Using educational technology is an essential teaching method, known as the Office of Educational Technology, yet, some of instructors' tendency is not to use the method. In order to inspect the factors affecting the use of educational technology in the universities of Ahwaz, from among (about800) faculty members of Ahwaz, Shahid Chamran and Ahwaz Medical Sciences universities, and180 people were chosen using random sampling methods, and attempt was done to choose the number of samples in agreement with the number of the members of scientific boards of each university. Then a questionnaire containing16 questions was designed and filled with samples. The questionnaire's validity was approved by a number of specialized and experienced teachers, and its stability was confirmed by Cranbach Alpha (a=0.84). After collecting data, Chi-square test (X2) was used to analyze them. The findings showed that members of scientific boards in the universities of Medical Sciences and Shahid Chamran believed factors such as being boring to use educational equipments, lack of time, lack of familiarity with educational tools, insufficient skill in using tools, lack of familiarity with training materials, inadequate skill in preparing and manufacturing educational materials, heavy equipments and difficulty in transporting them, high work pressure, crowded classes, and the fear of using the equipments in a wrong way have little effect on insufficient use of educational technology in university education.They also evaluated factors such as complexity of preparing and designing educational materials, inappropriate classroom environment, lack of training facilities and equipment, large number of classes instructors have to teach, and finally, not regarding the use of educational equipments when evaluating teachers' works, as important in not using educational technology in classes.