Epistemology is a branch of philosophy and is primarily concerned with understanding the routes, contexts, nature and, especially, the credibility of science. It’s aimed at providing knowledge to assess the science.Organizational epistemology studies the nature and the origins of organizational knowledge and the knowledge related to the origins of structures, methods and credibility of science and organizational epistemology itself. To study these phenomena from an epistemological viewpoint, five contexts concerning the cognition topic, cognition tools, cognition source, cognition method and the credibility of cognition should be studied from two standpoints of subjective and objective (or abstract and concrete).The question that “are the nature and existence of the universe, organization and various phenomena objective or they are subjective?” has led to shaping of two schools of objectivism and subjectivism in epistemology. Following these two schools, two different viewpoints in organizational epistemology have been created which are named cognitive and relative organizational epistemologies.In cognitive epistemology, various phenomena are considered to have subjective existence, while in relative epistemology they have objective existence and the relations between them are discovered and studied, with the aid of learning rules. The application of cognitive epistemology in organizational and management theories has led to an era in which the organizations are viewed as strategic planning tools, predicting tools and the solutions of different problems.Relative epistemology has led to creation of a series of concepts such as developing systems, network strategies, social entities and self-organizing … in organizational and management theories.