Introduction: Educative life is one of the most important aspects in every individual’ s life, which affects other aspects gravely. Emotional intelligence is one of the most effective factors in achieving success in different aspects of life. The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between educational status and emotional intelligence in dental students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Materials & Methods: Bar-On questionnaire was used to evaluate emotional intelligence. This questionnaire has 2 parts: Demographic characteristics and emotional intelligence in 5 components (inter-personal, intra-personal, compatibility, stress management, general mood). The questionnaire was completed by 156 undergraduate students in Isfahan School of Dentistry. Student’ s overall average grades were used as an index for their educational status. Likert’ s 1– 5 scale was used for scoring. Data were analyzed with SPSS 18, using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis (α = 0. 05). Results: The total scores of emotional intelligende were 223 and 218. 95 in female (71) and male (43) subjects, respectively. The total scores of single (91) and married (23) subjects were 223. 31 and 218. 13, respectively. In relation to accomodation, the highest mean, 224. 12, belonged to the subjects who lived in their own private homes (63) and the lowest mean, 209. 73, belonged to those living in rented houses. Self-esteem, mental pressure tolerance, happiness, empathy, and adaplabity were significantly associated with academic performance (p value < 0. 001). Regression analysis indicated that emotional self-awareness subscale (p value = 0. 014), self-esteem (p value = 0. 04), and happiness (p value = 0. 024) had a significant association with academic performance in the presence of other criteria and demographic features (r = 0. 770). Conclusion: The total score of emotional intelligence was highr in females compared to males. There was a significant relationship between students’ academic performance and type of living (living alone or with family). In addition, there was a significant relationship between academic performance and self-awareness, self-steem and happiness subscales.