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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This paper has studied the relationship between parents' perfectionism and their parenting styles. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between different aspects of perfectionism, including selforiented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed perfectionism, and parenting styles including authoritative, authoritarian and permissive, in a sample population consisting of Iranian families. Eight hundred parents (400 mothers, 400 fathers) were included in this study. All participants were asked to complete Tehran Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (TMPS; Besharat, 2007) and Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ; Buri, 1991). Descriptive and inferential statistics including means, standard deviations, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and regression correlation coefficient were used, in order to analyze the data. The results revealed a relationship between the aspects of parental perfectionism and parenting styles. It can be concluded that aspects of parental perfectionism may influence parenting styles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Country’s university education system has been set up as anorganization aiming to provide the required background for executing programs and tasks of, and increasing the efficiency of university education.As defined in National20- Year Development Plan, the goals of university education are to improve scientific and technological position of the country, at national and international levels, deepen religious values, make university education of high quality and easy fair access available across the country, train experts for further scientific and executive responsibilities, reinforce the correlation between universities and industry, to direct, control and support the function of universities, and to define the scientific policy to be pursued by the system of university education.In this paper, Iran's university education system is defined first, AHP method is described in relation with university education then, and finally, the factors and criteria affecting the goals of the system are determined.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Both organizational learning (OL) and following it, learner organization (LO) are modern phenomena, leading in major changes in organizational development, which have come to be discussed in last three decades. One of the important factors contributing to the success of today's organizations is to implement the quality of learning in learner organizations. This paper aims to evaluate the potential of Iran medical Science University (IMSU) for transforming into a LO, based on five characteristics of Marquart' s systemic approach model. The paper is a descriptive survey and the Marquart's questionnaire is being used in order to gather the field data. The statistics population consisted of 1428 persons, from among which 137 of the staff were chosen based on a stochastic stratified sampling survey. The questionnaires were filled by principals, members of scientific boards and experts. Descriptive statistics is used to analyze the demographic data, and deductive statistics is used to test the validity of the hypotheses. The results of the analyses showed that the potential of this organization for being an LO depends on three dynamic factors of learning (mean: 2.64), technology (mean: 2.8) and individual enabling (mean: 2.72), and two factors of knowledge management (mean: 3.01) and organizational change (means: 2.72). Therefore, the five research hypotheses do not meet 5% significance, and therefore, although the IMSU is responsible for educational and learning functions, it does not meet OL characteristics and is not ready to become an OL.

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Using educational technology is an essential teaching method, known as the Office of Educational Technology, yet, some of instructors' tendency is not to use the method. In order to inspect the factors affecting the use of educational technology in the universities of Ahwaz, from among (about800) faculty members of Ahwaz, Shahid Chamran and Ahwaz Medical Sciences universities, and180 people were chosen using random sampling methods, and attempt was done to choose the number of samples in agreement with the number of the members of scientific boards of each university. Then a questionnaire containing16 questions was designed and filled with samples. The questionnaire's validity was approved by a number of specialized and experienced teachers, and its stability was confirmed by Cranbach Alpha (a=0.84). After collecting data, Chi-square test (X2) was used to analyze them. The findings showed that members of scientific boards in the universities of Medical Sciences and Shahid Chamran believed factors such as being boring to use educational equipments, lack of time, lack of familiarity with educational tools, insufficient skill in using tools, lack of familiarity with training materials, inadequate skill in preparing and manufacturing educational materials, heavy equipments and difficulty in transporting them, high work pressure, crowded classes, and the fear of using the equipments in a wrong way have little effect on insufficient use of educational technology in university education.They also evaluated factors such as complexity of preparing and designing educational materials, inappropriate classroom environment, lack of training facilities and equipment, large number of classes instructors have to teach, and finally, not regarding the use of educational equipments when evaluating teachers' works, as important in not using educational technology in classes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper introduces and studies the application of Activity Based Costing in estimating the overall cost of education for students of universities. The research aims to calculate and allocate the overhead, using the two activity based costing and traditional when estimating the overall cost of education for two groups of the students, of accounting and technical and engineering faculties of Azadshahr Islamic Azad university, in the academic year of2006-7.Using Regression model the overhead was allocated to Activity Based Costing for the two educational groups and then the result was compared with the results of Traditional Overhead Allocation. To do this, T – Test for the two test-rank independent groups and wilkaksion sign tests were used. The results showed that the overall cost of education for the two educational groups when using Activity Based Costing is less than when traditional method and the indirect overhead allocation in traditional method was more than in Activity Based Costing for these fields of study. Moreover, there is a significant difference between overall cost and mean cost of students' tuition in the two educational groups calculated by the two methods.Net profit obtained from Activity Based Costing method is more than traditional one for these fields of study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper aims to study the effects of stress management course on work stress and the sense of efficacy among female teachers of private elementary schools. Research methodology was quasiexperimental, using pre and post-test, with the participants including 40 female teachers of private primary schools of the 6th zone of Tehran. Using in access sampling method, six primary schools (3 for boys and3 for girls) were chosen, and, after performing pre-test, 40 teachers who has reported the highest level of stress were chosen using random sampling method, and were divided into experiment and control groups. We had a 12-hour program that was divided into eight sessions, covering a variety of criteria: Time management, direct and indirect coping, assertiveness, and class management.Teacher’s Stress Scale (1978) and Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (2001) were implemented in both pretest and posttest. Findings of this study showed a decrease in stress and physiological symptoms, among teachers who favored the stress management course comparing with the control group. Also, the sense of efficacy was prompted among these teachers. However, no significant change was observed in the efficacy of instructional strategies and the efficacy of student engagement. Conclusion: Stress management course can control and reduce teacher stress.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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It is believed in traditional education planning that all learners learn in a same way. Dominance of this idea will result in neglecting the importance of differences between Cognition Styles. An individual' s cognition style greatly affects the way of data processing when thinking and learning, and, consequently, on effectiveness and efficacy of education. However, individuals are not clearly aware or informed of their cognition style. The Approach of using Learning-Cognitive Style in the process of education focuses on differences between individual in learning. Mc.Carthy (1990), using learning styles and changing them, designed 4-MAT, a new teaching style.This article compares Mc.Carthy's 4-MAT teaching system (with 4 types of learners) with the traditional teaching system, in order to test the two hypotheses of the research: "more" is learnt, and it is "more stable" when using 4-MAT style rather than traditional style. The methodology of the research is Quasi- experimental, using pretestposttest with control group. The statistical population consisted of136senior girl students studying Humanistic, in the city of Sanandaj, from among 2 classes of 20 were selected using Clustersampling.The measurement instrument was a questionnaire of 120 multiple-choices. The result showed that learning through 4-MAT system is stable by 97% assurance, and learning through traditional system is not stable by the same percentage of assurance. Therefore, learning through 4-MAT style is more stable thatn through traditional style.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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