There are phenomena in the world like flood, earthquake, disease, death and so on which are not pleasant to everybody. The issue of evils and their creation has engaged man’s mind since antiquity. Finding a solution to the creation of evils has been more difficult for the believers, as they do not expect these evils to emanate from God who is wise, merciful, and compassionate.That is why, throughout history, some have tried not to attribute evils to God to keep His holiness. They, instead, have assumed a creator for evils other than God, that is, the Satan. This idea is known as duality.In Islam, finding a solution to the issue of evils has also engaged the Islamic scholars’ mind for whom duality is not consistent with monotheism. For them there is also the problem of the inconsistency of this idea with God’s image as being compassionate and merciful. They have argued that these phenomena are not evil in nature, even if they are considered as evil they are not created independently, they are a necessary part of this world in which substances may clash, if it was not for the demands of the materialistic world they would not have been created, and as the general trend of the world is toward the good there should be a logic behind the evils. In the holy Quran, God uses words which indicate that evils do exist and their existence is independent not dependent. The present article tries to provide a detailed account of these Quranic words and the above-mentioned arguments.