the lowest deviation of regression (S2di=0.05, bi=1.08), the lowest stability of variance (si2=0.01), the lowest Wricke ecovalance (Wi=0.24), the highest R2 (96.7%), the lowest standard deviation of rank (SDR=1.72) and low environmental variance (Si2=1.25) and coefficient of variation (C.V%=17.52) was determined as the most stable genotype.