Culture is the most powerful and intangible ingredient of performance management. Culture means various things to various people. Difficulty in managing culture primarily arises due to its intangibility; but at the same time influence of culture is all pervasive. Each individual is affected by culture. Thinking, feeling, perceiving and consequently behavior of people is influenced by the culture they live in. This difficulty grows when realization occurs that a particular culture very effective in the same organization in one location is proved to be the most ineffective in other location. This complexity can be dealt with adroitly when intricacies of culture management are understood and right interventions and drivers are adapted. In organizational context, culture wield enormous influence on decision making, communication, interpersonal relationships, collaboration, trust and openness, and the way an organization behaves and interacts within and outside. This implies that culture is the strongest determinant of organizational performance. Organization in their pursuit to achieve performance excellence must manage their culture professionally and in a scientific manner. This strategy akin to other strategies encompasses two interventions consisting of 10 drivers each. First intervention focuses on nurturing performance -oriented culture in organization. Applicatiojn of these 10 drivers with each of them delivering tangible results can make organizations culturally mature, strong and positive. The second intervention focuses on using this matured, strong and positive organizational culture to institutionalize performance management. Here also, 10 drivers form the structure and content of this intervention, application of which can drive institutionalization of performance management in a systematic and professional fasion.