The purpose of this study was to test a concept -ual model of tobacco, alcohol and other drug use among at-risk students. A sample of 480 high nsk students of inner city school were surveyed regarding their use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and risk and protective factors questionnaire". Methodologically, this study employed a latent variable approach including a series of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM). ACFA with the 6 latant factor measurement model of hypothetical model and tested structural equation model demonstrated a superior fit to the data and was consistent with the underlying theories. Results of structural equation mode confirmed conceptual of Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among high risk students in that social risk factors such as poor school and family bonding and social disorganization were the most powerful direct predictor of Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among high risk students and individual factors such as self concept, self-management skills and social and assertiveness skills mediate relationships of social factors and drug use. According with structural model of Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, self concept mediated the relationship between school and family bonding and social disorg -anization and self-management and assertive-ness skills and substance use. The present findings suggest that teaching general competence skills such as decision making, problem solving, coping and assertiveness skills can lead to increased esteem which in turn lead to decreased Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, because youth with positive self-concept and personal efficacy are better able to implement self control and refusal strategies.