Introduction: Effective human force is a major factor in continuity, success, and realization of organizations’ goals and it is always found in the literature on management. Furthermore, high service leave rate is an indicator of undesired function of organization’s management in keeping the human force. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the number of motivational factors on retention and loyalty of nurses.Methods: This research was a descriptive survey and an applied reseach in accordance with the objectives. Among 800 nurses at Milad Hospital, 260 nurses were selected through systematic random sampling, according to the Morgan table. A 68-item researcher-made questionnaire was used in this research and its content validity was obtained by gathering the opinion of professors and specialists and its reliability was examined via Cronbach’s Alpha, which was 0.797, 0.745, and 0.782 respectively for motivational, loyalty, and retention factors. At first, the Kolmogorov Smirnov test (K-S) was used for determining the normal distribution of data, and the regression test was used for determining the effect by SPSS Version 22.Results: The results showed that motivational factors were effective on retention with a correlation coefficient of 0.759, and on loyalty with a coefficient of 0.795. Priority of occupational factors on retention was 0.778 while priority of individual factors on retention was 0.750. The priority of organizational factors on retention was 0.529, organizational factors on loyalty was 0.790, individual factors on loyalty was 0.709, and occupational factors on loyalty was 0.583.Conclusions: According to results, there was a relationship between motivational factors (occupational, organizational, and individual factors) and retention and loyalty of nurses. It is recommended for the managers of hospitals to provide the required mechanism for improving occupational factors, such as diversity of skills, job identity, independence and feedback for increasing the retention of nurses of the hospital and consider organizational factors, such as environmental conditions, rewards, and supervision supports for increasing nurses’ loyalty. In this regard, hospitals should consider motivational factors in macro policy-making related to nurses to be effective in increasing the retention and loyalty of nurses along with realization of the goals of hospitals.