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    2 (47)
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Clan structure is an informal social organization, originally appropriated to the nomadic pastoral way of life. But, in Iran, in spite of the long history of sedentary urban living, through the dominance of Saljuq pastoral invaders on the society, the clan system was reinforced and continued to exist as an important "political" mechanism to keep power for that non-Iranian government. Then, it was institutionalized and continued up to the end of the nineteenth century. It may be said that some die-hard heritage of clan-system have remained and presented themselves as the kinship or ethnic appearance, intervening in the cultural, bureaucratic, and political networks as a whole, and it could be a strong obstacle against the development of political culture and civil society, as well.

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    2 (47)
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The purpose of the present research is to study the effective factors on attitudes and awareness of addicted prisoners toward the AIDS and preventive ways, and to explore the main determinants of the attitudes as well. The study population consists of addicted prisoners in the Shiraz addict camp. Survey is the adopted technique in doing the research. Since the population under study was only 281 prisoners, so the sample includes the total population. In this study different social theories have been employed, such as Anthropological Functionalism, sociological Functionalism, and Critical theories, as well as theories of Lewin, Stiel Krech, Crutchfield and Ballachey. According to the research theoretical model, awareness on AIDS and preventive ways are considered as intermediate variable. Based on this precondition, there would be two groups of hypothesis. First group is concerned with the relations of independent variables with the intermediate variable - awareness on the AIDS and preventive ways - and the second group deals with the relations of independent variables with dependent variable - attitudes toward the AIDS. The path Analysis offers the final model of dependent variable in which, the awareness on the AIDS and preventive ways are affected by the level of education, income, gender, and the times of attendance in prison, and on the other hand, the attitude toward the AIDS is affected by the level of education and the awareness on AIDS and preventive ways.

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    2 (47)
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This paper explores the effects of men's attitudes and beliefs on their use of family planning methods in Iran. In particular, two hypotheses are offered and tested. The family planning responsibility hypothesis asserts that men's belief that family planning is the responsibility of women reduces the likelihood of their participation in family planning activities. The community norm hypothesis asserts that men's belief that community approves their participation in family planning activities increases their participation. Data is gathered in 1997 from a province in southern Iran. Multivariate statistical methods are used in order to analyze the data and test the research hypotheses. The results of analysis confirm both hypotheses and also show that communication between spouses increases the probability of using family planning methods by men.

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    2 (47)
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This article investigated those socio-economic factors which affect students' political satisfaction at Shiraz' Islamic Azad University. In this study it has been tried to quantify political satisfaction of students and identify those constructs which associate with it. 384 students were selected randomly students from among those who were studying in the second semester of 79-80. Data were collected through face to face interviews based on a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed by correlation coefficient, analysis of variance, factor analysis and multiple regression. The results show that political satisfaction of the students is relatively low. There are significant relations between political alienation, political family, Political friends, educational satisfaction, being religious and social status of subjects and their political satisfaction. Multiple regression indicates that six variables (political alienation, educational satisfaction, being religious, listening to radio, mother educational level and sex) explain 50 percent of the variation of political satisfaction. Finally, results present that political satisfaction has a negative relation with political alienation and a positive relation with educational satisfaction and being religious.

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    2 (47)
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Regarding the definitions, theories and research in organizational effectiveness in schools, this study has an integrative approach (Goal Attainment/System Resources). Thus, the Theoretical Model of Parsons Four Functional- Essentional Social Systemic used (AGIL Model). After reviewing four theories (Goal Attainment, System Resource, Internal Processes and Competing Values Approaches) and related literature, four Parsonsian indicators of Organizational Effectiveness of Schools including: Innovation (A), Organizational Commitment (G), Job Satisfaction (I) and Organizational Health (Morale) (L) are studied. The Purpose of the research was to test Parsons AGIL Model for analyzing Organizational Effectiveness of School at the level of teachers. Furthermore, this study attempted to examine the issue in girl and boy students in high school in five 'of educational districts in Isfahan. The method is survey study. The instruments are standard and valid questionnaires. The data has been collected from 300 teachers of girls and boys high schools in Esfahan in 2003-2004. To encode, extract and analyze the data statistically, we used SPSS 11, in Windows. Statistical Methods include: University Analysis (Descriptive statistics), Bivariables analysis (T-Test, Pearson Coefficient Correlation, One-Way Variance Analysis), and Multivariable Analysis (Two-Way Analysis Multivariable Regression analysis, Factor Analysis.

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    2 (47)
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Farming system with its interdisciplinary approach has received the most attention in the last decade. It has two major components or subsystems: 1. Biological – ecological 2. Social – cultural Agricultural extension educators have put more emphasize on the second subsystem. It is believed that the empowerment of human resources has the most important role in agricultural development. Dealing with this aspect of social-cultural subsystem, a strong leadership program is required. To fulfill the objectives of this research 10 experienced and interested extension agents from Fars Province were selected by a purposeful sampling. The subjects were trained about leaders4ip development in rural areas and mentoring as an approach in training rural leaders. The data were collected from the action research (reports of 'action' and perceptions of subjects) as well as from the survey. Triangulation technique was used to combine the results of aforementioned methods and final judgments were made. This paper, based on an action research and a quantitative methodology, using survey technique, presents a comprehensive model in leadership development program for adult farmers, and introduces the "mentoring" approach as the most successful means in leadership training programs.

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    2 (47)
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Our era has been called the age of communication in which the mass media are of utmost importance. Newspapers form a considerable portion of the highly effective mass media. Newspaper are active, on the one hand, in the formation of people's views, and on the other, they reflect changes occurring in the society. Nowadays, women's political participation is considered to constitute a 'pressing issue of our times. The present article attempts to assess people's views through examining newspapers. The article's aims are: 1) To determine the dominant views as expressed in the newspapers on women's political management. 2) To examine how views are changed over the issue of women's political management, in the period preceding 1376 (the Iranian calendar), compared to the period following it. For theoretical explanation of the research question, Parson's socialization, and Festinger's discord theories are used. The method is content analysis, and the findings show that: 1) First, the attention paid by newspapers to women’s political management is varied. Salaam newspaper paid the most, and Resaalat and Keyhan newspapers paid the least amount of attention to the above issue. The degree of attention paid by Hamshahri and Etelaat newspapers was determined to constitute a middle ground. 2) Second, following the period of 1376, the highest increase of attention paid were by Hamshahri and Etelaat, followed by Salaam, and the least amount of increase was seen in Resaalat and Keyhan newspapers. The difference of average of attention paid by the newspapers to this issue, given the tests, was significant. The variability of difference in increase [of attention] was also considered, and confirmed.

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    2 (47)
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Demographic shifts, including an unprecedented population explosion and rapid urbanization. in the past three decades, have had a significant impact on Iran's sociopolitical developments. In particular, these shifts have facilitated the emergence of the urban youth as a highly influential socioeconomic force. Popular democratic aspirations have manifested themselves in two important events- the 1978-79 Islamic Revolution and the triumph of the reform camp in the 1997 presidential elections (known as the 2ndKhordad Movement). This article probes the role of Iran's urban youth in the democratic transition of the last three decades by comparing a number of democratic indexes before and after these major events.

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (47)
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The main purpose of this paper is to consider the effective factors on university students' attitude toward physical exercises. In other word, the paper is searching the correlation between economic, social and cultural factors and physical exercises. First a review of literature and theories in relation to sociology of sport was done. Then a theoretical model based on family economic status, student social status, demography of students, cultural background, sport facilities and student awareness was established. There are 12 hypotheses related to independent variables and dependent variable. A sample of 536 student out of 4038 medical students were selected by random sampling. The method of study was survey with a questionnaire. After using SPSS, the following results were obtained: there are no correlations between family income, student pocket money, student age and attitude toward sport. Medical management students have a high interest in physical exercise. Women students are more interested in sport. Those who are aware of sport facilities outside the university do more exercise. There is a positive relationship between awareness of sport effects and exercises.

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (47)
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Women and men have different needs in the process of development. Achieving development is not possible, without involving the women in development. Women should be involved in the development not only to improve their condition but also to increase production. The purpose of this study was to compare the economic, social and cultural conditions of rural women in "less developed", "semi-developed" and "developed" villages in Fars province. A case study methodology was used. Data were collected using a questionnaire with open and closed- ended question. Economic aspects (family income, assets and women's autonomy), social aspects (family size, literacy of family, amount of leisure time, access to education and credits) and cultural aspects. (women's involving decision making, women prestige and rights in family) were examined. The results indicated that development led to increase family income, women literacy, access to education and credits, and women abuse, and decrease in women employment, participation in family decision making and prestige. In all, development had a positive effect on women satisfaction with their gender type. It is recommended that in addition to technical dimensions, social and economic conditions should be also considered in any development aimed at achieving gender-oriented development.

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (47)
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In this Study, our purpose is to present some evidences about and concerned with the effects of married women's sex preferences on their desire for fertility behaviors. The theoretical framework of this research consists of the theories of the value of children and cultural theories of fertility. Data were gathered from 550 married women living in Tehran, by using the survey method, oral interview technique and structured questionnaires. The main purpose of the present study is to specify the effects of the desired sex composition on women's fertility behavior. For this purpose a variety of statistical techniques, in particular regression and logistic regression were exerted. The discriminate analysis showed that from among the variables related to the individual characteristics, "women's age" and "women's education", from those related to demographical characteristics "total number of children", "duration of marriage", "the number of female children" and "the sex composition of children, "and from the variables related to attitudes "the evaluation of the sex composition of children based upon sex preferences' and "the number of the desired children" had a crucial effect in clarifying the women's fertility behavior. Also, the multivariate analysis adopted in the Logistic Regression model showed that variables as "the evaluation of sex composition of children on the basis of sex preferences", "duration of marriage" and "husband's place of birth" contribute to predicting the married women's desire for fertility behavior and these variables collectively can predict correctly the dependent variable of this study in about 84 percent of the cases.

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    2 (47)
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One of the contemporary social phenomena of Iranian society in the area of interpersonal relationship IS the new phenomenon of the premarital dating and friendship of the girls and boys. The aim of the present study was to measure the student's attitudes toward premarital dating and friendship of girls and boys and to explore the relationship between the socio-cultural factors and attitudes toward these kinds of friendships. Using a survey method, a sample of 398 students (males /females) from Shiraz University and Shiraz Medical Sciences University was selected. The theoretical framework which was used was Ronald Inglehart's value and attitude change theory. The data in the present study clearly showed that 25/6 percent of our respondents were favorably inclined having a positive attitude toward these kinds of relationships, while family's attitude was more negative than students, and girls' attitude was more negative than boys. Further, the data revealed that the four model variables explained the most variance of the dependent variable respectively, and it also showed that these four variables predicted 76/8 percent of the student's attitudes toward premarital friendships, indicating -a-high degree of suitability research model. In general, results of this survey indicate that socialization or cultural variables had more effects on attitude rather than economical variables.

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