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In spite of political characteristic of planning decisions from many contemporary thinkers, a few attempt carried out to establish relations between global planning strategies and political theories. It is important that the test of political thought in various planning strategies can make clear hidden political interests and methods in planning process. Until now, different policies and strategies have taken by governments in the South countries for encountering with informal settlements and their residential societies that formation, decline and stability of them are related to establish various dialogue for development and planning such as globalization, neo-liberalization, structural adjustment policies and democracy. Methodology Method of this research is analytical and it has based on realistic analysis on recognition of the nature and mechanisms of the phenomenon of informalization of space and has used documentary research. In this analysis, the phenomenon of informalization of space occurs based on interactions of individuals and groups (government, local leaders and people) and decisions and their motivations in terms of strategies and tactics in dealing with global currents. At the macro level political and economic policies of governments and circumstances southern states such as political concentration, political instability, war, conflict, colonization and political confusion in relation to global processes like as globalization, neo-liberalism and structural adjustment policies and democracy, in middle level, actions and reactions and decision making of state and various stakeholders resulted by process of macro level that has social and spatial effects and circumstances in micro level. Results and discussion As understood urban planning has failed to produce urban space. In recognition of the failure of the government to make urban spaces, ordinary people have potential to generate their desirable urban spaces by creative spatial practices. Experience has shown that among and between of the official planners, ordinary people towards the authorities and professionals tend to produce variations and differences rather than homogeneous spaces. Ordinary people have the ability to produce lived spaces out of abstract spaces via adaptation and extending spaces for their daily cultural activities and practices. Definitely, it seems that state has not sufficient ability and liability to regulate urban space and forced urban residents to use their liabilities in shaping urban space by creating networks, coalitions and associations. With emphasis on the role of the alliance as a space practice in the production of urban space, we can say "spatial practices for various hidden forces that can distract homogeneous space towards their own goals, product a dramatized space that is lived space of residents in informal settlements. Thus, in relation to the production of space, it can be argued that neoliberal ideology has changed perception of urban space because people in peri-urban areas look for places for the now and future investment. In addition to, reducing the role of government in providing land and housing shows that poor people for affordable access to land for housing continue to struggle. Finally, this process leads to disputes over urban space. In fact, globalization intensifies competition for urban land. First, when demand is rapidly increasing, urban land is became scarce. On the other hand, a large percentage of urban migrants have been absorbed that created due to the new economic opportunities by globalization, cannot pay the price of urban land. In such circumstances, they have no option except to use their own initiative to have access to urban land, which finally have been lead to competition for urban land with government officials. In this regard, urban residents use their own everyday strategies although are not limited to informal land tenure, as the tools for access to land, they organize themselves in alliance to bargaining because they often have been completely excluded urban decision processes and lobbying on competitive urban land. On the other hand, the involvement of government officials have attempted to control competition corruption, self-help housing, evictions and spatial development as spatial strategies of urban space. Conclusion In studying of experiences of countries, these have basic importance: first, global processes have found out different forms in different countries; as space of the Southern have not been appropriate background to realize spaces of global flows due to colonization, war and political conflicts and resulted in informalization of space. Second, informal land and housing markets, not only in scopes of the poor but also in competition arena of the middle class even elite competition in the Third World is provided. Third, in these countries, the problem is not formal and informal, but is the distinction between informalization of the poor and the middle class, but in both of them, the place of this informalization mainly is in the peri-urban areas. Fourth, approach of the right to the city can be addressed as an optimized approach to the rights of working-class groups and challenges in an informal urban background. Given the right to the city, decentralization of power from elites to the poor should be the first step, what Lefebvre called Utopia is a style of thinking that is possible in all regions of the world. Urban-based programs must have mechanisms for gathering the demands of the people. The right to the city is a gradual and procedural category. Adopting such an approach closes us to achieve the right to produce life space and the right to have spaces everyday life in the city. Achieving this right makes a city which two components of access to urban resources and spaces and the quality of urban life and decision making of residents as active subject not the political object are institutionalized for all classes residents in its. Achieving this right makes a city which two components of access to urban resources and spaces and the quality of urban life and decision making of residents as active subject not the political object are institutionalized for all classes residents in its.

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Introduction Paying attention to the approach of spatial equity in distribiution of land use in any community, and the way in wich the citizens take advantage from it, represents the social, economic and environmental development. The necessity of paying attention to spatial equity in distribiution of land use in touristic villages in comparison with Nontouristic areas is of great importance, because these areas have a great potential for comprehensive development and especially the development of rural areas. This factor has doubled the necessity of paying attention to spatial equity in these villages. Actually, the use of land and space as a public resource and public wealth is crucial in tourist villages which should be based on scientific principles of land use planning. East Azarbaijan provience due to climatic and cultural diversity and also because of it's historical background is compromised of a numerous touristic villages. Despite all these features, due to mismanagement and lack of optimal allocation of resources and services, they are exposed to a numerous problems such as lack of service centers, lack of green spaces and lack of compatibility of land use with the wishes and needs of tourists. Considering the importance and sensitivity of spatial equity in touristic villages, this research seeks to answer the following basic questions:-To what extent the spatial equity is considered in spatial distribiution of land use in touristic villages of East Azerbaijan province?-How is the correlation between geographic conditions and spatial equity in touristic villages of East Azerbaijan province?-How is the prioritization of touristic villages of the province in terms of spatial equity?-What are the suggested guidelines for the optimal distribiution of land use and achieving spatial equity? Methodology This is a descriptive-analytic research. Data collection was done in documental and survey methods. Review and selection of reseach variables, theoretical framework and research backgrounds is done using documental method. 42 variables of residentail, cultural-religious, communicational, educational, hygience, physical, structural-institutional and service dimensions are investigated in this research. In surveys, the data related to land use of touristic villages of the province was collected and extracted via in person visits of the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation and the Cultural Heritage Organization of the provience and the city, as well as Iran's statistics center. Also in order to determine the weight of functions, the Delphi technique is used. Then the list of functions was given to 30 of urban planners (including academics and experts of Housing Foundation and the Cultural Heritage Organization) and after analyzing the comments, the weight of functions were extracted. The study population of this research is 48 touristic villages of East Azerbaijan provience, which are tourism target villages and best touristic villages according to the rules and regulations of the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation and Cultural Heritage organization. To perform analysis, after calculating the gap between current and ideal situation, Vikor model was used. As well as to evaluate the difference between different functions, the one way ANOVA analysis test and Duncan's post hoc test are used and cluster analysis test is used for grading and finally the multivariate regression test is used to explain the changes of this index. Results and discussion According to the results of Vikor model, the biggest gap with the amount of 0. 829 is for 8 of variables related to the touristic services functions. Also residential indexies with the amount of 0. 162 are in the best situation in regard of spacial justice. The highest amount of frequency is about the suitable situation with the amount of 45. 5%. Also the results of statistical tests shows that there is a correlation between population, beneficary index, fullfilment of guide plans and the typology of village with the amount of spacial justice in touristic villages. The results of Vikor test showed that the lowest gap of spatial equity is related to the villages of Ina Lu (0. 150), Savar (0. 276) and Darband (0. 293) in residential and street network functions. In addition, the largest gap is related to the villages of Kandovan (0. 475), Bezujiq (0. 463), Lighavan (0. 415) and Oshtabin (0. 412). According to the results of cluster analysis 19. 6% of the villages in terms of spatial equity are in very low level, 16. 4% are in low level, 17. 2% are in intermediate level and only 45. 5% are in high level and 1. 3% are in very high level. The results of correlation analysis showed that only the variables of the civil projects in form of rural guide plans, possessing index and type of village have a significant correlation with the dependent variable. Conclusion Due to the need for spatial equity in distribiution of land use in touristic villages, this research aimed to analyze the spatial equity in land use in touristic villages of East Azerbaijan provience. The results showed that only 3% of villages are in good and very good condition in terms of spatial equity. Therefore, based on the results of the research proposals presented as follows:-The need to understand the demands and needs of villagers and tourists before creating functions and also the number of tourists entering the village and also their economic and social characteristics.-Paying more attention to rural green spaces, rural passways, parks and open sport spaces.-The need for serious attention to the completion of rural guide plans in villages without this plans and also paying attention to the environmental variables in rural land use.-Adopting comprehensive and integrated approach in the management of land use in touristic villages.-Always integrated system approach land use management in tourist villages, officials and planners have been considered to be able to rely on management strategies, Creating more gaps between different applications can be prevented.

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Introduction: Housing as one of the stellar biological needs of men has allocated a major theoretical, technological, and materialistic concern of mankind. During history, providing this need and its quality has been dependant on cultural, environmental, historical, economical, and technological conditions. World population and urban life's intense increase which has passed above 50 % and expecting to be more than 68 % by 2050 has caused the challenging question of housing into a crisis. This problem is of greater importance in developing countries due to the fact that their societies are mainly constituted by low-Income (middle-class) people. In Sanandaj in addition to the situation we see in the national level regarding housing sector that is due to population growth and intense urban life growth, another factors like general level of income has caused unavailability of house especially among weak people-less wealthy-who are about 35%. In housing market, there are a lot of related economical indices such as family saving, cost and income, profitability rate of land and housing market, land and house price and productivity of housing production factors which play role. This study tries to probe into principal economical reasons of increased gap between offer and demand in housing sector in Sanandaj. Methodology: The study is an applied one conducted through a descriptive-analytic method. Analyses are done by usual models and methods. To collect data, we use library-based and field method and its needed data has been gathered through formal sources like Iran Census Center and Iran Central Bank. Results and Discussion: Housing quantitative changes has been considered for studying housing market and influential economical condition of this sector. Based on the obtained results, the gap between housing offer and effective demand is increased since 1355 so that the ratio of a family to a house lessened from 1. 0015 in 1355 to 1. 15 in 1385. Furthermore, house shortage rate in Sanandaj in comparison with the number of families-without considering demolition rate-is 10760 units. Land and house price, and lease cost are significant indices for analyzing housing offer and demand market. Annual growth of a 1m3 land in the abovementioned period of time (1355-1385) is 31. 15% while lease cost growth is 25%. By comparing house and land cost rate growth and inflation growth rate, one can perceive the importance of house in economical transactions which also leads to brokerage growth. During this period of time, land, house, and lease cost growth rate have been always more than inflation rate (17. 4). At the same time, Sanandaji families' income growth rate in this period has increased to 16. 6 which can be interpreted as a huge gap between potential and effective demand considering a 28% growth in land price and a 31% growth in housing price. Family saving as a main source of house provision with a fixed price of (1380= 100), has been always negative except in four years; whereas, banks loans and facilities, on the average, in the last ten years has decreased to 10. 6% from 67% in 1381. The average of bank loans and facilities for any case has accelerated from 81 million Rials in 1381 to 192. 6 million Rials in 1390. The other main index is the economical profitability of land market in comparison with the profitability rate of house construction market in which we have witnessed an annual growth in both of them. However, at the end of the period, the profitability rate of house construction market is 5 times more than the land one. The productivity rate of house provision factors have been studied based on the interpretation of the factors. Therefore, the productivity rate of capital with a fixed rate has been positive. The growth rate of added value of housing sector in this period, on the average, has been 30. 25; that is, for any Rial investment, there is a 30. 25 Rial added value. Also, the productivity rate of land that was 1. 017 units in 1381, has reached 2. 55units in 1390 that is a remarkable growth. The productivity rate of work force is reached 22. 9 in1386 that was 5. 2 in 1380. In other words, any work force has provided 22. 9 million Rials added value in housing sector. Its average annual growth during this period has been 34. 5. Results and Conclusion: Results of the study demonstrate that housing has not been a problem by 1355. However, at the end of the period, 1385, we have encountered, first, a problem called houselessness and house-badness specifically in obliterated fabrics in Sanandaj, and second, a house shortage which is 15% of its inventory. Based on the obtained results from housing economical indices and its financial provision mechanism, accentuation on family savings for its financial provision seems fruitless. Also, continuous growth in house price considering its remarkable added value, one can come to this conclusion that by omitting and decreasing land price, the cost of house construction will be transmitted to the other sources and methods of house financial provision such as bank facilities growth to 80% for house purchase and construction, deposit loans, tax exemption, and activating financial sources of the private sector. And we can also pace towards social housing provision methods, rent on the condition of owning and eventual construction.

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Introdoction In today's modern cities, urban road network is important as the vital arteries of the city. Increasing population and urban development, on the one hand, and the increasing use of private cars on the other, as well as low street widths, especially in the central part of the city, include many problems, such as increasing the marginal park, limiting visibility for drivers at intersections, Reduced safety and other adverse psychological effects on the citizen (Soleimani et al, 2014: 118), Based on this, the proper locating of public parking places increases the efficiency of parking, thereby reducing the marginal park and indirectly increasing the width of the streets and the traffic flow (Talib, 2010: 119). Today, in metropolises, due to limited spaces, vertical parking can be optimized to increase the service of a large amount of vehicles. Class parking can be effective when it comes to spatially-appropriate spatial location (Maleki and Zarei, 2012: 60). Accordingly, the main issue of this research is the spatial analysis of the kolapa vertical parking in Hamedan from the point of view of the application of the parameters necessary and appropriate for locating the correct urban user. Methodology The present study is an applied method and its method is descriptive-analytic. In this research, the library-documentary method has been used to formulate theoretical foundations. In order to know the scope of the study and to investigate the current situation and the reasons for the success and failure of the kolapa's parking in Hamedan to attract vehicle owners, field observations, direct observation and survey methods have been used. The data gathering tool in this research was the use of statistical resources, library, and comprehensive plans of Hamadan city, direct observation and field observations. In this research, Hierarchical Analytic Analyzer (AHP) method has been used to evaluate the criteria and select the appropriate location for the new public parking in the study area. Results and discussion According to available evidence, kolapa neighborhood located in Zone 2 of Hamadan's Bou Ali streets, boulevards civil martyr, Taleghani Street 15 Fryrdyn and surrounding streets. According to field observations, Street 15 Farvardin level of service B, Taleghani Avenue level of service C, Street Bu-Ali has a level of service D, and Boulevard martyr civil service level of C, is generally desired range of traffic volume is heavy. Bou-Ali Boulevard, with its access role as well as the commercial and administrative services provided sometimes by each other, has a lot of traffic throughout the day, and in most cases the marginal parks located on this street prevent it from functioning properly, so that in many cases we see a stop of the dubbing of cars on this street, which has many problems. The passageways of this place are not suitable for the pavement, and in many cases, after the extension of some streets and alleys, traffic barriers, such as electric light beams, have not been displaced, and. . . have caused a lot of problems for the residents, which can be Solving these problems has regulated the local transport situation at the neighborhood level. The network governing the kolapa neighborhood is a spiral grid, which are a stench and an inseparable characteristic of this local network. The network, with its initial design of at least 5 years ago, has gradually retreated over time, with the implementation of detailed plans as well as the guiding principles of the previous one, more or less the buildings retreated from the alleys of the streets, causing The occurrence of irregularities and ups and downs has been irregular. Also, lack of proper coverage has slowed down the traffic and communication problems of the winter season. Other inappropriate factors on this network are the existence of alleys that barely travel a vehicle and there are many deadlock alleys. Vertical Classical parking kolapa is a private parking garage with a total area of 1200 square meters and is located in the 6th floor in the kolapa neighborhood, one of the most crowded neighborhoods in the city of Hamedan. It was opened in 2012. The capacity of the parking lot is 150 cars, which, on average, use the statistics to park an average of 50 vehicles per day in this parking lot. Weekends (Thursdays and Fridays) are quieter than other days due to the fact that Bou ali Avenue has more administrative and commercial applications and on holiday days the percentage of visitors to this street is reduced. The following table shows the average number of car parks Shown during the week. Conclusion The results of the study of determining the selected points and comparing them with each other indicate that Option 5, which is a subway ground and accessed from Bou ali and Mesopotamia, is due to better features than other points of priority, and is a suitable place for constructing class parking It is located in the town of kolapa in the city of Hamedan. Also after checking, it became clear that the existing parking, which is option number 4, is an unsuitable place for parking, and that its location and construction at the current location is incorrect and has weaknesses that make the drivers of the vehicles unwilling to use It has been. Some of these reasons are:-The existence of a huge vacant land in the center of the kolapa neighborhood near the current vertical parking has made it difficult for drivers to not park their vehicles in it.-The kolapa Parking does not have enough access to the main street (Bou ali), and drivers who travel to Bou Ali Boulevate can only access to the vertical parking from main Alley.-Another reason for not using the vertical parking is the presence of parking in narrow and enclosed alleys.

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Interface plays a significant role in issues pertaining to urban coherence as one of the utmost theme in delimiting neighborhoods. In the past, the neighborhood boundary has been one of the main factors of coherence, regarding their structure entwining with surrounding context. The present research has studied the role of delimiting concept in coherence and to explore indicators affecting that. The study has involved in the incoherence development of the neighborhoods, resulting in pure separation from each other and the emergence of independent cells of city. As the failure in formation neighborhoods interconnected with each other’ s has dramatically increased, the necessity of the present research is apparent. The study purpose is to analyze components of delimiting neighborhoods with a coherent approach as well as to develop some criteria in this filed. And, by measuring neighborhood cohesion namely social cohesion of the neighborhoods, the quality of that in the boundary of Al-Qadir and Mozafari which are located in the new and historical context of Kerman city have been compared, respectively. In this study, qualitative research approach has been applied using content analysis method, and data has been gathered through fieldwork method and questionnaires. Introduction For urban sociology, urban neighborhoods are considered as the concept of real social units, to a certain extent, has been emerged accidentally and unconsciously. These have been developed in sustainable and definite form, including certain privacy over the time. Thus, in the past, most of cities which have been developed in Iran had a certain name and specific social characteristics. Sometimes this kind of classification is referred to geographical classification of city which brings up a specific name for it (Tavasoli, 2000: 17). The present research has put forward this question: “ which factors have brought about the unity and cohesion of neighborhood in delimiting boundaries of the historic neighborhoods of kerman? ” the associated problem is referred to significance differences in delimiting neighborhood in the past and that of the present time. The necessity of this study and the adaptation of a new approach in neighborhood and city division is a fact which its importance is undeniable. As the current procedure based on providing services and determining the levels of urban division has always been pursued, regardless establishing adjacent neighborhoods, the separation of neighborhoods may presented and the principle of cohesive city may doom to failure. Various urban units such as neighborhoods integrate with each other through urban interfaces or boundary elements and components. In fact, the relationship between various urban neighborhoods has been underpinned by these interfaces than internal elements and components of each unit (Ben Hamuc, 2009: 39). With more investigation in studied conducted on neighborhood and relevant purpose and approaches to the present study, it is obvious that few studies have been conducted on the concept of delimiting neighborhoods. Methodology In this study, qualitative research approach has been applied using content analysis method relating to neighborhood division, delimiting neighborhoods, the concept of city as a whole, new theory of sciences and related philosophical views, as well. Additionally, analyzing relevant documents such as maps, aerial photographs related to neighborhood divisions in the past and now have been used. By reviewing valid pervasive literature covering cohesion and integration issues, 14 indicators have been explored to assay them. Al-Qadir and Mozafari neighborhoods in Kerman have been chosen as case samples. Then, questionnaires have been designed to assay indicators which assayed through the likert scale. To validate questionnaires, the number of it for assaying based on Neyman allocation has ascertained 150 using SPSS software. The sampling method is a proportional volume cluster in which the number of samples has been selected based on each neighborhood population. The first respondent has been selected accidentally using neighborhood’ s map and other respondents have been selected using systematic distance. After filling in questionnaires and adding data to SPSS Software, factor analysis has been used by which analyzing questionnaires’ data and finding the important and influential factors in each neighborhood cohesion and advantage have taken place. Finally, some suggestions and strategies have been developed to ameliorate the possibility of neighborhood cohesion using analyzing factors and comparing them to each other. Results and discussion The findings has revealed that factors such as accessibility to boundary, the quality of accessibility to communities in boundary, the quality of social interaction, dynamic and vitality condition of boundary, appropriate pavement in boundary have the highest proportion in defining residential neighborhood cohesion. Mozafari, the historical neighborhood, shows the maximum integration resulted in the highest amount of cohesion. The highest differences and the lowest one are referred to “ accessibility to boundary” and “ having appropriate pavement” , respectively. Among all mentioned factors, only “ appropriate pavement” shows a similar condition in both neighborhoods. In other factors, the highest degree is obtained by Mozafari neighborhood. In other words, the environment of neighborhoods boundary or their interfaces plays a significant role in promoting interconnectivity, social cohesion of neighborhoods. Actually, if boundaries become intersection of the social interactions, the role of boundaries as connecting axis rather than a separation edge will be highlighted. Conclusion In delimiting neighborhoods, social, physical, and historical factors should be determined to divide neighborhood. Some residential neighborhoods present social factors as social correlation in which specific physical-spatial structure has often manifested. However, dividing neighborhoods has developed focusing activities centers in neighborhoods lacking social factor to link the community potentiality. The center of neighborhood is a major spatial factor in recognizing it, particularly when it is to be more attuned to social needs. Therefore, centers such as mosque should be determined to delimit neighborhoods. Finally, planning and designing these centers as urban environment on the scale of the neighborhood may improve social interactions affectively.

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Urban development planning has always faced new challenges with regard to increasing complexities in the decision-making environment which makes it necessary to use new methods for predicting and preparing for the future. In this regard, as a new approach, the planning based on making scenarios will help identify and present different scenarios for making specific decisions in urban management. In the process of urban development, the subdivision of land has always been a controversial topic with regard to new developments and several factors have been involved in determining the size of the area of the desired parts. In the present study, the four factors of household dimension, income level, land price, and accessibility to urban centers were selected as independent variables and land area was selected as the dependent variable. The results of the significance of each independent variable in explaining the dependent variable have been presented in a regression relationship. The region under study is Semnan city which, according to the predictions of the comprehensive plan horizon (2026), will need 86 hectares of land. The land subdivision modeling process has been done in seven steps and the basic tool used to divide the land is the model presented by Dahal and Chow (2014) which divides large pieces of land fully automatically based on size, shape, and direction. Considering the variables and relationships presented to determine the size of separation segments, four possible scenarios are obtained and finally, according to the characteristics of the city of Semnan, the probable scenario that is based on accommodation of low and medium level of income in margin area of city has been chosen and the pattern of subdivision is presented. Introduction Complexity and multi-dimensionality of the urban development process have made its analysis difficult leading to uncertainties and the probability of occurrence of various futures. the planning based on making scenarios is one of the common ways to deal with uncertainty in the environment. Unlike traditional planning methods, this approach develops potentially different views of the future and thus provides a basis for creating solutions and options that are suited to different situations. In the planning of urban development, land subdivision is considered as the first stage of design. Investigating and analyzing the effects of different patterns of land subdivision in a vacant land plot is an important part of urban development projects. Because of the various economic, social, and physical factors involved in the process of land subdivision, the need to examine their impacts is necessary. In this regard, the purpose of the present study is to apply the factors affecting the subdivision of land plots and the presentation of its various patterns in the process of urban development with the approach of making scenarios. The basic tool used in this regard is the model developed by Dahal and Chow (2014). This model is based on vector space and divides the land fully automatically. Based on this, different patterns of land subdivision have been presented in different scenarios and considering the characteristics of the case study (Semnan city), the probable scenario has been chosen. Methodology This research is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The proposed modeling for land subdivision in the developed areas of Semnan up to the comprehensive plan horizon (2026) is carried out in seven steps: Step 1: Calculating the amount of land needed to develop the city in the comprehensive plan horizon (2026) Step 2: Determining the blocks in the developed margin area Step 3: Determining the spatial value of each of margin blocks Step 4: Providing a regression relation according to the factors affecting the size of the segments of the land Step 5: Predicting income growth and land price in the comprehensive plan horizon (2026) Step 6: Providing different scenarios for land division in the comprehensive plan horizon (2026) Step 7: Conclusion and selection of the probable scenario Results and discussion In this research, presenting different scenarios has been done through statistical methods. On this basis and considering previous studies, accessibility, household dimension, land price, and household income level were selected as the main factors affecting the determination of the area of land segments, and the effect of each of them was determined based on a regression relation in Semnan city. On the other hand, each identified margin block has a different spatial value considering the two factors of accessibility and land price and the households tend to live in one of the margin blocks according to their economic power and suitability so that it was assumed that higher-income households will live in blocks with higher land prices and better accessibility. Assuming that the regression relationship in comprehensive plan horizon (2026) holds and considering the spatial value of each block, four different scenarios were presented for the subdivision of land segments using Dehal and Chow’ s model (2014). Conclusion In order to select a scenario which is more consistent with the future conditions of urban development in Semnan, the views of real estate agencies (6 real estate agencies) and 4 urban planning experts of Semnan municipality were used. Real estate agencies were asked to choose the probable scenario according to land price, land sale, mortgage, rent, and area of existing segmented lands in the margin neighborhoods of Semnan such as Rozieh Town, Janbazan Town, 400 Units and Mehr Housing Units, and also according to people’ s living standards and their willingness for housing in these neighborhoods. In addition, the urban experts of the municipality were asked to choose the desirable scenario by considering the population increase of Semnan city by 2026, the settlement of the immigrant population, land price, the number of licenses issued for construction, the lack of facilities and land uses, and, finally, the economic, social, and cultural characteristics of the inhabitants of margin neighborhoods. By summing up the obtained comments, scenario number four seemed the most likely option from the view of most experts.

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The presented study aims to evaluate and analyze the urban housing indicators with an emphasis on the typology of housing and it examines the residential units in Gorgan’ s regions in terms of accessibility to the facilities, physical, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and satisfaction of housing architecture indicators. The purpose of this research is Practical-development, and in order to achieve this goal, a combination of descriptive, analytical and correlation researches are used. The statistical population of the research is Gorgan and the sample size is 384 cases. SPSS and GIS software used to analyze the data. Introduction With global demographic changes, cities have increasingly felt the need of housing. Residence is the most important need of people and the largest space of the city must have dedicated to work out this most basic need. In small cities, more than 60% and in large cities, about 40% of the city covered by the residential usage. The economic and social importance of housing, on the one hand, and the employment and its relationship with many other sectors of the economy as an appropriate tool for the realization of economic policies in the other hand, has placed this sector at the center of public attention. cognition and proper categorization of different architectural types can be helpful in better understanding of the space, protecting it, and achieving new design techniques. The current research on the general framework of its primary and secondary goals, studies the housing estates of Gorgan city from the point of view of housing typology according to the indicators of housing planning in the triple urban areas. Methodology The purpose of this research is Practical-development, and in order to achieve this goal, a combination of descriptive, analytical and correlation researches are used. In order to collect information about the field studies and documentary studies used and in the field studies method, a researcher-made questionnaire developed. The statistical population of the study consists of 53462 residential units in and the sample size will be 384 residential units based on Cochran's formula distributed by multistage randomized sampling method. Reliability of the questionnaires equals 0. 82 using Cronbach's alpha test. Data analyzed by using SPSS software, Excel software and Arc GIS software used to prepare the map. Results and discussion In the section of describing the demographic data, 53/6% of the total sample population is male and 46/4% is women. The variation of household density in the whole community of the sample, based on the number of the family members, indicates that the families with the population of four with 33. 06 percent constitute the largest proportion of the total population of the sample. In the study of the index of the number of residential units, the largest share with 26% belongs to a residential building with 6 to 8 residential units. The highest level of infrastructure in the triple areas is for buildings of 50 to 100 square meters. In first area with (46/35%), in the second area with (49/64%) and in second third area with (50/42%) However, the least abundance in first area belongs to buildings with an area of over 300 square meters with 2/43 percent, in the second and third district, buildings with an area of less than 50 square meters contain 3. 0 percent and 3/36 percent, respectively. In studying the results of the land price index, the highest land prices with 30/67% belongs to the group of 1 to 1. 5 million tomans and the lowest share with 9/33% is for the lands with a value above 2 million tomans. The results of the type of materials index shows that the largest share belongs to residential buildings with brick materials (33/34%) and in the study of residential buildings life index, the largest share belongs to buildings with a lifetime of 1 to 10 years (51/2%) and the lowest proportion of residential buildings over 20 years old (19/74%). The result of the tests, made on the regions, indicates that among the five variables of typology, in the first region, physical variable with a beta coefficient of 0/657 in the first stage, and quantitative variable with a beta coefficient of 0/341 in the second stage, In the second region qualitative variables with a beta coefficient of 0/409 in the first stage and the physical variable with a beta coefficient of 0/238 in the second step and in the third region, physical variable with a beta coefficient of 0/623 in the first stage and the access variable with a beta coefficient of 0/325 were verified and other variables of the typology were eliminate from the equation. Conclusion Based on the results, the most difference and diversity of housing in terms of typology is in the second district of Gorgan and the least is in the first urban area. Due to the wide variety of indices and components of housing in the second region, the variability of the population in this region, the obvious different level of economic activities of the people who live in this region, and the high percentage of immigrants in this area along with other indigenous inhabitants of the region. The first region due to its location in the best part of the city and the so-called top-notch region of the area, which shows the economic prosperity of people living in this area and the close cultural-social level of the inhabitants of the region, As well as the much like similarity between the residential buildings of the area with each other with a slight difference, the same access to all the facilities of the city has made the region the least diverse in terms of indicators and components of the typology of the housing. Region 3, as it is seen, has a moderate rank in terms of variety and distinction of typology, which can be attributed to the close proximity of the immigrant and indigenous peoples of this region in terms of social, economic and cultural which are reflected by the housing structures and Specifications of housing qualities and qualities.

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Introduction Religious tourism is one of the significant areas of world tourism. Religious tourism is very important field of tourism and climate problems or bad weather, it will not be prevented. Religious tourism is as old as the history of religious culture. According to the World Tourism Organization studies each year 600 million people travel by motives of religious and spiritual. Today more and more countries seeking to develop tourism as a major source of employment and income. religious tourism is vital in Iran and has important role in many travels. The vast country of Iran, with a great variety of cultures that has led to the formation of various customs throughout the country, has many religious attractions, monuments, shrines and holy sites, in addition to having various attractions, everywhere it is Has been conducive to the development of religious tourism. Total Imamzadeh Iran is 8051 cases. In addition, 33 Prophets are buried in the country, who are part of the Prophets who have a special position with the Shiites. from total Imam Zadeh, seven percent in rural areas, 23 percent in urban areas, 18 percent in mountainous areas, and others in roads and desert areas. Among the provinces of the country, Fars province with 14%, followed by Mazandaran with 12% of the first and second ranked number of Imam Zadeh. The Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province also has a total of 1% of Imam Zadegan. One of the most important centers in religious tourism is Emamzadeh Hamze Ali in Chaharmahal And bakhtiaree province. And accept a lot of tourist every year. These tourists have various impacts in some levels such as economical, social, environmental and physical level. Now the question is what is the sustainability of this center and where is located this center in the life cycle of tourism. Methodology The aim of this study is applied and method is descriptive and analytical. and aims is assess the impact of tourism sustainability in Emamzadeh Hamze Ali. The study population consisted of tourists and pilgrims that visit the holy shrine. The total volume of tourists and pilgrims that visit the shrine during the year is about 600, 000 people. Most viewed is in the months of June, July, August and September. The average daily page views this month about 4, 000 people, and other months of the year about 500 people. The total sample size of torists are 350 cases according to Cochran formula. The variables of this study used via identified the experience of other similar studies and surveys of experts. The total levels of study are 4 levels (economical, social, environmental and physical) and the total variables are more than 50 cases. Result and Discussion: Respondent information: Of the total number of respondents, 61 percent were men and 39 percent were women. For the duration of their stay, 73% of these tourists were daily tourists, with 27% of tourists staying overnight. The origin of these tourists is 65% of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, 19% of Isfahan province, 9% of Khuzestan province and 7% of other provinces. Also, 11% were illiterate, 23% elemental, 40% diploma and 26% bachelor and higher. The mean age was also 20% 18-29 years old, 42% 30-49 years old, and 38% 50 years old. To assess dimensions of sustainable development, information gathered from classified to prepare and insert into models of sustainability assessment process. we used 63 variable to assess sustainability at the destination. some of these variables includes: Creating jobs, Buy agricultural products by tourists, Indigenous employment in the tourism sector, Access to credit and banking services, Spreading handicrafts, Private sector investment, Improved facilities and educational services, Improvement of cultural facilities and services, Promote the standard of living of people Addiction, Theft, crime, Respecting the guest, Attention to the local culture of the people, Local community satisfaction from tourism, Participation of local residents in planning, Interaction between tourists and the host community, Rural migration, Protecting the Imam Zadeh Cultural Heritage, Quality of access routes, Communication development, Access to Healthy and Healthy Drinking Water, Access to the proper sanitary, Suitable mobile coverage, Tourists access to therapeutic space, Access to commercial spaces, Access to parking and … . The study of economic variables shows that things like seasonality of tourism revenues, rising costs, and economic inequality are not good and are in an unstable and almost unstable situation. In the social dimension, addiction, theft, and delinquency are the worst of all. In the environmental dimension, about 75% of the variables are unstable or almost unstable, the worst of which is the loss of drinking water and agriculture, pressure on resources, and environmental degradation. In the physical dimension, road accidents, access to sanitation and health care services have the worst condition than other variables. based on the analysis performed, the highest stability is related to social sustainability ( 5. 13 value) and this level of sustainable development is medium condition. After that physical sustainability is in the next rank (4. 97 value). the least sustainability is related to environmental level (3. 71 value) and after that is economical level (4. 34 value). In general, all aspects of sustainable development is evaluated in intermediate level (4. 6 value). Conclusion: In total, according to the survey, of all respondents, the sustainability of Emamzadeh Hamze Ali is in medium level and especially in environmental sustainability the condition is bad and planning for having a suitable condition in this center is very essential. In Butler tourism life cycle model this center is in the second atage. In the this stage, people engaging and has action. This phase is to increase tourism activities and the number of tourists started to increase. Usually tourists stay shorter time but more people to come to a place. Tourism businesses are starting to build a professional services and facilities. Small hotels and places to eat is under construction.

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Introduction Poverty is one of the most important challenges humankind face with it. Villagers are one of the poorest and most vulnerable groups in societies, especially in the third world. Accordingly, providing a livelihood in human societies is one of the biggest challenges of planning, particularly in rural communities, which are the focus of the poor people in developing countries. Livelihood consist of activities, assets, and access that are jointly determine individual or rural households living condition. According to the livelihood approach empowerment and the interference power of villager in their individual and society destiny and activities are link to sustainable livelihoods framework. These criteria affect the livelihood strategies of rural households and has significant role in subsistence and livelihood sustainability. By increasing the level of access to different types of assets dependent on the livelihood and control of them, the poor will be able to provide their basic needs and they can create alternative livelihood choices, These assets comprise a livelihood body. According to these issues, the present study examines the capital and assets of poor villager and seeks to spatial analyze of livelihood assets in the villages of Buin Zahra Township, and seeks to answer these questions: how is the spatial distribution of livelihood assets in the studied villages? What level are livelihood assets in the villages of buin Zahra Township? In addition, is there difference between villages of study area in livelihood assets? Which of the livelihood assets in the villages of the study is desirable? Methodology Methodology of this research is applied one and in the nature is descriptive-analytical. Data was collected by documentary study (Books, Articles and Reports) and field study (Questionnaire, Observation, and Interview). required data was collected by using a questionnaire form and interviewing with 532 people (the Cochran formula was used for sampling) of40 villages in Buin Zahra Township, To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (Mean, Frequency) and comparative statistics (Correlation Coefficient, One Sample T-test, ANOVA), and in order to evaluate and analyze the assets we use the Moran and Gi spatial statistics method and kriging. Validity of the questionnaire was examined by scholar and a pre-test and was approved after correction. In addition, the reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated by using the Cronbach’ s alpha test in the SPSS software, which was confirmed to be 0/88. In general, in order to measure the level of livelihood assets and their spatial distribution, from the perspective of the sample society, dimensions of livelihood assets were identified in six social, institutional, human, natural, physical, financial and 71 indicators. Discussion & findings Investigating the individual characteristics of respondents shows that the average age of individuals is 45. 97 years, among them 2 percent male and the rest are women. According to the level of education, 33. 1% of the respondents are illiterate, 16. 5% are elementary, 27. 3% are secondary, 23. 1% have an undergraduate degree and diploma degree. In terms of household size, the average size of household’ s members is 2. 61 and the maximum number of members is from the number of 7 to 5 members. The descriptive results of the study showed that the livelihood assets of the villagers were on the moderate and lower levels and according to the one sample t-test of villagers’ perspective, only social asset was evaluated at the desired level. One-way ANOVA was used to determine the variability of villages in terms of assets that the test results indicate that there is a significant difference between the studied villages in terms of access to assets. According to Duncan, test results show that zein-abad rural district had the lowest livelihood assets. one-way variance analysis test was used To find the different assets average in the study villages,; the results showed that the social asset has better conditions in the studied villages and human asset is undesirable. Non-parametric analysis of the correlation between social, physical, human, financial, natural and institutional assets in the studied villages indicates a direct relationship between livelihood assets. The mapping data generated in relation to livelihood assets and indicate indicate that; in terms of livelihood assets, the central district of Buin Zahra township, the east west and north of the region, has a desirable condition and the south & southeast and the west has undesirable conditions. The map of hot spots are also confirms that. Hot spot located in the central district; and cold spots are located in the south-east & south-west (in the whole south of Buin Zahra Township) Conclusion This study aimed to analyze the spatial distribution of livelihoods in villages of Buin Zahra Township. According to the research results, the social assets of the villages are in a good condition; and the same asset can be used to improve other assets; because rural development programs can be better fulfill and implemented with cooperation and participation of villagers; and according to the kriging-based maps for south-eastern villages ( some villages of zahraye-paein rural district) and villages of zein-abad rural district, social asset promotion programs should be carried out through participation of people in decision-making and implementation of employment plans and village executive activities through rural municipality and village councils. according to the maps of the studied villages and the results of the analysis of one-way variance, human assets among other assets are in a undesirable condition and this is a major weakness in the region; especially in the eastern and southern regions of Buin Zahra township, that programs should be funded by relevant institutions, including the education and vocational education of the province in cooperation with the local management, So that people in agriculture and livestock will have sufficient education and skill, and by holding entrepreneurial education, they may teach people to be creative and innovative in the fields of farm and farm jobs, which are the dominant method of livelihood of villagers. Moreover, rural households are able to earn more money and has a sustainable livelihood and less vulnerable to risks.

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Introduction Continuity and growth of urbanization, Reduced the viability of cities. The rapid expansion of urbanization over the last decades, The habitat and viability of urban centers has changed. Development in the form of comprehensive and detailed plans, , And lack of attention to the obvious role of social capital, Has caused the spatial and physical structure of city centers in recent years Small in the Alborz province and expanded urban viability In these areas, structural breakdowns have occurred-Be functional and change the quality of life in these cities. Hence the rule of thumb-centered planning Focusing on neglecting social dimensions, The need for the status of the social system of the city as a missing link is revealed. In recent years, along with urban development paradigms, The idea of the viability of small city centers has made a significant contribution to the literature of urban studies. Epidemiology in its general and general sense of meaning Achieving life's ability And in fact the same is the achievement of urban planning quality Good or stable place for the term "habitability" Emphasis on citizens' requirements Based on the needs and capacities of urban spaces Thus, the concept of habitat, An important element in urban planning literature Concept as one of the components of development And expresses citizens' satisfaction with living conditions. Methodology In this research, the effect of effective components The social capital of a constant variable includes indicators: (Collective norms, social trust, participation and interactivity, social convergence) Dependent variability(Includes indicators: Environmental pollution, general green space quality, natural beauty landscape, urbanization of urban neighborhoods) Has been studied. The research method is based on the nature and objectives of the theme of the components of social capital The urbanization of small towns is a descriptive-analytical research method with practical purpose. Information required by the library method and Mostly fieldwork has been collected. In the field method, questionnaires and interviewing techniques have been used Parametric and nonparametric statistics for statistical analysis of data And SPSS, EXCEL and more Structural equation software has been used. The samples were based on the statistics of 1395The city's small towns are Alborz province Which is under 50 thousand people, including the cities of Eshtehard, Chaharbagh, Taleghan, Kuhsar, Golsar, Gondareh, New Town of Hashtgerd. The sample size is 268 people using the Cochran formula Selected as samples. Discuss In order to test the relationship between social capital and viability Small city centers in the Alborz province of the coefficientPearson correlation is used The results indicate that the correlation coefficient is calculatedIs equal to 421/0 which has a meaningful level of confidence of 0. 99And confirms a meaningful and direct relationship between the two variablesSocial convergence coefficient was positive only in Hashtgerd (3/3), Eshtehard (1/3), Chaharbagh (2/3) and Gondareh (2/2) new towns. And in the rest of the cities, this has been a negative influence. The standard values of this indicator in the cities of Eshtehard, Hashtgerd New Town, are positive. It can be a social synergistic effect on urban viability One of the assumptions used in regression analysis is the Camera-Veston test, whose range of variation is between 4-0 and the acceptable value is close to 2. Camera test-Wuston is equal to 08/2, which indicates that the errors or residues are independent of each other. Data analysis in Table 3 correlates with the multiplicity correlation coefficient of 0. 438 with the viability, and in aggregate, about 35. 3% of the variations of the dependentThe model indicators show that the overall research model is appropriate. In this model, social capital is positively affected by marginalization and the standard coefficient between two variables of social capital and viability is equal to 0. 88 Thus, social capital has both direct and indirect effects of transversality, and the significant level of T, equal to 83/12, has been able to explain the viability of the studied cities+ (Social trust) +/-69/0 (participation) = 0/88 = viability R2 = 0/93 (convergence) +45 / + (norm) 52/02 As defined in the structural equation modeling results. Increasing social capital has mainly influenced the attractiveness of small city centers. Due to the factors of social capital dimensions, participation indicators and interactivity, social trust has mainly been affected by social dependence. Results The results of the analytical method of the direct and indirect indirect research variable of the independent research variable showed that the variable of participation and interactivity with 51% of the total effect had the most positive effect on the viability of small urban centers. And the social trust variable with 0. 27% of the total effect has the second rank. This part of the research is consistent with the findings of Lariss)2005). It should be noted that in the meaningful review of indirect effectThe variables were determined by the Bott-Strap method, which shows that social convergence and collective norms play a complementary role in this regard. The results of the structural equation model have also confirmed the relation between social capital and viability. The standardized coefficient between these two variables is equal to 0. 88 and the significant level of T is 12. 83 and (18. 1 R2) also in the explanation This relationship is direct and meaningful. The results of the structural equation model also showed that increasing social capital (in some of the indicators) had a greater impact on the survivability of small towns. According to the factor load, the output of the structural equation model and the rank of the index of participation, interactivity, and social trust respectively showed Gives. The coefficients F = 38/23 and P = 0/000 also indicate that among the components of social capital, only the participation and interactivity of the predictive relation with the habitability are among the components of social capital. The standardized beta coefficient of tolerance (0. 348) also indicates the net effects of the variable of participation and interaction on viability and is a strong predictor of other variables.

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Tabriz, as one of the metropolises of Iran, is expanding every day. One of the problems that exists in the development of cities is the lack of proper management of it and failure to pay attention to effective factors. In recent years, the city of Tabriz has enjoyed a lot of physical growth due to its immigration status. Correct management of urban growth is one of the key issues that needs to be addressed. There are several methods for determining the appropriate areas for urban growth and one of the effective methods in determining the suitable areas for developing the city is the neural network method, which is used in this study. In this study, to determine the optimal location of urban growth, we use three groups of criteria, Socio-economic, land use and biophysical to locate growth areas with neural network approach 200 points were awarded as training points and 7 layers as intermediate layers were determined. Finally, the results showed with the network components by moving away from facilities and urban areas the potential has fallen sharply and most of the areas with urban development potential are within the nearest distance of these facilities and urban areas. Areas of the city that have grown periodically and regularly over the past years are inappropriate given the results. The results showed that the margins close to the core of the city, which have more access to urban services, are more suitable for growth and sprawling parts in the northwest of the city and south-east of the city are completely inappropriate. Introduction The important phenomena that have occurred in recent centuries in the social and economic life of different countries of the world are the emergence of numerous and new cities, the development of ancient cities, the advancement of urbanization and urban development. Urban development and changes in land use patterns lead to widespread social and environmental impacts. These include reducing natural spaces, increasing vehicle accumulation, reducing agricultural land with high production potential and reducing water quality. Urban development in any country is not coincidental and on the other hand, controlling its future requires careful planning. Understanding the right patterns of urban growth is needed to manage sustainable urban growth and plan for urban development. The high rates of urban population growth in Iran and the lack of urban infrastructure on the one hand, and the increasing trend of land use change, followed by the loss of valuable ecological land in urban and peri-urban areas due to marginalization, pollution industrial and other human activities, on the other hand, provide the necessity of modeling urban development. Methodology The data used in this research can be generally divided into two main categories: the data used to extract land use in the study area, which includes satellite imagery and data that are considered as effective factors on urban expansion and land use change. Identifying the variables that affect the creation of the main prerequisites for the development of land use models. In this study, independent groups of variables including socioeconomic, biophysical and land use were used. Since there are several decision making rules for exploiting these variables, in this study, the distance between these variables was considered as an indicator. To work with the artificial neural network firstly the effective parameters in urban development should be given as input to the network (INPOT), and then a number of educational points are provided to the network, so that the network uses these points (TARGET) to measure the impact of each It determines the input layers, in fact the network has learned the necessary training to deal with new areas. After determining the number of hidden layers in the network structure, the entire study area is provided to the trained network and the network is using what has learned the whole province to zoning with the potential of urban development. Result and discussion MLP network with 16 input layers (effective factors in urban development), 7 intermediate layers (test and error method), a neuron in the output layer that leads to an outline map (final map of urban development potential) and the Laufenberg-Marquette was executed And thus, the training was provided to meet new samples. The network stopped after 15 repetitions and got the necessary training. The network repeats 15 to the best possible state, the highest correlation and the lowest error. Conclusion In this study, natural, social, economic factors and urban services such as hospitals, business centers and educational facilities are considered. The results of the research have shown the vicinity of the city for more suitable development. And previously scattered areas have been found to be inappropriate. Like the industrial areas of Atlas in the northwest of the city due to lack of access to urban services and placing in the fault domain was inappropriate for development or the Kandrood village in the southeast of Tabriz, which has been connected to the city over time, is not a good place for urban development because the centers do not have access to services, especially hospitals. And on the other hand, this part of Tabriz has garden features and the expansion of residential areas in this part will be accompanied by the destruction of gardens. It seems that the Zanjan-Tabriz highway on the southeast and the presence of gardens, it has led the development of the city over time but the results show if complete planning is done and to focus on all the influential cases, these areas will not be suitable for development. Areas that are appropriate for development in the final map, in the south, south east and north of the city are unused land and only in parts of the West they include some agricultural land that can ignore them to development of the city.

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Introduction Energy is the fundamental need of mankind which is essential central to achieving the interrelated goals of modern societies: such as human needs for heating, cooling, lighting, mobility and for running a large diversity of appliances, as well as to supply power and heat to production systems. Global energy resources can be classified in to three main groups, namely fossil energies (oil, gas, coal, etc. ), nuclear energy, and renewable energies (wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, etc. ). Most of the energy resources currently relied on are finite and will be depleted because of the increasing demand. In addition, there have been serious local air, water, and soil pollution problems as a result of the consumption of various energy resources. It has become clear that continuing to use fossil fuels is not wise not only because of the global impacts on climate system but also the short-term and very long-term impacts on society and the ecosystem. Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is one of the fastest growing Renewable Energy Resources (RES) technologies worldwide. Harnessing the untapped and unmatched solar potential would not only assist in improving total energy mixture but also reduce the emission of harmful and toxic gases. Multi criteria analysis (MCA) can be defined s formal or structured approaches for individuals or groups to determine overall preferences among alternative options by taking account of multiple criteria and indicators. They have become increasingly popular in decision making on sustainable developments and on energy systems due to their ability to consider and simultaneously evaluate a number of economic, environmental, social and technological aspects, which complex systems require. The purpose of this study is providing a decision support tool for decision makers using Fuzzy AHP as a Multi Criteria Decision Making MCDM technique and GIS tools for investigation and selection of suitable solar farms sites in East Azarbaijan province. Methodology Considering previous studies in the literature and case study of this research, nine criteria including GHI, PVOUT, elevation, slope, aspect, yearly sunshine hours, annual averaged relative humidity, proximity to cities and roads were adopted. GHI and PVOUT layers downloaded from “ solargis” website. For generating climatic layers, we applied IDW method using 14 meteorological stations data that downloaded from “ East Azarbaijan metrological website” . Elevation, slope and aspect’ s layers were created using ASTER satellite Digital Elevation Model (DEM) product. Proximity to cities and roads layers also created using raster calculator tool in ArcGIS 10. 3 software. All criteria layers generated in ArcGIS 10. 3 software and standardized to [0-1] scale using different equations. In order to perform overlay analysis, all layers’ cell size should be same so cell size for layers determined 29. 27 square meters. In some areas, due to legal constraints, engineering or environmental aspects, there is no possibility of deploying solar farms, so three types of areas including protected areas, areas that are so close to cities and areas that are close to active faults defined as constraint areas. To determine the relative weights of the criteria to each other fuzzy AHP technique applied. Finally, sensitivity analysis has been performed on the results of AHP in order to validate the results. Results and discussion The results obtained for AHP method show that PVOUT and GHI criteria have highest priority weights and annual averaged relative humidity and yearly sunshine hours have lowest priority weights. in order to generate primary suitability map, criteria and their weights combined using raster calculator tool. highest suitability was 0. 8 and lowest was 0. 0628. Then constraint layers created using buffer tool integrated to one layer and converted to a binary layer with 0 and 1 values; that 0 indicates that places including constraint and 1 indicates places that there is no constraint there. In order to generate final suitability map, the final binary constraint layer applied to primary suitability map using multiplication operator in raster calculator tool. Results show that 47. 99% of study area has weak suitability, 27. 10% of study has moderate suitability, 18. 31% of study area has good suitability and, 06. 60% of study area has great suitability for solar farm deployment. So that west and southwest areas of study area has most suitability and north and northeast areas has least suitability. This is because of west and southwest areas mostly are flat areas with high values of GHI and PVOUT and north and northeast areas despite of having low elevation, values of GHI, PVOUT, yearly sunshine hours, annual averaged relative humidity are not suitable in this areas. For conducting sensitivity analysis, 3 criteria weight scenarios were considered. In first scenario equal weights assigned to all criteria, in second scenario higher weights assigned to Elevation, slope and, aspect criteria and other six criteria weights considered equal. Finally, in third scenario higher weights assigned to GHI and PVOUT criteria. It should be noted that in all scenarios total weight of all nine criteria is 1 (or 100%). Conclusion In this study site selection for solar farms using Multi Criteria Decision Making techniques and Geographic Information System was conducted. Nine criteria were adopted and relative priority weights using Fuzzy AHP method were calculated. PVOUT criterion has highest weight and yearly sunshine hour criteria has lowest weight. Layer standardization and overlay analysis was conducted in ArcGIS 10. 3. three type of areas considered as constraint areas and applied to primary suitability map. results show that forest and mountain areas are not suitable for solar farms and on the other side smooth and flat areas that mostly located in west and southwest of study area are more suitable for solar farms. policy makers and planners can use results of this study for energy supply of cities using solar energy as one of renewable and cleanest energies. Also methodology used in this study can be performed in other areas with similar conditions.

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In recent years, most of the countries that are affected by continued recession or the ongoing financial crisis focus on developing and promoting businesses including entrepreneurship, marketing, and commerce processes. Information technologies play a key role in business development, digital marketing, advertising, real time monitoring, customer support and long term business growth. This study examines the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as one of the information technologies in the context of business development. The strong relation between business and location makes GIS as a valuable tool to support information needs in business-related decision making processes and attain long term business success. The spatial-analytical capabilities of GIS, such as network and overlay analyses can be effectively used to explore and analyze the business situations in order to provide more informed business decisions, plans and marketing strategies. GIS has the potential to integrate the spatial (location), economic, demographic, and social data to model customers and competitors’ behaviors and answers the questions in the domains such as customer and marketing analysis, market prediction, investment, advertisement strategy, business site selection, market, and so on. In the following, a study was conducted to determine the optimal locations for investment and business in the establishment of restaurants in Babolsar city using the multi-criteria Best-Worst GIS-based method. In a general categorization, Types of businesses in urban space are divided into service, commercial, manufacturing, and technology and information groups. The components of urban businesses in various fields are related to the spatial characteristics and geographical location of the business. Geographic and spatial investigations provide the useful information for urban business owners. However, in recent years, less attention has been paid to the spatial parameters of urban businesses. The spatial analysis of customer, competitors and markets behavior is important for development of business in urban space and it will make a better understanding of markets, competitors and customer behavior in the urban space. Information is a basic tool for development of the urban business. In the past two decades, advanced industrial countries have focused on new information technologies as the core of development. Today, there are a variety of computer information systems available for provide information in various fields of urban business. GIS is one of these systems, which can be used for spatial or geographic purposes in urban areas. Given the complexities of urban space, GIS can simulate complex spatial analysis and provide appropriate solutions. This technology, using the Strong functions, makes accurate decisions and optimal management of resources in urban space. Small and large businesses in urban space can use GIS as a useful tool for analysis and decision making. GIS has business analyst, network analyst, spatial analyst, 3D analyst and many other complex analyzers for implementing and managing integrated systems, including a complete urban business system. In this study, the use of GIS as an appropriate and highly relevant information technology for the development and improvement of urban businesses is discussed and discussed. The city of Babolsar, located in Mazandaran Province, Iran has been selected as the study area. This city has long been a hub for tourists and travelers owing to its peculiar location. Considering the significance of tourism as a major source of income, creating tourist infrastructures such as restaurants has found great importance. In this study, first the applications of GIS as a suitable information technology for the development and improvement of urban businesses are studied through the library method. Then, to evaluate the location options and select the most suitable place to establish a restaurant in Babolsar, Mazandaran province, the best-worst combination was used as one of the multi criteria criteria and GIS analysis tools. Effective criteria and restaurant alternative locations are then determined based on previous researches and standardized criterion maps are produced. Each criterion is then weighted by experts using Best-Worst Method (BWM). The Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) method is ultimately applied to combine criterion maps with the criteria weights to determine the alternative scores in the expert-derived map. The map is divided into three classes of suitable, moderate, and unsuitable. GIS is able to answer a large volume of business owners' questions in the field development and improvement of the urban business. These questions the six main groups of included what time? Where? Why? How? And what? In order to improve business development. GIS has the ability to integrate economic, social and spatial data from customers, competitors and the market. Then, by analyzing and modeling the location-based data, use the results for develop and improve of the urban businesses. Information technologies play a key role in business development, digital marketing, advertising, real time monitoring, customer support and long term business growth. This study examines the applications of GIS as one of the information technologies in the context of business development. The strong relation between business and location makes GIS as a valuable tool to support information needs in business-related decision making processes and attain long term business success. The spatial-analytical capabilities of GIS, such as network and overlay analyses can be effectively used to explore and analyze the business situations in order to provide more informed business decisions, plans and marketing strategies. GIS has the potential to integrate the spatial (location), economic, demographic, and social data to model customers and competitors’ behaviors and answers the questions in the domains such as customer and marketing analysis, market prediction, investment, advertisement strategy, business site selection, market, and so on. GIS helping the business owners to modeling and tracking the customer behavior so that they can answer questions such as business customers, what are more business customers than urban areas? Who can be the best business customers and where are they located in the urban? What products and services do business customers use in a particular urban area? How can other customers reach other locations?

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Achieving the rural environmental sustainability is under the influence of people’ s environmental awareness and this environmental awareness is itself affected by various factors. The rural settlements' importance comes from their interaction and connection with their surrounding environment. Among these rural settlements, the ones around the cities are of great significance. The present study was conducted, based on analytical-descriptive and survey methods, to analyze and evaluate the environmental awareness in the suburbs of Yasuj city. The data required for this survey was gathered through field methods (questionnaire and interview), documents, and referring to respective institutions. The population involved in the study are the rural families in the suburbs of Yasuj city. These 384 families were selected from 10 rural settlements and examined using cluster and random sampling methods. While the correlation between the environmental awareness and the respondents’ age is significantly negative, between the environmental awareness and the respondents’ gender, no significant relationship was found. Between the environmental awareness and the respondents’ education level, results showed a significantly positive relationship. Furthermore, results of the correlation analysis showed that there is a significantly negative relationship between the inhabitants’ environmental awareness level and their tendency to destroy the nature. Key words: Development, environment, Environmental awareness, Sustainability evaluation, Rural settlements. Extended Abstract Introduction The awareness of environment state and examination of its changes tendency are among issues that have been the focus of many researchers’ attention during recent years. This tendency has been so strong that in order to determine the required changes in management and to present managerial plans a correct recognition of environment state plays a very important role. Awareness about the consequences of wrong behaviors can decrease such behaviors. Villages are one of the most important humans’ settlements and they have a very close connection to the environment, in a way that they mutually influence each other. Most of economic activities in these regions are based on direct relationship with nature. The appearance of villages around cities are different from other villages because of the different system of settlement relationships and the presence of forces resulting from cities. Achieving the rural environmental sustainability is under influence of people’ s environmental awareness and the environmental awareness is also affected by various factors. Accordingly, the present study was conducted to examine the environmental awareness of villagers around Yasuj city. In doing so, the following question was posed:-What is the status of environmental awareness of villagers living in the suburbs of Yasuj city? Methodology The present study is an analytical-descriptive study. The first step of environmental awareness evaluation was preparing the criteria. To have an effective evaluation, determining measureable, scientific and acceptable to researchers and experts is one of the requirements of this study. The indices and variables of the study were selected based on the opinions of professors and researchers in the field of rural studies in accordance to the region under study and with consideration of the theoretical bases and the review of related literature in the environmental awareness and behavior domains. The environmental awareness and tendency to destroy natural resources were evaluated using 11 and 2 variables, respectively. The study population was settlements around Yasuj city. Ten villages were selected among all the villages around Yasuj using randomized cluster sampling. Cochran formula was used to determine the size of sample population. Accordingly, 384 households were selected to complete the questionnaires. In order to evaluate the reliability of the data, Cronbach’ s alpha was used. Results showed that the questionnaire has an appropriate reliability. Results By examining the status of environmental awareness in the villages under study, it can be understood that these settlements have a medium sustainability with 22. 3 coefficient. Results of coefficient analysis showed that between the environmental awareness and respondents’ age there is significantly negative correlation. Between environmental awareness and respondents’ gender, there is no significant relationship. Between environmental awareness and respondents’ education level, there is a significantly positive relationship. Furthermore, results of correlation analysis showed that there is a significantly negative relationship between inhabitants’ environmental awareness level and the tendency to destroy the nature. The highest average belongs to “ If the way of treating nature is not adjusted, the environment will face disaster” variable, and lowest average belongs to “ The most important factor in Ozone layer depletion is Carbon dioxide gas” variable. Discussion The goal of this study was to evaluate the status of environmental awareness within rural settlements around Yasuj city. Environmental awareness is the individuals’ information about environmental issues, factors influencing their spread and recognition of proper treatment to obviate them. Operationally, environmental awareness includes people’ s information regarding the importance and role of environment in their life. Villages are faced with many environmental problems and some of the most common problems are improper way of collecting the rubbish and its disposal, providing potable water, water treatment networks, cutting the trees, putting jungles on fire and etc. Generally, the best means to enlighten rural societies, promote publics sensitivity, attention and knowledge about environmental aspects is to educate them on environment which is very important regarding the influence of humans on environment. Thus, if the inhabitants are lacking regarding environmental awareness, unregulated exploitation from surrounding natural resources will play a fundamental role in creation of environmental damages. Conclusion After analyzing the results, it was found that 53 percent of the respondents have a higher level of environmental awareness than the median level; and 47 percent of them have a lower level of awareness than the median level. This shows that rural settlements are on a median level of environmental awareness. The results are in line with the results released by Cruise et al. (2014). On the other hand, the findings are contradictory to the findings of Saho et al. (2015) and Sanjai (2013). In addition, regarding the gender of the respondents and their environmental awareness the findings of the present study contradict the findings of Blaji (2017). As a fact, villagers’ environmental awareness plays an important role in achieving rural environmental sustainable development.

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The Muslim Brotherhood began as a political-social movement in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna in Egypt. Despite the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is an Egyptian organization, the essence of this ideology, based on territory, a nation, and divine sovereignty, gave it transnational motives on a regional and global scale. In order to be able to achieve its ultimate goal, the Brotherhood sought to build a territory in the political geography of the Islamic world, and thus, in the late 1930s, it began to establish ties with Islamist enthusiasts in the Arabic and Islamic world. Using a descriptive-analytic research design, this study aimed to determine factor motivating the territory building activities by the Muslim Brotherhood in the political geography of the Muslim world. The results indicated that such activities were motivated by the ideological beliefs of this Islamic movement to awaken the Islamic Ummah and defend the greatness of Islam and Muslims. The findings of this study also indicated that the collapse of the Ottoman caliphate, the domination of the colonialists over the Islamic countries, their oppression to the Muslims, the establishment of the regime of Israel, and also political tyranny in Islamic countries were among the factors that strongly influenced the Muslim Brotherhood and forced them to react to the turbulent conditions of the Islamic world. Therefore, the territory building activities by the Muslim Brotherhood in the Muslim world can be considered in the context of Islamic awakening movement and unity and convergence in the Muslim world based on the teachings of Salafi Islam promoted by Seyyed Jamal al-Din Asadabadi. Introduction At the end of the First World War, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and Britain and France began to divide the Ottoman Empire among themselves, each dominating a part of Southwest Asia. Aside from Iraq, Jordan and Palestine, which were occupied by the Britain, and Syria and Lebanon that were given to France, the rest of the Ottoman territories, including Egypt, have become the focal point of rivalry among the colonial powers. Apart from the colonial powers and governments, which have always been a constant force for the territory building in the Muslim world, ideologies are among other actors motivating the territory building activities. One of these actors is the "Muslim Brotherhood" that was established by Hassan al-Banna in 1928, and has been taking considerable efforts for the territory building, especially in the West and Southwest Asia, despite its failure in Egypt (2013). This study was motivated by the role of this ideology in the territory building and regional competitions, because the Turkish government is now using this ideology in line with its “ Neo-Ottomanism” tendencies. Methodology A descriptive-analytical method was employed in this study. The data were collected using a library method from different books, articles, first hand and Internet resources in three phases: first, identifying relevant and relevant resources, identifying and extracting important materials by note taking, and finally collecting and processing them. And set. By examining the role, the presence, and influence of the Muslim Brotherhood's ideology on different national scales, the main question addressed in this study is: What factors have motivated the territory building activities by the Muslim Brotherhood in the political geography of the Muslim world? Based on the methodology taken in this study and according to the theory of territory building, it seems that such activities can be attributed to ideological beliefs of this Islamic movement to defend the greatness of Islam and Muslims. Results and discussion With the collapse of the Ottoman caliphate, colonial powers dominated Islamic countries. The rulers of the Islamic countries did not have a strong will not handle the affairs of their country, and the colonial countries treated the people as they wished. The cruelty and oppression of the colonialists against peoples of the Islamic nations were so intense that the anger of Muslim people and intellectuals was provoked. One of these Muslim intellectuals was Hasan al-Banna from Egypt. He believed that the whole world of Islam is a single homeland, all Muslims, a nation that must be based on the rule of divine law. In 1928, al-Banna established the Muslim Brotherhood in response to the oppression of French companies against Egyptian workers. After a while, the Brotherhood became a widespread ideology in Egypt. This movement had some clash and conflicts with Israel, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat, and Hosni Mubarak. With the advent of the Arab Spring which was followed by the Egyptian Revolution (2011), Mubarak was overthrown and the Brotherhood rose to power after years of struggle, but their rule was short and they were overthrown in 2013. The Brotherhood’ s dominance has been developed on a regional and global scale. But their territory building activities were not uniform and concurrent outside the borders of Egypt. In the early 1930s, the Muslim Brotherhood established the “ International Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood” . This organization, beyond the Islamic world, sought to spread its influence in Europe. After the dissolution of the Brotherhood by Nasser, this organization played an important role in connecting the Brotherhood branches. Conclusion The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in response to the developments in the Islamic world. This movement also developed its power beyond national borders in pursuit of their goals such is the Islamic awakening and the defense of the greatness of Islam and Muslims, and launched a territory building campaign on a regional scale. The Brotherhood also sought a sphere of influence on a global scale to advance its goals and plans. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood established the International Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1930s to create and enhance coordination and communication between the branches of the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, the territory building activities by the Muslim Brotherhood in the Muslim world can be considered in the context of Islamic awakening movement and unity and convergence in the Muslim world based on the teachings of Salafi Islam promoted by Seyyed Jamal al-Din Asadabadi.

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