Background & purpose: Comparison of the effects of three training programs of stretch resistance, elastic resistance and plyometric resistance on muscle function and body composition in male bodybuilders. Methodology: Thirty male bodybuliders (mean age: 22. 35± 0. 6 years, weight: 78. 87± 5. 55 kg, height: 175. 54± 6. 06 cm and body fat percentage: 15. 7± 3. 8) were randomly divided into three groups of plyometric resistance, elastic resistance and stretch resistance. Training programs were performed for six weeks (three times weekly). Before and after the training programs the muscular endurance test of the upper and lower extremities, muscle volume of the upper and lower extremities, upper and lower extremities muscle power, the muscle strength of upper and lower extremities, flexibility of the upper and lower extremities and body fat percentage. Data were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one-way analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis, dependent t-test and Wilcoxon at the significant level P≤ 0. 05. Results: The results showed that plyometric resistance training increase significantly the muscular endurance indices of the lower extremity, upper and lower extremities volume, and lower ectremity strength compared with the resistance stretching and elastic resistance training programs. The elastic resistance training increased significantly the upper extremity indurance compared with the resistsnce stretching and resistance plyometric programs. Furthermore, there was no significant difference among the three programs in the upper and lower extremities power indices, upper extremity strength, body fat percentage, and flexibility of the upper and lower extremities. Conclusion: Male bodybuliders can improve their muscular functions and body composition using plyometric resistance training.