Background and aims: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common peripheral neuropathies. Common risk factors of CTS include hand repetitive movements, awkward posture of wrist and forceful exertions. In Iran, little study has been conducted to determine occupations associated with high prevalence of CTS. Since many manual occupations involve repetitive hands and fingers motions, high prevalence rate of CTS is predicted. This epidemiological study was carried out to determine sex, age, occupation and prominent hand distribution of CTS among patients with CTS referring to Chamran and Nemazi hospitals, Shiraz. Method: In a passive surveillance, data were collected from 305 files of patients with CTS referring to Chamran and Nemazi hospitals from 2002 to 2006. Age, sex, address and phone number of the patients was taken from their files. In the next stage, they were contacted either by person or by telephone and details about their occupations and tasks were asked. Results: Among 305 studied cases, 224 were female (73.4%) and 81 were male (26.6%). Patients' age ranged from 14 to 81 years with mean of 43±14.38 years. Totaly, 286 of paitients were contacted. Among contacted cases, 169 were housewives (59.1%), 45 were office employees (15.7%), 43 were workers (15%), 16 were weavers (5.6%) and 10 were taylors (3.5%). Number of CTS cases in right, left and both hands were 176 (60.1%), 77 (26.3%) and 40 (13.7%), respectively. Surgical procedure was conducted on 194 of cases. Other types of treatments were administrated for the remain 11 cases. Conclusion: Since 74% of CTS cases were observed in female, it could be declared that due to physical body condition and execution of precise repetitive tasks, women were more at risk of CTS. Among occupations, 60% of cases occurred in housewives. Based on the results, in order to prevent CTS occurrence, it is recommended to pay more attention to women and desiging appropriate hand tools (particularly hand tools used in kitchen).