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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Patient education is a basic part of health care especially in chronic heart diseases in hospital and community. The present research intended to determine the effect of patient education and home-based follow up on knowledge and health behaviors in patients with myocardial Infarction referred to Modares health care facility in Kashmar. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental design, with two randomly selected groups. The experiment (n=18) and the control (n=20) group, were undergone a pre and post test. The health education program was carried out in 4 continuous sessions with different topics on cardiac events, diet, medication, coronary risk factors and exercise. The patients were given an instructional booklet containing the above mentioned information and were followed up at home for 3 times during 3 months. Data were gathered by knowledge measurement questionnaire and home-based follow up check list using interview and observation at the beginning of the study, during follow up, as well as at the end. The instructional booklet was given to the control group patients at the end of the study. Results: The research findings indicated an improvement of knowledge in the intervention group patients (P=0.0001).The comparison of mean scores between groups showed an improvement in knowledge and behavior as increase in the frequency (P=0.02), time of taking a walk (P=0.001), physical symptoms improvement during walking (P=0.03), recognition and avoiding from cardiac risk factors (P=0.001),following of diet (P=0.003), and medication regimen (P=0.001), reduction in need to extra visit by physician (P=0.001), as well as need to extra emotional support (P=0.000) in the intervention group.Conclusion: Health education to patients and internalizing it with reiterating, supervising, and managing by nurses in a familiar place as home can play as an effective factor in patients performance improvement, as well as community health development. It clarifies the community oriented role of nurses as a case manager in health-team.

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Introduction: With the aim to recognize the identity of relationship and communication with family as a reality experienced by large amount of young population in country, this research was carried out to describe females high school students on their family experiences.Methods: A phenomenological qualitative approach was used in year 2005 in Isfahan. A sample was chosen based on purposeful sampling method amongst females' high school students. Sample size was dependent on the data saturation with a total 15 participants at the end. Data gathering was done using deep interviews, and then data were analyzed through Straubert method.Results: From the lived experiences of female adolescents, sixty five codes, three sub concepts and two core concepts were emerged. The two core concepts were emotional support (intimacy) in family and reactions in family.Conclusion: In spite of the vital role of families in adolescents' life, they are not experiencing useful interactions with their families. This study expresses the importance of educating families according to the needs and characteristics of adolescence period.

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Introduction: One of nursing rehabilitative interventions is group recreational activities. This study tries to investigate its effect on self care skills of schizophrenic patients with providing the opportunity of their participation in these activities Methods: In an interventional study based on a quasi-experimental approach, 45 schizophrenic patients were selected using convenient sampling method. Then Self Care Skills Scale (SCSS) was used to evaluate their self-care activities, after that they were undergone an intervention as group recreational trip for 10 days. The patients lived, cooperated and worked together during the trip. After the intervention again patients reassessed with SCSS. Achieved mean scores before and after the intervention were compared with paired t test.Results: Mean scores of SCSS increased significantly from 29.56 from before the intervention to 32.16 in after. The significant change was seen in self care of brushing tooth and tooth care, combing hair, taking bath, shaving and hair cut, cleaning face, eating manner, having a clean appearance, as well as following medications truly. Conclusion: Group recreational activities as a rehabilitative and inorganic intervention can promote self care skills in schizophrenic patients.

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View 2245

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Introduction: Students are the future managers of each country and in our country because of having a young population pyramid; the importance of them in managing country future is more outstanding. Therefore physical health especially their psychic condition is directly related to the community health in future. The purpose of this study was to compare depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life (QOL) of female and male students resident in Tarbiat Modares University dormitories.Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study which used DASS21 and SF-8 questionnaires completed by subjects to measure the mentioned variables in 223 female and male dormitory students of Tarbiat Modares University. The subjects were selected using cluster sampling method.Results: The results of this study showed that 51.6% of students suffer from depression, 39.5% from anxiety and 71.7% from stress. The level of depression, anxiety, and stress in male students showed to be higher than females. Student's QOL was moderate in 33.2% and poor in 4.9% of them. The relation between education level (MSc vs. PhD) and the main variables were not significant. Stress, anxiety and depression had a direct relation together and an inverse relation with QOL.Conclusion: Regarding to the results of this study, it is concluded that academic study is accompanied by a high level of depression and anxiety and lower level of QOL because of the presence of high levels of stress. So every society which thinks about its health and its future generations is expected to investigate on predisposing factors of stress, depression, as well as anxiety and remove them in order to ensure its future goals.

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View 9251

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Introduction: The process of formal education lonely cannot prepare medical sciences masters for work environment and responding to changes. They need informal and lifelong learning. The aim of this study was to explain the perspectives and experiences of nursing and midwifery masters about formal and informal education. Methods: In this qualitative study semi-structured interviews were done with 12 nursing and midwifery faculty members. The interview questions were related to the participants' perspectives and experiences from learning activities. The interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim, and then were analyzed based on content analysis method.Results: Lifelong learning, self learning, the necessity of teaching profession, taking document were amongst the contexts which explained the masters learning experiences on formal and informal education. The data showed that having unprepared sensation for teaching after taking formal document especially at the beginning of employment was a motivator for learning. Learning essence, teaching, having new content to teach are as strong motivators for learning and taking part in educational workshop. The participants in this study mostly entitled "organization and time" as learning barriers.Conclusion: The necessity of being accountable to students, job promotion, professional obligations and familiarity with the science world new achievements lead to struggle by master for learning as formal or informal activities. Formal education is necessary as a base for future learning but not enough. Informal education as complementary to learning acts plays a basic role.

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Introduction: Health care services in a community have a direct relation with the community health and development. People have different needs in the different ages, and meeting the needs is possible in the health care centers framework. The aim of this descriptive study was to assess satisfaction with service delivery in clients referring to urban health centers affiliated to Arak University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this study 285 clients were selected using convenient sampling method.Data gathering tool consisted of 51 questions composed of demographic data (11 items), questions related to clients satisfaction with service delivery on maternity and child care (11 items), family planning services (9 items), vaccination (9 items), as well as health education (11 items). Content validity was used to validate the tool and test-retest was calculated to determine reliability.Results: The results showed a high level of satisfaction for mother and child services (37.69±4.18), moderate level of satisfaction for family planning (28.14±4.50), a high level f satisfaction with vaccination (31.44±2.88). The results also revealed that most of clients (78.8%) were satisfied of health education. Also 86.1% and 83.3% were satisfied of maternity& child care and vaccination staff behaviors respectively.Conclusion: As a whole, findings indicated a general satisfaction with service delivery and staff behavior. Their average satisfaction was 63.2%. Further studies concerning the quality of services delivered by the health centers are necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2071

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Introduction: Nasocomial infection is one of the biggest complications of health care facilities all over the world which involves two millions people with nearly 9 billion dollar in cost in addition to therapeutic expenses each year. This study was carried out in order to determine the application of infection control methods by staff working in endoscope centers affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2004-2005. Methods: This research is a descriptive study. All ten endoscope centers staff totally 54 physicians,27 nurses and 14 workers were chosen for the survey. Data gathering instruments consisted of a questionnaire bout demographic characteristic of the participants, 6 checklists for evaluating the characteristics of disinfection solutions that workers used for disinfecting endoscope set, the characteristics of endoscope unit environment, the process of disinfecting the set and its environment, as well as the methods used to protect nurses, physicians and associate nurses. The data were gathered by the researchers using observation. Laboratory kits also were another way of data gathering used to get microbial culture from operating room; endoscope tubes and disinfecting solutions which were handed in to the hospitals laboratory centers to be analyzed. The gathered data were analyzed via SPSS computer software, and descriptive statistics.Results: The study findings related to the application of disinfecting method in the units show that in 30% percent of hospitals were desirable, 50% semi-desirable and 20% undesirable. Results about the method of reprocessing of endoscopes through staffs showed that only one hospital (10%) was desirable, also 30% semi-desirable and 60% undesirable. About the application of disinfection or sterilization in endoscopes through nursing staff the results showed that 20% of hospitals were desirable, 70% semi-desirable and one hospital (10%) undesirable. Also the way used for protecting staff were shown as undesirable in all hospitals. About the kinds of microorganisms grown in the environment, on the equipments as well as disinfection solution it was shown that that the majority of the growth was for Bacillus (3.6%) and minimum for pseudomonas and staphylococci (%1.8).Conclusion: Totally the results of this study showed that the application of infection control methods through staff of endoscope centers is not suitable. It can result in infectious diseases. Therefore prevention from nosocomial infections in endoscope units based on frequent emphasizes by articles in this regard needs a precise and yearly supervision.

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Introduction: Menopause is a critical stage as well as the most important event in middle-aged women. In this period women got involved in so many physical and psychological problems that result in a reduction in their quality of life. The aim of the research was to determine the physical and psychological problems faced by menopause women referred to Ilam health care centers.Methods: The samples consisted of 150 menopause women that had experienced natural menopause as cessation of menstruation for at least 12 months. They were selected /using random sampling method. Data were gathered by a questionnaire, composed of demographic characteristics, health history, and sign & symptoms check list, as well as Beck and Cattle scales. The questionnaire was filled in using face-to-face interview. Results: The mean age at menopause was 48/7 years also mean intake of calcium was 603/9 in 24 hours. The most common problems reported by the samples included of musculoskeletal problems (%76.7 joints pain), urogenital (%42 vaginal dryness, and libido), vasomotor (%55.3 hot flash), hypertension (%37.3). In addition 32% had reported minor depression, 22.7% minor anxiety, and %39.3 near memory disorder; it should be mentioned that significant relation was seen between the sign & symptom and some other investigated variables.Conclusion: The mean age at menopause of samples was lower than of Asian and west countries. The prevalence and intensity of physical and psychological problems in these women were outstanding. Thus with attention to the impact of menopause on women quality of life and community health, planning of especial health cares in this period is essential.

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