Imam Khomeini has criticized Qeysari's division of the stages of the world, and considered it as consequents of quiddity not existence. He considers the name "All-compassionate" as the place of manifestation, and the name "the Merciful" as the place of depression, and the name "Allah" as the composite of the two. Therefore, he, as the other philosophers, does not consider "the compassionate" as the Master of the First Intellect and the Merciful as the Master of the Universal Soul. Imam Khomeini considers the Making as the object of quiddity and in relation to the Omniscience Presence and the rest he does not make any distinction between existence and quiddity. He, in the subject of Thingness pertaining to existence, mentions that the archetype of a being does not acquire the place of existence at all, and that the individual unified Existence is an ascription which is multiplied due to the names, attributes and name images. He also attributes the differences between differential substances to differentia and not to being-a-universal phenomena. With regard to kinds of Praise, Imam Khomeini considers the agent praise as a manifestation of the perfection of the praiseworthy with action and Allah's praise in His descriptive realm. He takes all kinds of praise as a whole which only differ by their plurality of names and attributes.