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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and objective: Performance development is an undeniable need for organizations, and performance management is a tool for achieving the objective. The present research aims at reviewing the impact of performance appraisal on human resource development in terms of satisfaction, motivation, creativity, retention, and police personnel tendency towards training in a police organization.Method: The present research was of applied type, but taking into consideration nature and method was of descriptive- survey type. Questionnaire was used for collecting data, and its reliability and validity were respectively confirmed based on experts’ supervision, and Cronbach’s Alpha (a=92.67).Data was analysed by SPSS, one-tailed and two-tailed t tests and single-item variance analysis. Statistical population includes contractor staff and police officers in IRI Police (IRIP) HQs; 108 samples were estimated and questioned through using statistical methods.Findings: Testing research hypothesis indicates that there was significant relationship between performance appraisal and quintable constituents for development of human resources. There was also difference between some pairs: police officers and contractor staff; men and women; and noncommissioned officers (NCOs), sub-lieutenants and top-ranking officers (brass hats) in terms of the constituents.Conclusion: Performance appraisal through impacting on motivation, job satisfaction, creativity and initiative, tendency toward training, and human resources retention on one hand and human resources development on the other. In line with this, performance appraisal has the most and least impact o job satisfaction, and creativity and initiative, respectively. In terms of consistent and tendency toward training, it affects permanent staff more than contractor staff.

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Background and objective: Over the recent years, identifying environmental factors leading to crime commitment are considered the most important approaches for preventing delinquency. The present research aims at analyzing spatial patterns of disorders associated with drugs traffickers in Birjand city, and identifying and controlling facilitating the crimes to control hotspots in other cities.Method: The research was of descriptive-analytical type. Data was collected through document-based and survey method. Statistical population includes drug-related crimes occurred in Birjand city in 1387 (2009). Mean center, standard deviation ellipse and Kernel density estimation statistical tests were used for identifying spatial patterns of delinquency in Birjand city.Findings: Aliabad checkpoint, Sajadshahr and Masoumieh were the most important centers of drug trafficking centers in the under-survey area. The highest rate of delinquency was Aliabad checkpoint, as a super hotspot, where 45% of under-survey crimes were committed.Conclusion: It seems that Aliabad checkpoint being located in Khorasan province transit gorges has had significant impact on drug-related crimes in Birjand, and has prevented its growth in other centers in the city, and has prevented enhancement of other relevant delinquencies.Therefore, delinquency commitment in other places and areas in the city can be prevented through identifying, location finding, and creating equipped throats for controlling drug-related crimes i.e. an artificial hotspot center, and will provide the possibility of preventing and controlling delinquency in the best way.

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Background and Objective: Because of being adjacent to the world’s biggest drug producers on the eastern borderline, being located on the cheap transit path of drugs, and insisting on certain ideological positions providing national security in Iran is affected by drug smuggling.The present research aims at determining the impact of drug smuggling on various dimensions of I. R. Iran’s national security-political, economic, social and cultural dimensions.Method: The present research is conducted through documented and survey method and through using note-taking and questionnaire.Validity of the self-made questionnaire is proved by Cronbach’s Alpha formula (a=0.88); in addition the hypotheses of the research were tested by X2 Test.The statistical population includes President’s Office Anti-narcotics HQs staff in 2009.Findings: Analysis of the collected data, confirms the relationship between drug smuggling and Iran’s national security. The four hypotheses of the research based on negative impressionability of political, social, cultural and economic dimensions of national security by drug smuggling is confirmed (95%).Conclusion: Drug smuggling had the most negative impact on cultural aspect of security through preventing human development while it had the least negative impacts on economic security, which is crystallized in increasing policing -legal costs. The negative impact of drug smuggling in terms of social aspect emerges through crime rate increase; and in terms of politics blemishes the political credit of the system in the region, as well as international system.

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Background and objective: Research conducted by industrial and organizational psychologists indicates that organizational behavior variables strongly affect workforce productivity. The present research aims at reviewing job satisfaction and perceived organizational support in accompanying with organizational commitment on the part of police personnel working for traffic control and roads’ police.Method: Research data was gathered from 250 personnel through job description index (JDI), perceived organizational support, and organizational support, and organizational commitment (OCQ). Data was analyzed through Pearson correlation test, regression analysis and t test for independent groups, and variance analysis through using SPSS.Findings: Results of analysis indicated that job satisfaction and organizational commitment on the part of personnel was more than perceived organizational support. There was also positive and significant relationship between organizational support, job satisfaction and personnel organizational commitment. Personnel’s job satisfaction forecasts their organizational commitment. There was significant difference between personnel in terms of organizational support, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Differences between local and non-local personnel in terms of organizational support, organizational commitment and job satisfaction were significant.Conclusion: With respect to the importance of visible presence of IRI police for growth and eloquence of society, it seems that more attention should be paid to the organization. In case this idea is materialized its output will return either directly or indirectly to the society.

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Background and objective: Street prostitution has recently emerged in Iran’s society as a social problem.Theoreticians are of the opinion that family, as one of the major factors contributing to age of prostitution plays an important role. The present paper aims at identifying family factors contributing to stating age of street prostitution in Tehran from sociological point of view.Method: The research was of survey type. The tool used in it was self-made questionnaire which has the required reliability and validity (a=0.76). Available sampling method was used for selecting 512 persons as the sample size.Findings: The average age for starting prostitution was 19. The first illicit sexual experience has had major impacts on their tendency toward this profession. Chief among family factors contributing to starting age of street prostitution were: parents’ religious loyalty, parents’ education, morality base in family, kindness and maintaining independence, and peace and safety in family. However, family concrete and apparent aspects such as job, economic status, clothes’ style, etc do not affect the starting age of prostitution. Therefore, cultural and identity aspects of family have significant impact on starting age of prostitution, and its concrete aspects.Conclusion: Law enforcement and preventive approaches for street prostitution were: coordination of police with other social institutions (family, judiciary, welfare, and other relevant bodies). In relation with disciplinary prevention, it has been referred to issues such as a chastity and hijab culture expansion, managing street women, managing runaway girls and providing the facility for their return to the society.

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Background and Objective: As the security is one of the most fundamental needs of societies, particularly when a society is tolerating some undesirable consequences of some crises. The present study aims at analyzing the current security status in Tehran while facing earthquake crisis. It also tries to offer officials in charge of security in Tehran some reliable strategies, to be used in the time of earthquake occurrence.Method: The present study was of applied type conducted in management field which was performed in 5 stages. The stages were as follows: 1) Reviewing theoretical tenets of the topic using through library studies; 2) Reviewing the current status through using all existing documents available in IRI Police (IRIP); 3) Reviewing officials’ perceptions through conducting qualitative studies and through using in-depth interview and expert panel; 4) Analyzing and wrapping up stages one to three in all the three previous stages during and after earthquake crisis through using SWOT technique; 5) Offering strategies proportionate with tools of collecting data in the first and second stage of note taking, whereas interviews and questioners are employed for third stage.Findings: The most important strategies resulted from the findings of the research based on priority were: establishment of a spare structure, making places and facilities resistant, traffic control, coordination with the Armed Forces General HQs, Basij and other bodies involved, maneuver, assistance to IRIP personnel and their families.Conclusion: Quantitative statistics resulted from tables of questionnaire of internal and external factors in the graph of matrix for circumstances’ assessment and strategic measure indicates that during prevention, prediction and preparation, IRIP should be in aggressive position, because some good opportunities were provided. However, IRIP should take defense position while encountering casualties, assisting people, rescuing the injured; because there are also some weak points and threats. Strong points should be used during reconstruction period to neutralize threats; for this reason competitive approach were recommended.

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Background and Objective: Electronic monitoring is one of the new concepts in management, which is welcomed and has been used as an efficient concept to complete the e-government objectives.Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) is a system which can integrate all the information that is produced and can make all this information available to managers to be used in planning and monitoring through recording, classifying and sorting, processing and making management reports. The present study reviews the impediments and restrictions ahead of implementing electronic monitoring in General Inspection Organization (GIO).Method: Statistical research population was the experts and managers working in GIO headquarters in Tehran during the year 1389 and 120 of them were selected through stratified sampling. A self-made questionnaire was used for collecting data. For validity test, the questionnaires were distributed among the managers and experts of GIO, and after removing uncertainty and correcting the questionnaire; the final questionnaire was developed to run. For reliability test of the method, the Cronbach’s Alpha (a=0.90) was used.Single-sample t test was used for the analysis of data and to compare two independent groups Friedman and analysis of variance were used.Findings: The findings indicate that the legal and educational restrictions and constraints were the most important obstacles ahead of implementing e-monitoring system. Staff and managers have enough cultural awareness about ways of using the above-mentioned system and that is in fact, one of the strengths of using the monitoring system.Conclusion: Technical, educational, systemic, legal and cultural restrictions & constraints did not have equal importance in GIO and legal, educational, technical, & cultural restrictions & constraints, respectively, were ranked in importance from first to fith.

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Background and objective: Not satisfying needs of organizations’ staff has direct relationship with their low output, poor profitability and failure in materializing their objective. As a result, personnel needs should be considered to motivate them. The present research aims at reviewing the needs of police officers working for IRIPU.Method: The research was of applied type, and method used in it was of survey and analytical type. The theoretical basis of the research was Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Statistical population has been all police officers working for IRIPU in 2008. Of these 140 were randomly selected based on Cochran formula. Standard questionnaire was used for collecting data.SPSS was used for analyzing data; moreover, McNemar’s test, c2 , and Mann–Whitney U techniques, as well.Finding: IRIPU police officers’ needs priorities were as follows: IRIPU police officers and male police officers: 1-self-actualization, 2-respect, 3-social, 4-safety, 5-physiological. Female police officers: 1-respect, 2- social, 3- self-actualization, 4-safety, 5-physiological. Police officers with MA degrees and higher: 1-self-actualization, 2- respect, 3- social, 4-safety, 5- physiological. Police officer with associate degree and lower: 1-respect, 2- self- actualization, 3-social, 4- safety, 5- physiological.Conclusion: Priority of IRIPU police officers’needs levels are completely unlike Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

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