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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Telomerase is an enzyme, which is overexpressed in 80-90% of cancers. Simultaneous activities of telomerase and NF-κ B are required for progression of many cancers. In recent years, researchers have found out a close relationship between telomerase and the transcription factor NF-κ B. Increased expression of telomerase is associated with significant increases in the expression level of NF-κ B and endogenous genes, such as IL-6 and TNF-α . In recent years, several methods have been proposed to inhibit telomerase in cancer cells. Therefore, If it is possible to inhibit telomerase activity and consequently reduce the expression of inflammatory cytokines, the NF-κ B signaling pathway, and the expression of target genes in the multiple myeloma disease. In this study, the effect of MST-312 (a derivative of green tea) with telomerase inhibition activity, was investigated on the treated U266 cell line and the expression of inflammatory cytokines. Methods: In this experimental study, U266 cells, were treated with different dosed of MST-312 for 48 hours, and cellular apoptosis, was assessed by Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kit. Then, to assess the expression of IL-6 and TNF-α genes, cells were treated with MST-312 (2μ M for 48 hours) and the RNA of these cells, was extracted. In the following, real-time PCR method was used to investigate gene expression level. Results: In this study, an increase in apoptosis and a decrease in the expression of IL-6 and TNF-α genes in U266 cells, was observed after 48 hours of exposure with 2μ M MST-312. In addition, no cytotoxic effect was observed on normal blood mononuclear cells. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated that inhibition of telomerase activity by MST-312, can be considered as a novel treatment strategy for multiple myeloma.

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Background and Objectives: Chronic viral hepatitis B is a global health problem, which, if not treated, can lead to some serious complications, such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In this study, the effect of antiviral therapy with tenofovir, was investigated on reduction of liver fibrosis and improvement of liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Methods: In this clinical trial, 40 patients with chronic hepatitis B underwent antiviral therapy with tenofovir 300 mg daily. Demographic information and results of laboratory tests (before treatment and 6 months after the start of treatment), were collected using a checklist. Liver stiffness was measured and recorded using a fibroscan device (before and 6 months after the treatment). Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon and paired t-tests. The level of significance was considered to be p<0. 05. Results: Among 40 patients, one person was excluded from the project due to lack of follow-up. Of remaining 39 patients, 27 subjects (69. 2%) were male and 12 subjects (30. 8%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 47. 53± 13. 68 years. The mean levels of AST, ALT, Child score, and liver stiffness did not show significant improvement during a 6-month follow-up according to Wilcoxon and paired t-tests. Conclusion: This study showed that although hepatic fibrosis and liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis B are reversible after treatment, changes require long-term treatment and follow-up.

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Background and Objectives: Multiple sclerosis disease (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the central nervous system among adolescence. Factors, such as environmental factors and genetic background are involved in the development of multiple sclerosis. Given that miRNAs play an important role in post-transcriptional regulatory levels in nerve cells and glial cells, thus, any change in their performance due to polymorphisms and eventually change in their expression level in the nervous system can pave the way for degenerative diseases, such as MS. In the present study, the role of miR-146a rs2910164 polymorphism, was investigated in the development of multiple sclerosis disease in the patients of Hamadan province. Methods: In this case-control study, 150 patients with MS and 150 healthy individuals as control group, were selected. Genotyping was performed using Tetra ARMS PCR method. In the two study groups, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle, was used to determine existence or absence of balance, Chi-square test was also used to determine the existence of relationship between the studied polymorphism and development of MS. Results: No significant difference was observed in the distribution of dominant and recessive genotypes in patients with MS, as compared to healthy subjects. Conclusion: Contrary to previous studies, the results of this study showed that there is no relationship between the polymorphism of miR146a rs2910164 and occurrence of MS.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Increased expression of type I fibers due to endurance activity, is inhibited by "purine-rich element binding protein A" transcription factor. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of one period of endurance activity on the gene expression of this factor in fast and slow twitch skeletal muscles. Methods: In this experimental study, 20 male Wistar rats (age, 5 weeks and weight, 113± 20g), were randomly divided into two groups of experimental and control. A 14-week endurance activity program on motorized treadmill, was designed for the experimental group on the treadmill, then 48 hours after the end of the last training session, the rats were anesthetized and dissected. Then, the soleus and extensor digitorum Longus muscles, were removed. The expression level of "purine-rich element binding protein A" in these muscles, were measured using real time PCR method. Data were analyzed using t-test. Results: In this study, endurance activity significantly decreased (p≤ 0. 01) the expression level of "purine-rich element binding protein A" gene in fast twitch muscle (extensor digitorum longus) and significantly increased the expression of this gene in slow twitch muscle (soleus muscle). Conclusion: The result of this research revealed that despite the same endurance activity, purβ gene expression in fast and slow twitch muscles, is different. This is probably due to the upstream signaling cascade of this gene, which controls its expression level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that is associated with sleep problems and sexual disorders. Among them, self-efficacy is an important indicator for adaptation to disease in diabetic patients, which helps them to discover and use their maximum ability for disease management. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the correlation between self-efficacy with sleep quality and incidence of sexual dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, 200 patients with type 2 diabetes, were selected using purposeful sampling method from Shahid Bahonar and Rajaei Hospitals of Karaj city. The data were collected by a demographic characteristics questionnaire, the Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale (DMSES), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), and the Male Sexual Function Index (MSFI). The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: In this study, a positive significant correlation was observed between self-efficacy and erectile function (p<0. 002); correlation coefficient of the self-efficacy predictor variable was 0. 31, and there was a significant correlation between self-efficacy and female sexual function (p<0. 001); correlation coefficient of self-efficacy predictor variable was obtained 0. 33. There was also a negative correlation between self-efficacy and sleep quality (p<0. 003); correlation coefficient of the self-efficacy predictor variable and sleep quality was-0. 21, meaning that with one unit increase of sleep quality disturbance, self-efficacy decreases 0. 2. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, sexual dysfunction and sleep disturbances are common in patients with type 2 diabetes, which negatively affect their quality of life. Therefore, paying attention to self-efficacy in health counseling for type 2 diabetic patients, can play an important role in their sexual function and sleep quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Midwifery errors are associated with several problems for mother and fetus, which can lead to deadly consequences. On the other hand, if the causes of these errors are not identified, it is not possible to make appropriate decision to reduce or eliminate them. Therefore, identifying the factors associated with these errors is of particular value. The aim of this study was to identify the management factors that cause midwifery errors and the role of each factor in the occurrence of midwifery errors from the viewpoints of midwives working in Tehran city. Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 252 midwives working in Tehran city (2014). The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, which its face and content validity, were determined by calculating CVR and CVI indices. The reliability of the tool was confirmed by a test-retest method and calculation of Cronbach's alpha. Results: In this study, 176 midwives (69. 8%) or their colleagues had the history of committing midwifery errors; 209 subjects (82. 9%) believed that wrongdoer person reports his/her error; and 176 subjects (69. 8%) stated that error report form is filled out. Moreover, the overall effect of management factor on the occurrence of midwifery errors, showed no significant difference from the viewpoints of midwives participating in the research. Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, management factors as the major cause of occurrence of midwifery errors, require more attention in order to reduce midwifery errors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Family has important functions, such as reproduction of human resources, ensuring emotional needs, mental health, promotion of the tolerance capacity, and has a constructive role in providing social integration through sociability, child upbringing, providing ethical and behavioral patterns and norms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of parenting practices on the accountability of high school students in Mehr city. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was carried out on 200 high school students in Mehr city (100 girls and 100 boys) in the academic year 2015-2016. The students were selected by random cluster sampling method. Harrison-Goff Accountability Scale was used to assess the accountability, and Baumrind’ s Scale (1973) was used to evaluate parenting practices. Reliability of the Accountability Assessment Questionnaire was calculated to be 0. 76 in general scale, and reliability of the Baumrind Parenting Styles Scale was obtained to be 0. 90 in general scale; and the validity of the questionnaires was confirmed. Data were analyzed using inferential correlation statistics, simultaneous multiple regression, and independent t-test. Results: Parenting practices were able to predict children’ s accountability; moreover, the results of simultaneous multiple regression indicated that among the three parenting practices, parents’ rational authority method and parents’ authoritarian authority methods are able to predict children’ s accountability; and parental permissiveness method has a low predictive power to predict children’ s accountability. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that parenting practices can be effective in high school students’ accountability; and among the three parenting practices, parents’ rational authority method has a higher positive effect on children’ s accountability, and, on the contrary, parents’ authoritarian method leaves negative effects on the level of children’ s accountability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Scientific productions are one of the most important indicators for countries’ development assessment, which play a decisive role in the development of scientific and information communities. The present study aimed to evaluate Islamic Republic of Iran’ s scientific productions in the field of Nursing during 2000 to 2016. Methods: This applied study was performed using a survey method with a scientometric approach. In this research, all scientific documents indexed in the field of Nursing and published in Scopus database by Iranian researchers during 2000-2016, were investigated. Results: Iranian scientific articles in the field of Nursing had increased from 7 in 2000 to 457 in 2016. University of Tehran was the main publishing center and the United States was the main scientific partner of Iranian researchers in providing scientific evidence. Scientific productions of Iran in the field of “ Care Planning” were among the top 10 countries in the world and Dr Fereydoon Azizi with 125 scientific documents, had the most contribution among the Iranian authors. Conclusion: Although scientific documents of Iranian researchers in the field of Nursing are not quantitatively appropriate and their number is relatively low, as compared to others subject areas, significant number of articles were of high quality and were published in the highquality scientific journals. Policy making, proper planning, and supporting the studies of faculty members, researches, students, and departments of universities, can be effective in the improvement of quantitative and qualitative levels of researches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Nutritional awareness and other factors affecting blood pressure, and also perception of self-care in hypertension are important factors for controlling blood pressure. This study aimed to determine the factors affecting self-care in patients with hypertension. Methods: In this descriptive analytical cross-sectional study, 315 hypertensive patients in Qom city, were selected from patients referring to health centers using multistage sampling. The data collection tool was a two-part questionnaire: demographic information and self-care. Data were analyzed using independent t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, ANOVA, and Duncan's test. Results: The mean age of the patients was 53. 59 years and the duration of the disease was 7. 54 years. Only 5. 1% of the patients had removed salt from their diet during the whole week, and 27. 9% of the patients had performed no sport activities during the week; 4. 1% had never used their medicines on time; Self-care status was reported to be poor in 27. 9% of the subjects, in 68. 6% moderate, and in 3. 5% good. The mean self-care score was not significantly different from gender and marital status, and family history, but had a significant difference with education, occupation, family history of high blood pressure, and history of receiving educational program (p<0. 05). Moreover, there was a significant reverse correlation between age and self-care (r=-0. 273, p<0. 001) and between the duration of high blood pressure and self-care (r=-0. 28, p=-0. 041). Conclusion: According to the results, the status of self-care behaviors in patients with hypertension is not at appropriate level. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the severity and seriousness of these behaviors and possible complications in the educational program with taking into account the above issue.

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ASGARI ALI | NAZARI RAZIEH | Razavian Seyed Mohammad Hossein

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Background and Objectives: Mycoplasmas hominis is one of the important causes of bacterial infections of the reproductive system, which through changes in the volume, pH, motility, morphology, and sperm count in men, can lead to reduction in the level of fertility or infertility and sterility. In this research, the frequency of Mycoplasma hominis, was assessed by PCR method, and biological parameters, were investigated in the semen samples of infertile men referred to Qom jihad daneshgahi infertility treatment center. Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study, a total of 187 semen samples were collected from infertile men referred to Qom jihad daneshgahi infertility treatment center from April to September 2016. Semen analysis was performed according to the guideline of World Health Organization. After the extraction of genomic DNA, detection of Mycoplasma hominis, was performed by PCR method using 16S rRNA specific primers. Data were analyzed using dependent and independent t-test. Results: Among 187 semen samples studied by PCR, 71 samples (38%), were positive for Mycoplasma hominis. In the assessment of parameters, there was a significant association between bacterial infection and C class mean difference (in situ sperm motility( (p=0. 008). Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that high percentage of infertile men are infected with Mycoplasma hominis, which may lead to pelvic inflammatory diseases, urethritis, and infertility. PCR method is a rapid and efficient technique for detection of mycoplasma, which can be useful in the control of sexual transmitted diseases.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Psychological strain is one of the prevalent problems in nursing profession, which can lead to unpleasant consequences; also, psychological empowerment is of great importance due to its effects on nursing professional practice. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the correlation between psychological empowerment and its components with psychological strain in nurses. Methods: This descriptive-correlational study was performed on 308 nurses working in 6 educational hospitals of Qom city in 2017. Samples were selected through census method and according to the inclusion criteria. Data collection tools included a 12-question questionnaire (5 degrees scale) of Spreitzer's Psychological Empowerment, and a 10-question questionnaire (5 degrees scale) of Psychological Strain (Osipow). Results: The mean psychological empowerment was determined 3. 90± 0. 61 and the mean amount of psychological strain was 2. 48± 0. 85. According to the results of regression analysis, among predictor variables (psychological empowerment components), autonomy and impact, were significant at the error level less than 0. 05. Among them, the greatest influence of empowerment was related to the autonomy component, which inversely predicts psychological strain. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that empowering nurses as much as possible in clinical settings and in “ autonomy” component of psychological empowerment components, can reduce their psychological strain. This issue reveals the need to pay attention to the planning in the field of empowerment of nurses in clinical settings.

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Background and Objectives: Abscess of the spleen is a rare disease, which its selective treatment is splenectomy. In this disease, medical treatment alone is not enough. In this study, the patient had an appropriate response to medical treatment and the symptoms of the patient were completely eliminated. Case Report: the patient was a 35 year-old female, who presented at 26 weeks gestation with fever and left upper quadrant pain. Radiological examinations demonstrated a lesion near to hilum of the spleen, which was suggestive of an abscess. Antibiotic treatment was started for the patient, and if the patient did not respond appropriately, percutaneous drainage (PCD) of the abscess was carried out under radiological guidance, but the symptoms of the patient recovered within 72 hours and PCD was cancelled. Follow-up imaging showed that the lesion was disappeared and patient delivered at 39 weeks' gestation without any complication. Therefore, it can be concluded that although medical treatment is inadequate for the treatment of splenic abscess, it can be appropriate for selected patients without a predisposing factor, who appropriately respond to the treatment.

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