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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study investigates the relationship between industrial indicators and scientific productivity of Iranian provinces. As an applied research, some scientometrics as well as statistical methods have been utilized. The data were gathered from IRANDOC, SCI and Iranian Annual Fact Book. Descriptive analysis as well as Pierson’s correlation showed that during 2004-2008, Fars, Golestan, Mazandaran, Isfahan and Tehran proved to have more local research indexed in the mentioned databases. Regarding all industrial and mining indicators, Isfahan, Khorasan Razavi, Yazd, Kerman and Tehran provinces stood on top. Small correlation was noticed between the industrial situation of Iranian provinces and their scientific productivity.

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Information organization has been a way of facilitating information retrieval. Hence, different knowledge organization systems have been developed over the years. In today's world, information and knowledge-based economy are the competitive advantage of organizations and since knowledge organization systems are one of the pillars of the economy advantage, this paper sought to investigate the two knowledge organization systems: Dewey Decimal System to represent traditional systems and Folksonomy representing modern systems in economy advantage in libraries. The study sample of this paper is 4800 thesis of an academic library and the comparative method is used as research method of this study based on the value of information formula. The results of the study indicate that Folksonomy system is an economical knowledge organization system, much more economical than Dewey system. This article is an original study which has not been published before in any other publication.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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the objective of this study was to examine the relationship between scientometrics indicators and bookmarking data in order to determine the applicability of bookmarking data in research evaluation and assessment of scientific impact. This study has conducted in levels of articles and document types in Information & Library Science in 2004 to 2012.Methodology: This study is an applied research in term of objective, and the data gathering scheme is descriptive of correlation type with a citation analysis approach. The purposeful samples of this study are bookmarked articles. The data are gathered using social science citation index (SSCI), journal citation report (JCR), and CiteuLike (the scientific social bookmarking site).Findings: The statistical findings of this investigation indicate that there is a meaningful, weak and positive relationship between citation count and bookmark count. These findings also indicate that the research articles, review, and proceedings papers are bookmarked more frequently than other document types. Bookmarked articles compared with those unbookmarked have been shown higher mean citation generally as well as in the levels of document types and publication year.Conclusion: The presence of correlation between citations and bookmarks implies that bookmarks can represent article's scientific impact. However, according to the weakness of this correlation, replacing these two indicators is not recommended; the bookmarking data can be used as a supplementary metric in research evaluation and assessment of scientific impact. Bookmarked articles in comparison with those unbookmarked have been shown higher mean citation which reflect user's selectivity in article bookmarking and represent another aspect of altmetrics validity.

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The present study has been done with the goal to assessing the possibility of prediction of information seeking behavior of graduate students based on the dimensions of goal orientations and creativity.Method: Study sample consisted of 221graduate students from Shiraz University (134 girls and87boys) were selected with cluster sampling method. Gathering data tool consists of information seeking behavior questionnaires(Khosrowgerdy, Olumy, Naghshine & Mohseny,1388), goal orientation questionnaire designed by the researcher, and also multiple choice paper and pencil test (MPPT)questionnaire for measuring creativity((Abedy,1372) that were completed by students. To determine reliability of measures, Cronbach Alpha Coefficient and to examine validity, factor analysis methods were used. The test results asserted acceptable validity and reliability of instruments. Research data analyzed with Multiple Regressions Test.Results: Results of simultaneous multiple regressions showed that, a) all dimension of goal orientation was positive predictor of relevance judgment dimension of information seeking behavior. b) avoidance goal orientation dimension and elaboration dimension of creativity was positive and fluency dimension of creativity was negative predictor of time as a motivated factor dimension of information seeking behavior. c) learning goal orientation and avoidance goal orientation dimensions was positive predictor of confirm previous knowledge dimension of information seeking behavior. d) learning goal orientation dimension and originality dimension of creativity was positive predictor of creating new ideas dimension of information seeking behavior. e) Trying to search for information dimension of information seeking behavior only through learning goal orientation dimension is predicted as positive and significant.Conclusion :to attention on existence of positive and meaningful relationship between goal orientations, dimensions of creativity with information seeking behavior and possibility of prediction of information seeking behavior of graduate students by aforesaid psychological variants, can explain that success or un success in information seeking behavior of students and access to information and optimum work on researching functions are not only productive of students specially skills but also are impressible of psychological issues like goal orientations and creativity.

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Although a relatively new discipline, Knowledge Management (KM) is an area with a wide range of theoretical concepts and practical implications. The applicability of KM in different environments, and the vast value and benefits of its application, have led to great developments within the discipline over the last few years. The interdisciplinary nature of KM has also provided the opportunity for contributions by people from different disciplines, which in turn has lead to the rapid advancement of KM boundaries. This paper aims to examine the subject structure of the KM discipline through keyword analysis of documents in the Web of Science, using a hierarchical clustering approach and an inclusion index. Within the Web of Science categories, according to the findings, the three categories of “Management”, “Computer Science Information Systems” and “Information Science Library Science” claim the highest number of documents in this area. Of 5570 author keywords, 96 keywords are identified as “highly used” keywords. Three hierarchical clusters (dendrograms) are formed from co-occurrence analysis of highly used keywords in the three categories. A comparison of these denrograms indicates that six clusters, including a total of 16 keywords, are common in the three categories. Looking at clusters of the three categories revealed that two categories - Management and Information Science Library Science - have 14 common/shared clusters, and therefore the highest degree of similarities. However, the category of Computer Science Information Systems, with 28 unique clusters, differs most markedly from the other two categories. To investigate the rate of common keywords from one category to another, the inclusion index is calculated. Results of this exercise indicate that the category of Information Science Library Science has the highest number of common keywords.

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The objective of this research is marine data users clustering using data mining technique. To achieve this objective, marine organizations will enable to know their data and users requirements. In this research, CRISP-DM standard model was used to implement the data mining technique. The required data was extracted from 500 marine data users profile database of Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences (INIOAS) from 1386 to 1393. The TwoStep algorithm was used for clustering. In this research, patterns was discovered between marine data users such as student, organization and scientist and their data request (Data source, Data type, Data set, Parameter and Geographic area) using clustering for the first time. The most important clusters are: Student with International data source, Chemistry data type, “World Ocean Database” dataset, Persian Gulf geographic area and Organization with Nitrate parameter. Senior managers of the marine organizations will enable to make correct decisions concerning their existing data. They will direct to planning for better data collection in the future. Also data users will guide with respect to their requests. Finally, the valuable suggestions were offered to improve the performance of marine organizations.

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Knowledge sharing is a fundamental ability in industrial research and development centers through which employees can contribute to knowledge application, innovation, and ultimately the competitive advantage of the organization. Effective knowledge sharing among employees may considerably impact duration, cost and quality of research and development activities in such organizations. Therefore, this paper is aimed at examining the effects of motivational and organizational determinants in forming knowledge-sharing behavior in an industrial research and development center through synthesizing theory of planned behavior and social exchange theory. A descriptive-survey methodology was conducted and a questionnaire developed for data gathering. Partial Least Squares (PLS) method also used to test research hypotheses. Result of analyzing 85 questionnaires indicated that individuals’ attitudes toward knowledge sharing are positively affected by perceived enjoyment in helping others and perceived reputation enhancement, while negatively affected by perceived loss of knowledge power. It is also revealed that attitude toward knowledge sharing and subjective norms significantly determine intention to share knowledge, which then determines knowledge sharing behavior. In addition, research findings supported the positive effects of organizational climate and information and communication facilities as organizational determinants on subjective norms and perceived behavioral control, respectively. At last, based on research findings, some practical implications for knowledge management practitioners to foster knowledge sharing in industrial research and development centers suggested and research opportunities for future researchers to fill this research’s gaps proposed.

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Having brought fundamental changes to the structure of industry and business, nowadays the Internet became an accepted and widely-used tool for commerce. Therefore, maintaining and improving customer loyalty became a strategic challenge to preserving and developing the competitive position in cyberspace for the companies operating in this area. Considering the role of customer satisfaction and trust, this research aimed to study how the quality of system, information and interface design would influence the loyalty of websites’ customers. The Population Statistical of this study is “Center market” website customers that among them 320 samples were selected randomly. Data analysis by using SPSS and AMOS statistical software was done and the statistical methods used in this study, structural equation modeling. The results show that the system quality and interface design quality significantly influences on the satisfaction and trust of web site customers; But does not influence the quality of information on these variables. The study also found that customer trust causing is His satisfaction and both variables the trust and satisfaction are influence on the customer loyalty.

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In today’s knowledge based economy; knowledge has become the most important competitive advantage of organizations. On the other hand, Information technology improves business values by playing an enabler role in knowledge management infrastructure. Many organizations to take advantage of the benefits of knowledge management systems have introduced, design and use KM systems as a systematic way of applying IT to KM. These systems help organizations to improve competitive power and efficiency in knowledge management. However, there are limitations in reaching these goals leading to failure to make full use of the potential benefits of these systems. Thus, this article studies limitations in these systems through an empirical survey. By reviewing literature, limitation factors divided into three categories: system quality limitations, knowledge quality limitations and service quality limitations. System quality limitations refer to the information processing system criteria. A questionnaire was developed and distributed among the users in several companies that implemented this system. Data were collected and analyzed based on 176 questionnaires related to structural modeling. Then in order to analyze the data, Warp PLS has been employed. The results show that knowledge Quality were statistically and service quality and system quality respectively the most significant factors that affects user dissatisfaction and there is a positive relationship between three limitations redounded to user dissatisfaction of the knowledge management systems.

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This research was done with the aim of identifying and determining facets in network of correlated relationships of inside and outside field of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus using content analysis method. The research society consisted of 3316 published terms in Islamic Ethic Thesaurus which have correlated relationship together. The method of data collecting was documentary (Library). According to the findings Personality Facet, with 23 lateral and subset facets and 78.55 percent usage, has the most usage in correlated relationships of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus. The Space Facet without subset facet and 0.05 percent usage, has the minimum usage in correlated relationships of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus. Thus, it can be said that ‘Personality’ Facet has the most frequency, and ‘Space’ Facet has the minimum frequency between facets of network of correlated relationships in concepts of inside and outside field of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus. In this study according to the requirements of Islamic Ethic Thesaurus 6 facets were described which include facets of love and friendship, facets of foundation/basis, facets of pests and damages, facets of internal characteristics/sense, facets of signs and symptoms, and facets of ranks and grade.

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Due to the enormous volume of unstructured information available on the Web and inside organization, finding an answer to the knowledge need in a short time is difficult. For this reason, beside Search Engines which don’t consider users individual characteristics, Recommender systems were created which use user’s previous activities and other individual characteristics to help users find needed knowledge. Recommender systems usage is increasing every day. Expert finder systems also by introducing expert people instead of recommending information to users have provided this facility for users to ask their questions form experts. Having relation with experts not only causes information transition, but also with transferring experiences and inception causes knowledge transition. In this paper we used university professors academic resume as expert people profile and then proposed a new expert finding model that recommends experts to users query. We used Term Correlation Matrix, Vector Space Model and PageRank algorithm and proposed a new hybrid model which outperforms conventional methods. This model can be used in internet environment, organizations and universities that experts have resume dataset.

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This study seeks to provide a comprehensive and scientific approach to assess the continuing effectiveness of information systems. In present studies, only the dimensions of effectiveness of information systems have been used to assess these systems. This study is seeking to eliminate the gap. After reviewing the literature and receiving comments of 55 experts of NZAJA IT, the indicators that affecting the effectiveness of information systems in military centers were extracted. In this study, data based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process as a process of multi-criteria decision were analyzed. A total of 39 criteria and 8 sub-criteria to assess the effectiveness of information systems in military centers were set. The results show that organizational factors and data quality have ranked first and second in evaluating the effectiveness of information systems in military organizations. At the end, the model is used for evaluating the effectiveness of information systems in five military bases.

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