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امروزه در ساخت شهرها و تعیین اندام جغرافیایی آنها به تعادل شهر و ناحیه، روابط هماهنگ شهر و روستا، توازن فضایی و تعادل انسان و محیط می اندیشند. ایجاد و رویش قارچ ‎گونه شهری با اندام بلند جغرافیایی، در نواحی کشور آن ‎جا که روستاها پراکنده و نافشرده هستند و روابط ارگانیکی بین شهر و روستا وجود ندارد به فروپاشی این تعادل ها خواهد انجامید. بایستی برنامه‎ ریزی ‎ها به پیروی از ویژگی های فیزیکی، اقتصادی و انسانی ناحیه روی تمام شهرهای ناحیه، از کوتاه ‎اندام گرفته تا روستاها توزیع و پخش شود تا ارتباط هماهنگ و متعادل ناحیه با تمام مراکز شهری حفظ شود. در مقاله‎ حاضر به بررسی عملکرد جمعیتی - اقتصادی شهر میانی مرند در سطح فضایی شهرستان مرند پرداخته شده است. مدل های جمعیتی نشان می دهند که شهر مرند، به ‎تنهایی %80 از جمعیت شهری شهرستان را دارد و 16 برابر شهر دوم شهرستان است. همچنین، %50 کل جمعیت شهرستان تنها در شهر مرند ساکن هستند. ضریب کشش ‎پذیری نشان می دهد که شهر مرند از توان کشش ‎پذیری جمعیتی بالایی برخوردار بوده، در حالی که ضریب کشش ‎پذیری بقیه‎ شهرهای شهرستان پایین تر یا منفی بوده است، همچنین موازنه‎ مهاجرت در شهر مرند مثبت بوده و در مقابل موازنه مهاجرت کل شهرستان منفی است. مدل های اقتصادی بیانگر نقش خدماتی شهر مرند در شرایط اقتصاد پایه ای است و بعد از آن بخش صنعت شرایط اقتصاد پایه ای را دارد، ولی بخش کشاورزی، هم در سطح شهرستان و هم در سطح شهر مرند، جزء اقتصاد پایه ای محسوب نمی شود. بررسی حوزه‎ نفوذ شهر مرند نشان می دهد که این شهر بخش عمده ای از خدمات را به حوزه‎ نفوذ اختصاص داده و در رفع نیازهای خدماتی برای حوزه‎ نفوذ در اهمیت نخست قرار دارد. در نهایت، پیشنهاد می شود که در کنار سرمایه ‎گذاری در شهر میانه‎ مرند باید به شهرهای کوچک شهرستان، مانند کشکسرای، زنوز، یامچی و بناب جدید و روستاهای اطرف آنها از نظر تامین خدمات، تاسیسات زیربنایی و رفع نیازها و کمبودها و ایجاد زمینه های اشتغال نیز توجه کرد تا از این طریق با بهره‎ گیری از تمامی ظرفیت های شهرستان مرند به توسعه‎ همه ‎جانبه‎ آن کمک نمود.

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Introduction: What is the nature of geopolitics? Like most other disciplines, the history of geopolitics is dominated by such fundamental and abstract questions. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how we can avoid such positivistic questions. In this paper our fundamental premise is that "what is" can’t reveal the whole story and nature of geopolitics. As Derrida notes, this question is the instituting question of western philosophy.

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Introduction: Today in Construction of cities and determining their geographical extremities paid to city and regional balance, coordinated urban and rural relationships, spatial balance and balance of human and environment. Creation and growth of sprawl in urban areas with long geographic extremities in regions of my country, disappears balances where villages are scattered and organizational relationships between urban and rural areas does not exist. Planning’s must been distributed to follow the physical, economic, humanity properties on all the area cities and short limbs ranging from murals, Until harmonious and balanced relationship with all the urban area is preserved.

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Introduction: Organizing urban land use which is the principal part of urban planning can cause spatial suitability and land use efficiency.The expansion of the urban activities and presentation of discipline, ethics, law and order and supervision of municipal affairs considering the convolution of economic and social relation of the cities falls under certain fields of specialization. Regarding the increasing growth of population, equal distribution of service over any district of cities is a complicated issue which requires subtle studies in the field of either extant capacities and facilities and future needs-the needs which form the basis urban planning. To have a fair planning, it is important to, first, follow the land use planning which should be accomplished with regard to urban density and Percapita. From among the essential criteria of the distribution of urban planning, the role of climatic social and economic factors, and the compatibility of applications is very important. Besides, gender and age are the most significant criteria for determining the urban functions.

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Introduction: The impact of human role in the development process of rural areas is considered to be the most vital development tool as human force plays an influential part in the development flow both, in terms of quality as well as quantity. Increase in population and lack of jobs in rural sectors has affected rural families and has lead to a migration of rural habitats towards larger urban areas in search for jobs with better income. Under such circumstances, several young rural habitats prefer to consider such temporary migration as a strategic move to combat with unemployment and after spending some time period mastering skills and earning sufficient savings, they return to the rural sectors. The main goal of this survey is to analyze such kind of migration (return of migrants) with emphasis on rural livelihood stability and its impact on human, finance, physical, social and natural capital of returning migrants and resulting outcome of such migrants and the variety of economical activities springing in such areas. Studies conducted in this avenue have shown that 9 villages in the town of Aq Qala have witnessed the return of migrants to their villages. Hence, all the 62 cases of migrants who have returned to these villages have been taken into consideration.

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Introduction: The twenty-year outlook, Iran must first place in 1404 in the region, including Central Asia, Caucasus, Middle East and neighboring countries have developed is in the Indices. One of these indicators and balanced urban system decentralization. Centralists as a pattern development in Iran and neighboring countries, most of opportunity and development is allocated to. After some problems and adverse effects centralists to create an imbalance in many areas, disorganization in the urban network and capture all opportunities and equality and disturbing development in these countries have charts.

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Introduction: Human always meet problems that need various factors for analyses. However every factor is not equivalent and for making a goad decision must use appropriate technique. If don’t chose appreciate and flexible for analyze, will decrease access to acceptable results with high performance shush as Important problem we meet now is reclamation worn textures and central sector of city Because base on the presented data from mangers of Housing and urban planning ministry there are about 50000 H Urban worn textures in country and government able provide 11.2% required funds for rehabilitation and the rest must provide by citizen partnership. On the other hand on of the government aims is providing house by rehabilitation of worn textures for people until provide 2 million house by rehabilitation 14000 H of urban worn texture. To reach this aim we need 13000 milliard Tomans also, in new urban politics has intensify Suburbia to new urbanism because of pollution and rate of using oils and compact city strategy and acceptance development from inside strategy instead of development to outside and rehabilitation of worn texture old city central and development Abandoned Lands city central has determined for confront sporadic city development.

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Introduction Distressed structures is one of the fourth types of urban distressed structures that because of physical distress, non appropriate ridden availability, services facility and existence of vulnerable urban infrastructure, has a less locational, environmental and economical value. Facilities and resources limitation of the urban renovation and rehabilitation matter, before every proceed need identification of regions distress rate and priority setting for every action and investment, in related with distressed structure of each city. Western areas of Jahrom City, those are among the oldest and main zones of this city that nowadays, oldness, nonresistant building materials and poorness of residents, day to day caused of more distress of physical structure. Generally, a set of various processes caused to outbreak of decadency, Weakness and inefficiency of these structures, and can not mention only one or more little factor for that.

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Introduction: Urban green space, including major applications and major cities considered that it comes as breathing lungs of cities is mentioned. Since urban space filled with smoke, tail, noise machines, factories, and motorized equipment is urban green spaces urban places that people only hours away from family and friends along with rest and pay a stylized.

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Introduction: Inequality and its different dimensions are the significant signs of underdevelopment. Regional inequalities represent a continuing development challenge in most countries, especially those with large geographic areas under their jurisdictions. Large regional disparities represent serious threats to countries as they create potential for disunity and, in extreme cases, for disintegration. Marginalized populations often are left excluded when important development and investment decisions are made. Regional disparities in Iran have been growing at an alarming rate leading to serious problems including migration with its associated problems from backward provinces to the more affluent ones. So that, the Human Development Report for Iran in 1999 reflected such disparities and reiterated that one of the major human development policies in the country’s Third Plan is to “pay attention to the spatial planning as a long-term framework for social justice and regional balance”. In order to provide a scientific basis to decrease regional inequalities, it is very necessary to comprehensively assess the status of regional development with regard to different indicators.

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Introduction: Entrepreneur is a person of very high aptitude who pioneers change, possessing characteristics found in only a very small fraction of the population. On the other extreme of definitions, anyone who wants to work for him or herself is considered to be an entrepreneur. The word Entrepreneur originates from the French word, entreprendre which means "to undertake." In a business context, it means to start a business. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary presents the definition of an entrepreneur as one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.

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Introduction: One of the central issues in studies of political geography returns in to governments and their boundaries. Shaping how borders, borders type, borders issues and disputes arising from them are interesting debates in political geography. One of the notable points in the following discussion is the role of phenomenon of colonialism in border drawing. Essentially colonial boundaries combined and separated some societies. Hence imposed and colonial boundaries often involve the problems within their borders to the countries that are parties. The Boundaries River including the natural boundaries is considered that can disrupt economy due to natural areas or because of a shift, makes border problems for surrounding countries. Countries including Iran, which its borders on the one hand by colonialists has been drawn and the other hand is faced with several neighbors. What the studies related to political relations of countries based on river borders (like Hirmand river) is important, the pattern and form of the rivers that regard to the importance of surface water resources, plays important role in relations between countries.

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Introduction: The concept of courtiers territorial integrity, according to Political Geography researchers, has noticeable impartment in its function and content. In early centuries, thinkers emphasized the nature and quality of territory on formation of an ideal and independent country, and supply its material and spiritual, needs. In the contemporary world, territory is geographical area with distinctive peripheral boundaries.

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