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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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One of the most important characteristics of any organization for work in today variable conditions is to have people who are inclined to take part in organization successful changes without having any occupational formal obligations. Behaviors beyond the role formal expectations are very important and necessary for organization revival and defined as organization citizenship behaviors. Organization citizenship behaviors are among important factors that plays an important role in organization superiority. The fields in which Organization citizenship behaviors appear should be supported by roots and strong backings which result in appearance of such behaviors among personnel. Therefore if the roots of citizen behaviors can be reinforced this behavior will be followed by flourishing and superiority. In this article it is attempted to study the relationship between organization, leadership relationship-member, trust in supervisor, psychological empowerment and organization citizenship behaviors using organization citizenship behaviors social interaction developed model. In establishment of this model, two social context characteristics of justice and the quality of interpersonal relation (leadership relationship-member) in which the personnel work were studied. Justice (perceived justice) and relationship quality, show the personnel with psychological capacity that when the risk related to public works decrease (supervisor trust), participate in organization citizenship behaviors by motivating personnel (through psychological empowerment). The foundlings of this article show that the personnel perception of justice related positively with trust in supervisor and psychological empowerment. The personnel perception of leadership relationship-member also related positively with trust in supervisor and psychological empowerment. Trust in supervisor and psychological empowerment related positively with organization citizenship behaviors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Personality and characteristics related to personality are among factors influence the occupational performance of police. Theorists on personality mentioned five characteristics as the main factors of personality as follow: extroversion, work consciousness, excitement stability, agreement and adaptability. Among these five factors the work consciousness has the most bearing on occupational performance. While extroversion and excitement stability contribute to better occupational performance but different researches have shown that two characteristics of agreement and adaptability have no clear bearings on personnel occupational performance. There are other characteristics that have bearings on personnel occupational performance that among them to excitement control, excitement expression, group integrity, independence and objective orientation reference can be made. Regarding these notions if police organizations pay attention to these notions and when they choose their personnel they should check them from personal and psychological points of view and they should choose those who have these characteristics. Different researches have shown that these characteristics are necessary for a police to be good and certainly they will effect greatly the efficacy of police organizations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Initiative is as an important and critical factor for organization to create viable value and competitive advantage in today changing and complex environment. Organizations will be more successful with more initiative, in response to variable environment and establishment and development of new capabilities that in enabling them to achieve better performance. Initiatives and heuristic measures mostly depend on knowledge, proficiency and commitment of personnel as the inputs for value creation process. Knowledge and human resources competences are as precious properties of organizations. Human resource measures are the main tools and methods through which the organizations can influence the skills, attitudes, and the behavior of their personnel to carry out their works and achieve their targets. In this article it is attempted to study the knowledge management capacity in relation with human resources management strategic heuristic and initiative performance from knowledge point of view. The foundlings of this study show that human resources management strategic heuristic has a positive relation with initiative performance. So human resources management strategic heuristic has a positive relation with the knowledge management capacity. Human resources management strategic heuristic is useful to stimulate the tendency of personnel to achieve participate and apply knowledge in organizations. Suitable human resources management strategic heuristic can support and improve organization environment development to help knowledge management activities. Knowledge management capacity can also be more positively helpful for organization heuristic performance in acquisition, contribution and application dimensions. Knowledge management capacity can influence the relation between human resources management strategic heuristic and heuristic performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article is intended to shed lights on the concept of blue sea strategy and to study its role in transformation and development of organization strategies. This is an applied research and it is based on analytical-descriptive and library research. Note taking is used in data collection. In the concept of blue sea strategy the work and service fields of organizations simulated into two oceans of red and blue in which the red ocean refers in fact to known fields and it is the symbol of all industries and services that exist today and in which the organizations compete. In fact the blue ocean is the unknown spaces in applied and service fields and it is the symbol of all fields that are existed at present. Today the strategy that leads the organization to Blue Ocean is not the traditional strategies such as development of product and service (including police service, municipal service and …), congruent diversity, development of service and working fields, infiltration in other service and working fields, participation, cost reduction and assignment but it is the value-adding initiative as a strategy that by adopting it the cost decreases and simultaneously more value produces for share-holders. Therefore the blue ocean strategy mainly relies on value-adding initiative and it is accomplished only when the business simultaneously produces new value for its self and its customers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quality of working life (QWL), including discussions of Over the years various aspects discussed, review and study has been and still about the evidence obvious there are disagreements. While this in some cases many threads in a particular point of time taken and the need to find more efficient use of them is felt more than before. So is trying to approach to a comprehensive review and study management theory to improve the quality of work life is the. Quality of working life the realization, decision participation, job security, improved working conditions and environment, feel ownership and self, creating opportunities for professional development, appreciation of the work and development and job enrichment, erogenous self inflorescence needs to motivate people and organizations for survival be. The purpose of This effort to achieve efficient tools and methods for analysis and review various aspects related to the quality of working life and to determine appropriate strategies for improving the efficiency and ultimately, individual and organization. Considering the present situation, if one solution to reach these areas that the interests and the interests of employees can provide, relationship range - range and this will create goals and direction of staff to field instrument that can change in other organizations and is working environments. The global developments, adopted the International Labor Organization ILO and finally the Fourth Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan to implement the concepts of work and worthy to emphasize that the closely related concepts worthy good work together with working life to topic as well. In this article the way to and implementation of operational concepts and individual and organizational efficiency, increasing prosperity and satisfaction rate means that the staff is.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Organization culture is a common a relatively stable paradigm of values, and principle believes in an organization therefore it can be said that any fundamental changes and developments in an organization are feasible only through knowing the culture of that organization. It is intended to introduce it to individuals in organization and to establish appropriate solutions for internal and external problems of an organization. Furthermore the concept of organization culture has been the focus and it has been defined from different prospective and also the dimension, types, characteristics, levels and the role it has in organization has been defined and the effects it has been also reviewed. This article has a positive view to organization culture so it considers that concept of culture which the organizations are intended to institute and are followed in written and verbal forms. The metrical and library methods have been used in this research and note taking has been used for data collection.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The authors review research on police effectiveness in reducing crime, disorder, and fear in the context of a typology of innovation in police practices. That typology emphasizes two dimensions: one concerning the diversity of approaches, and the other, the level of focus. The authors find that little evidence supports the standard model of policing—low on both of these dimensions. In contrast, research evidence does support continued investment in police innovations that call for greater focus and tailoring of police efforts, combined with an expansion of the tool box of policing beyond simple law enforcement. The strongest evidence of police effectiveness in reducing crime and disorder is found in the case of geographically focused police practices, such as hot-spots policing. Community policing practices are found to reduce fear of crime, but the authors do not find consistent evidence that community policing (when it is implemented without models of problem-oriented policing) affects either crime or disorder. A developing body of evidence points to the effectiveness of problem oriented policing in reducing crime, disorder, and fear. More generally, the authors find that many policing practices applied broadly throughout the United States either have not been the subject of systematic research or have been examined in the context of research designs that do not allow practitioners or policy makers to draw very strong conclusions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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