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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Periodontal diseases are multifactorial conditions that are induced in the presence of bacteria and under the influence of environmental and genetic factors. Management of environmental factors might help prevent such diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between interleukin-1a, b gene polymorphism and chronic periodontitis (CP).Materials and Methods: This case-control study included 36 subjects with chronic periodontitis referred to Periodontology Department of Khorasgan Dental School and 36 periodontally healthy controls, with an ethnic origin of Isfahani Iranian race. Extracted DNA from peripheral blood was used to evaluate interleukin-1a, b gene polymorphism. Data were analyzed using chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests (a=0.05).Results: There was a significant association between IL-1a -889, 2.2 genotype and CP and between IL-1a -889 allele and periodontal health (p value = 0.03). There was no significant association between IL-1b +3954 genotype and CP (p value = 0.14). There was no significant association between IL-1b +3954 alleles and CP (p value = 0.06).Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, association between IL-1a -889 polymorphism in the population presented here confirms this gene as a risk factor for CP. However, the lack of any association between IL-1b +3954 polymorphism and CP makes it dubious to use this gene as a marker of susceptibility to CP.

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Introduction: One of the most effective and inexpensive methods to prevent tooth decay is the use of fluoride dentifrices. An adequate concentration of soluble fluoride should be available in toothpastes to have an inhibitory effect on caries. This study was designed to evaluate and compare total fluoride and soluble fluoride concentrations in most commonly consumed toothpastes in Iran with the international standard of 1000‒1500 ppm.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study 3 samples from 4 toothpastes were from Iran (Pooneh, Daroogar, Paveh) and one of them was an imported product (Crest 7). Total fluoride and total soluble fluoride concentrations were determined by ion specific electrode. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA, and Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney and post hoc Tukey tests (a=0.05).Results: Total fluoride and total soluble fluoride concentrations were higher than 1000 ppm only in Crest 7 toothpaste. Total soluble fluoride concentration in Crest 7 toothpaste was significantly higher than other toothpastes (p value < 0.001). There were no significant differences between the 3 other toothpastes (p value > 0.05).Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, the imported toothpaste had a favorable fluoride concentration but the Iranian products had fluoride levels below the standard levels.

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View 2558

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Introduction: Oral hygiene in children and parental awareness have an important role in prevention of infective endocarditis. The aim of this study was to determine oral and dental health in children with congenital heart disease in comparison with a control group and its relation with knowledge, attitude and performance of parents.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study carried out in 2012, 60 children, aged 3‒12 years, with congenital heart disease, referring to a private pediatric cardiology clinic and 60 healthy children, selected randomly, were evaluated. Then DMFT/dmft, plaque index and gingival index were recorded and a questionnaire was completed by parents for evaluating their knowledge, attitude and performance. Data were analyzed with SPSS 16 by descriptive statistics, 2-sample t-test, and chi-squared and regression tests (a=0.05).Results: The means of DMFT/dmft, PI and GI in children with CHD were significantly higher compared to healthy children (p value = 0.001). Parents’ knowledge and attitude had no significant relationship with children’s mean PI, GI and DMFT/dmft (p value > 0.05); however, parents’ performance and mean DMFT/dmft were significantly related (p value = 0.01), with no significant relationship with PI and GI (p value > 0.05). There were no significant differences in knowledge and performance between the two groups (p value > 0.05); however, parents’ attitudes in the patient group were significantly more positive that the healthy group (p value = 0.004).Conclusion: Children with CHD had lower oral health than healthy children. Parental knowledge and performance about heart disease and the importance of oral health was low. However, the attitude of parents of children with CHD was more positive than other group, indicating the role of education in improving attitude.

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View 1794

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Introduction: The incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in the dental profession is high due to long-term repetitive movements and some inappropriate ergonomic working conditions. Therefore, it is important to identify inappropriate positions and risk factors in dental practitioners. The aim of this study was to evaluate ergonomic body posture during work using Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method in dental students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.Materials and Methods: The subjects in this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study were randomly selected from dental students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and consisted of 70 students (34 females and 36 males). To determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders Nordic questionnaire was used. To assess students status during work using REBA method the researcher directly observed the students for 20 to 30 minutes and data was recorded. Data was reported as percentages of relative frequencies and the means and analyzed with SPSS using chi-squared test. Mann-Whitney test was used for the comparison of REBA mean scores separately for genders.Results: The most common musculoskeletal disorders in students were related to the shoulder the lower back with 41.2% and 31.7%, respectively. The mean REBA scores on the left and right sides were 5.13 and 5.01, respectively. Body posture was at the moderate and high risk levels in 90% and 10% of the students, respectively. Students’ posture during surgery was at a high risk level. There were no significant differences between REBA scores of male and female students (p value = 0.239).Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, considering the moderate and high risk levels of subjects, the students need ergonomic intervention to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.

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View 2266

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Introduction: Cephalometric images have limitations in the evaluation of measurements in three dimensions of space. In recent years, technological advances have made it possible to acquire 3D data on patients. This study sought to compare the accuracy of linear measurements made on digital postero-anterior cephalograms and CBCT images data with those made directly on dry skulls.Materials and Methods: In this random cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study 5 anatomic landmarks were determined on 5 dry human skulls. Direct measurements on the skulls were made with a digital caliper. Then, digital postero-anterior CBCT radiographs and CBCT images were taken and measurements were made using the relevant software programs. SPSS 11.5 was used for the data analysis. ICC (intraclass correlation coefficients) test and the mean percentage differences were analyzed with Wilcoxon test (a=0.05).Results: Comparison of mean percentage differences showed significant differences between measurements made on digital postero-anterior cephalograms and dry skulls on one hand and those made on CBCT images (p value=0.001). The mean ICC was 0.92 for CBCT technique and 0.28 for digital lateral cephalometry technique.Conclusion: Under the limitations of the present study, direct measurements on dry skull were very close to measurements on CBCT images compared to those on digital postero-anterior lateral cephalograms. The accuracy of CBCT technique was much higher than digital postero-anterior lateral cephalometry technique.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The orthognathic quality of life (OQOL) questionnaire evaluates the quality of life in five aspects which are related to the dentofacial status of an individual. In this study the association between the orthodontic treatment willingness and these aspects was evaluated in 10-14 year-old students in Shiraz.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional analytic study, 240 participants among 10-14 year-old students in Shiraz were selected. The OQOL questionnaire was used for the evaluation of five aspects of the orthognatic quality of life. After completion of the questionnaire, the students were asked to answer a question about their willingness for orthodontic treatment with Yes or No and according to this answer, the participants were categorized in two groups. The case group involved those who answered with Yes (n = 113) and the control group involved those who answered with No (n = 127). Data was analyzed with the SPSS 15 using Mann-Whitney U test (a = 0.05).Results: The scores of three components, including “self-confidence” (p value = 0.009), “awareness of dentofacial esthetic” (p value = 0.018), and the “dentofacial esthetic” (p value = 0.023) were statistically significant. The difference between the case and the control groups were not significant in the “social aspect” (p value = 0.070) and the “oral function” (p value = 0.154).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, in the adolescent age group, “self- confidence”, “dentofacial esthetic” and “awareness of dentofacial esthetic” are the most effective aspects of orthognathic quality of life (OQOL), which result in willingness for orthodontic treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: A child’s anxiety during dental therapy can lead to lack of cooperation, hindering or even preventing the therapy. This study was carried out to evaluate the level of anxiety caused by different dental procedures in 10-12 year-old children in Shahr-e-kord city.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the level of anxiety caused by dental therapy was evaluated in 583 students, aged 10-12 years, who were selected by random multiple-stage sampling technique. Data was collected through Modified Child Dental Anxiety Scale Figurated (MCDASF). Data was statistically analyzed with SPSS 16. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and analytical methods with t-test, Freedman test and independent t-test (a = 0.05).Results: The mean of the level of anxiety for students with previous dental visits was 2.58±0.91 (from 5), with 2.68 for girls and 2.49 for boys, which are considered lower than the average (p value < 0.001). The dental procedures in terms of the level of anxiety they cause are ranked as follows: anesthetic injection, extraction, filling and polishing. Anxiety levels were significantly higher in girls compared to boys (p value < 0.001).Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study the level of dental anxiety in 10-12 year-old children of Shahr-e-kord was low to moderate. It was higher in girls in comparison with boys. The highest level of fear occurs during anesthetic injection and the lowest occurs during polishing of the teeth.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Fissure sealants are applied in order to obliterate the fissures and isolated them from surrounding decay-causing environment. If these materials are lost, they should be repaired to provide protection from tooth caries. The aim of this study was to evaluate microleakage of repaired fissure sealants after using preparation methods such as prophylaxis, enameloplasty, air abrasion, application of bonding agents and beveling of fissures.Materials and Methods: In this in vitro experimental study, fifty caries-free third molars were used. After cleaning by prophylaxis and acid etching, the fissure sealant (Fissurit FX) was placed on the teeth while a periodontal probe was placed on one half of the occlusal surface to create a break point sealant before curing, which was removed after light-curing. The sealant of one half of the surface was removed and the teeth were randomly placed in one of the five groups: 1) prophylaxis and etching (control); 2) enameloplasty with a round carbide bur and etching; 3) air abrasion and etching; 4) etching and application of the bonding agent; 5) beveling the margins of the buccal aspect of the occlusal fissure and etching. After thermocycling and sealing the teeth, they were immersed in 1% methylene blue for 48 hours. Then the teeth were sectioned longitudinally in a mesiodistal direction. The sections was examined under a stereomicroscope for microleakage. Data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test.Results: The highest and lowest rates of microleakage were seen in group 2 (enameloplasty) and group 5 (bevel of the buccal fissure), respectively. Statistical analysis with Kruskal-Wallis test showed no significant differences between the groups (p value = 0.19).Conclusion: This study did not demonstrate any one single method of repair to be superior to the control method for reapplication of the sealant. It seems that persistence of each of these methods depends on the results of future studies, especially clinical studies.

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Introduction: The size and shape of sella turcica might be affected by pathological conditions.Clinicians should be familiar with the normal radiographic anatomy and morphologic variations of this area. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the shape and size of the sella turcica in subjects over 18 years of age with different skeletal malocclusions.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, at first pre-treatment lateral cephalograms of 246 patients (over 18 years of age) were divided equally into three groups of skeletal malocclusions of class I, II and III (82 patients in each group), with equal distribution of male and female subjects in each group. Then, the shape of sella turcica was determined according to standard references and its size was calculated using a software program. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA, chi-squared test and independent t-test using SPSS 18 (a = 0.05).Results: The majority of subjects (57.7%) had normal sella turcica shape. There were no significant differences in the shape (p value = 0.515) and size of sella turcica between the three skeletal malocclusions (p values of length, depth and diameter were 0.577, 0.881 and 0.575, respectively) and between genders (p values of shape, length, depth and diameter were 0.274, 0.22, 0.113 and 0.694, respectively).Conclusion: Under the limitations of the present study, there was no relationship between the shape and size of sella turcica and different skeletal malocclusions and gender of subjects over 18 years of age.

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Introduction: The most common types of hepatitis include hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G. Hepatitis B and C are serious threats to health and result in occupational and psychological problems. Hepatitis B and C are among the most common diseases transmitted from patients to the medical personnel and vice versa and also to their families. Prevention of transmission of hepatitis B and C at medical centers is an important health issue. The aim of the present study was to explain oral manifestations of hepatitis B and C to dentists so that they can diagnose and prevent transmission of these medical conditions.Review Report: The present review study was carried out by searching the Pubmed and ISI Web of Science databases from 1974 and 2013 using the key words hepatitis B, hepatitis C and dental precautions.Conclusion: Despite plans and strategies for infection control, hepatitis is still a serious problem in dentistry. In this article dental precautions that should be considered in these patients were presented. In addition, methods to prevent infection with these viruses, the techniques used when confronting carriers of the virus, the methods of diagnosis and the symptoms were discussed.

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