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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aims: The maximum aerobic capacity or VO2max is a measure of the maximum volume of oxygen that can be absorbed by respiratory system and delivered to the acting muscles through blood flow. The aims of this study were to determine the correlation between the two methods of treadmill and step tests in estimating the maximum aerobic capacity and it's affecting factors among students of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This cross-sectional study conducted among 68 students (47 males and 21 females) who participated voluntarily. First, the participants completed Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and demographic characteristics, and if they met inclusion criteria, step and treadmill tests were performed according to Gerkin and ASCM protocols, respectively. Results: The results showed that the mean and standard deviation of maximum aerobic capacity estimated from ACSM and Gerkin protocols were 2. 86± 0. 66 and 1. 86± 0. 32, respectively. Significant and positive correlation were estimated between two tests for maximum aerobic capacity via two protocols of ASCM and Gerkin (r=0. 74 and p<0. 001). Also, there were significant associations among maximum aerobic capacity with age, sex, weight, height, and BMI in both ACSM and Gerkin protocols. Conclusion: According to the results of almost the same ACSM and Gerkin tests, step test can be used instead of the treadmill test to estimate the maximum aerobic capacity. Additionlly, physiological characteristics of the human such as sex, age, height and weight have main roles in maximum aerobic capacity.

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Background and aims: Nowadays, various techniques have been introduced for extraction of chemical compounds from aquatic samples, for examples techniques based on the use of needles that were packed with some sorbents. However, no synthesis sorbent study based on single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and sol-gel techniques for the extraction of toluene and methyl ethyl ketone from aquatic samples has been performed so far. This study was aimed to use that technique. Methods: In this study, needles that were packed with single wall carbon nanotubes sorbent used for extraction of toluene and methyl ethyl ketone from aquatic samples and optimal extraction conditions (time-temperature extraction and the effect of salt) were studied. Samples collected were analyzed with gas chromatograph-flame ionization detector. Results: The best conditions for the extraction of toluene were at 50° C, 60 min, while for methyl ethyl ketone 50° C, 30 minutes. Reproducibility of extractions for toluene and methyl ethyl ketone was 9% and 14%, respectively. Conclusion: Results showed that needle trap device (NTD) technique has good performance in toluene and methyl ethyl ketone extraction with low concentrations in aquatic media. NTD with SWCNT is sensitive, simple, uses less solvent and is inexpensive. Equipment used in this technique is easy to carry out in the workplace.

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Background and aims: Construction industry is one of the riskiest industries all around the world and safety improvement in this industry is one of the main priorities in any country. Many researchers are trying to identify different factors that affect the construction industry safety. However, due to the large volume of high liquidity and volume of work in megaprojects, identification of contributing factors to their safety is very important. So, the main objective of this study was to identify and prioritize the factors affecting mega-projects’ safety in Iran. Methods: In this study, sfter studying latest research, effective and different factors were identified. Then, using brainstorming session and Delphi method, the most important parameters were chosen by experts. The hierarchical fuzzy method was used to prioritize the factors, therefore to weight the factors a total of 25 questionnaires were distributed and all collected. Results: The workers’ attitude toward safety issues, safety training and safety culture as the most important factors affecting the safety performance of megaproject in Iran were detected. Conclusion: Identification of attitudes of workers as the most important parameter affecting the performance of and safety in mega project is very important in selection of workers before entering the construction site. Although we cannot forgive the role of safety training, the best choice next to safety training is the selection of workers with a positive attitude toward safety.

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Background and aims: Blood borne diseases are still one of the major sources of nosocomial infections and are large concern of health personnel because of extension of HIV infection and also transmission of hepatitis B and C. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence and risk factors of needlestick and sharps injuries among personnel of a university hospital. Methods: In this cross sectional study, a total of 168 nurses, midwives, physicians, laboratory technicians, operation technicians, nurse aids, and anesthesia personnel, involved in the direct management and care of patients answered to questions about occurrence of needle stick and sharps injuries and some potential risk factors. The questionnaire including personal and occupational characteristics was assessed for validity and reliability. Results: The rate of needlestick injury was 1. 4 per person in a year. 42. 9% of personnel had at least one needlestick injury in the last year. About 71% of the participants had an experience of needlestick injuries and only 29% of these had not any needlestick injury during entire work career. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the most important risk factor for needlestick injuries was re-capping needles, (OR: 2. 5, 95% CI 1. 5-4. 8). Conclusion: The rate of needlestick injuries is fairly high among healthcare personnel and there are concerns about transmission of blood borne diseases. Recapping needles is performing by many personnel, so they must receive related safety training. Besides the proper educations, it needs to provide safety devices to reduce such injuries.

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Background and aims: Nowadays, transportation and driving have key roles to social life and work. Based on the needs to concentration, attention and also proper physical and mental health status of drivers, the present study was conducted to survey the relationship between occupational stress and musculoskeletal disorders among trucks drivers in Iran, 2014-15. Methods: 173 professional divers participated in this cross-sectional and analytical research using convinient sampling method. Researchers used three questionnaires to gather data: Demographic, Body map, and Drivers Stress Inventory (DSI). Also, analyses were done through SPSS v. 20. Results: Studied drivers were 43. 61± 9. 25 years old. 146 ones (%88. 5) experienced at least musculoskeletal pain at one part of their body. Mean (SD) of occupational stress score was measured 247. 87± 18. 57. Occupational stress differentiation between participants with and without musculoskeletal problems was most significant about tights, right elbow, and hand (p<0. 05) and also, low back part (p<0. 1). Conclusion: Truck driving as a job in Iran is in medium degree risk of stress. In addition, stress is correlated with musculoskeletal pain prevalence. Developing and applying drivers’ occupational stress management plan all around the country can lead to safer roads, lesser fatal crashes, and increase in drivers’ health.

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Background and aims: Melamine is a chemical widely used in the industries. It is being used in the production of plastic-coated plates, glue, molding compounds and melamine dinnerware. Formaldehyde as an irritant is produced in the melamine dinnerware production and creates some health problem. In this study irritant risk assessment of formaldehyde was assessed in Melamine dinnerware industry. Methods: In this study 54 workers were selected from melamine dinnerware workshops as exposed groups. Also 30 workers from dairy production workshops were evaluated who were not occupationally exposed to irritants. The personal monitoring of workers was performed according to the NIOSH instruction No. 3500. Irritant effects of formaldehyde were evaluated using HSE/HSL questionnaire. Relative risk was calculated for each response. Results: Mean (SD) occupational exposure of workers to formaldehyde was 0. 1± 0. 044 ppm. The results of Chi-square test showed in the exposed group irritation of respiratory tract and eyes was higher than controls (p<0. 05). Also, relative risk of all irritation effect was more than 1. Maximum eye irritation was evaluated by pressing workers when formaldehyde exposure was more than others. Conclusion: Occupational exposure of workers to formaldehyde was higher than the respective NIOSH Threshold Limit Values– Time Weighted Average (TLV-TWA). It seems irritation of respiratory tract and eyes occur in the lower concentration of formaldehyde TWA of Iran standards. Due to irritation relative risk in the melamine dinnerware workshops, a program of risk management required.

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Background and aims: When speaking of stress, its negative aspects are mostly considered. Stress can develop some of physical, psychological and social illness. Too much stress can reduce performance and increase accidents in the workplace. In the cement production lines, there are many deleterious effects that play role in outbreak of stress and endanger the health of workers. Methods: 177 workers of a cement production line were studied. In the first phase of data collection, individual-job and Belkyk job questionnaire were used. In order to assess the deleterious effects of sound, lighting, dust and thermal stress, sound gauge, lux meter, sampling pump, WBGT meter were used. Data were analyzed by SPSS v. 20 software. Results: The results of this study shows that the average job stress was 45. 01 and statistically there was significant relationship between the deleterious effects of job stress and noise and dust (p<0. 01). But no significant relationship was found between job stress and other harmful elements such as lighting and thermal stresses. Also, there was difference in job stress of workers regarding their age, experience. Conclusion: It can be inferred from the results that noise and dust in the workplace are affecting factors in production line workers of cement industry. Also, with increasing age, job stress increases. Experienced workers burden is too much for them and this may lead to increase the stress. In different units of cement production line, the intensity and duration of exposure to harmful factors varies, and this may cause differences in job stress with respect to their activities on the site.

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Background and aims: Conventional methods for determination of volatile organic pollutants in the air are based on solvent extraction. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) has been popular as an environmentally friendly technique to extract a very wide range of analytes. SPME fibers have some drawbacks that can be overcome by the use of sol-gel nanosorbents. Therefore the aim of this study has been to evaluate a nano fiber for sampling and determination of carbon tetrachloride in air. Methods: In this study, a novel multi-walled carbon nanotube fiber based on sol-gel technique was synthesized and the effects of several factors during sampling and determination of carbon tetrachloride were evaluated and finally compared with Carboxen/Polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) as a commercial fiber. Results: Results showed that the proposed fiber under optimal conditions demonstrated better performances in lower level of both temperature and relative humidity. The efficient temperature for thermal desorption was 280 ° C. The desorption times were obtained at 3 min. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for repeatability ranged between 4 to 4. 3% for reproducibility ranged between 3. 2 to 4. 5%. In comparative studies to CAR/PDMS, the results were acceptable. Conclusion: Solid-phase microextraction with synthesized nano fiber is a simple, sensitive and applied method that can use successfully for determination of carbon tetrachloride in the air.

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Background and aims: The teachers assign very high amount of time to job activities arbitrarily and voluntarily, which may result in addiction to work with positive and negative outcomes. The main goal of current study is evaluating the relationship between extreme dependence to work with job stress and job burnout in elementary school teachers of Zahedan city. Methods: This is a descriptive correlation study, carried out on 350 elementary school teachers of Zahedan city who were selected using stratified random sampling method. The data collected using three questionnaires including addiction to work questionnaire, job stress questionnaire, and job burnout questionnaire. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficient and multiple regression through SPSS v. 21 software. Results: The average (SD) score of teachers in dependent variables were 3. 97± 0. 64 for extreme dependence to work, 3. 33± 0. 74 for job stress and 3. 48± 0. 79 for job burnout, which altogether were higher than average level from the theoretical point of view. The value of correlation coefficient for work involvement, feeling of being driven to work, work enjoyment, and extreme dependence to work were 0. 739, 0. 743, 0. 73, 0. 74 (p<0. 01), respectively. Based on result of regression, 55. 9% of job stress variance was common with extreme job dependence components (p<0. 05). The values of correlation coefficient of work involvement, feeling of being driven to work, work enjoyment, and extreme dependence to work with job stress were 739. 737, 0. 0, 0. 728, 0. 738 (p<0. 01), respectively. Based on results of regression, the 55. 4% of job burnout variance was common with extreme job dependence components (p<0. 05). Conclusion: According to significant positive relationship between workaholism with job stress and job burnout in teachers, it could be suggested to execute instructional courses for familiarity of teachers with phenomena including extreme dependence to work, job stress, job burnout, individual and organizational outcomes and their effective management.

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Background and aims: Safety behavior is a type of job behavior that promotes the health and safety of workers, clients, public and the environment. One of the methods for assessment of safety behavior is the use of questionnaire. Nonetheless, there is no related validated questionnaire in Iran so far. The present study was designed to develop a measurement tool for assessment of safety behavior. Methods: According to the previous studies, a draft of questionnaire with 25 questions was developed. Face validity was done based on expert opinions and necessity, relevance, simplicity and clarity of the questions were also evaluated. To assess the content validity, content validity ratio and content validity index of the questionnaire was calculated. Reliability of the questionnaire was tested with test-retest, interclass correlation coefficient and cronbach's alpha coefficient. Provided questionnaire was distributed among 315 employees of Qom province industries. Data were analyzed through SPSS v. 20. Results: Other than one question, for the rest of the questions CVR value was greater than zero. Mean of agreement ratio for relevance, simplicity and clarity of questionnaire was 0. 91 and for necessity 0. 95. ICC index was equal to 0. 752 (p=0. 009) and Pearson correlation coefficient between test and retest result was 0. 619 (p=0. 02). The scout study Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 766 and in the main study was 0. 902. Mean score of safety behavior was 3. 78± 0. 66 and there was a significant inverse relationship between safety behavior score and accident (p<0. 01). Conclusion: The safety behavior questionnaire was designed and validated with 12 questions in safety compliance and 11 questions in safety participation. Provided questioner had high reliability and validity and it is a local tool for assessment of safety behavior with suitable sensitivity and accuracy.

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