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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Diurnal voiding dysfunction is one of the most common causes of pediatric urology clinic admissions. It can cause behavioral problems for children and their parents. We lunch this study to compare the parents’ function and children’s behavior problem in pediatric patients suffering from diurnal voiding dysfunction referring Arak Amir Kabir hospital.Materials and Methods: To perform this case-control study, we recruit 116 children with diurnal voiding dysfunction and compared them with other 116 children non-affected children aged between 5 to 16 years old. The child behavior checklist (CBCL4/18) for children behavior assessment and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) for the evaluation of their parent’s behavior was completed by the parents. Data was analyzed using ANOVA, qualitative variables and X2 formula.Results: Among 116 patient with voiding dysfunction, 10 case (8.6%) showed behavioral problem while this figure was 3 case (2.6%) in the control group, denoting a significant difference (p=0.04). Moreover 20 children (17.2%) in the case group and 9 children (7.8%) in the control group had internalizing problem (p=0.02). Twenty two children (19%) with voiding dysfunction and 8 children (6.9%) in the healthy group had externalizing problem which was also a significant difference (p=0.01). As a significant difference (0.01), the parent’s average stress and behavior scores in case and control group were 3.65 and 3.76, respectively.Conclusion: The higher prevalence of behavioral problem in the children suffering from diurnal voiding dysfunction and their parent’s functional impairment highlights the importance of early parent’s intervention for early treatment and subsequently prevention of future behavioral problem in their sibling.

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Background: The aim of the study was to observe whether the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is effective in easing the life burdens, alleviating mental depression and also improving the quality of life of female caregivers of Alzheimer's patients.Materials and Methods: In this investigation, the quasi- experimental method was used. In this research, statistical society is women caregivers that they are members of Alzheimer's association. For this purpose, 20 of the women caregivers of Iranian Alzheimer's association, 10 of experimental group and 10 of control group, were selected. The methods of sampling were according to the type of available samples and were placed randomly in the two groups of experimental and control subjects. Eight therapy sessions were held and these two groups were asked by the researchers to respond to the Quality of Life questionnaire (SF-36), Burden of Care Givers questionnaire (CBI) and Hamilton questionnaire. These replies were gathered by researches once before the beginning of each session, once at the end of each therapy session and also once 2 months after the end of the therapy was completed. For analyzing has been used SPSS-16. The Covariance test and Wilcoxon test were used to analyze the gathered data.Results: The observed findings in the 2-month follow ups show that this therapy has long term effects on depression and easing the burden of life, but it has minimal to no long term effect on the improvement of the quality of lives of study subjects.Conclusion: The results indicate that (MBCT) is, in fact, effective in improving the quality of life and reducing the depression and burden of lives of the female caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients.

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Background: Multidimensional and complex nature of children’s behavioral disorders requires assessment and usage of modern treatments. The present study investigated the effects of attachment-based therapy on behavioral disorders (depression, over anxiety and oppositional defiant) in girl students of primary school who had attachment problems.Materials and Methods: This study is an empirical plan with pretest-posttest and control group. The target samples were 34 individuals of 388 second and fourth grade students of primary school that had highest scores on attachment problems and behavioral disorders (depression, over anxiety and oppositional defiant). Evaluation implemented using Randolph attachment disorder questionnaire (RADQ) and Ontario mental health test. Mothers were presented in 10 group sessions of attachment-based intervention and its effects investigated in their girl’s behavioral disorders (depression, over anxiety and oppositional defiant).Results: Reduction rate of behavioral disorders general scores (depression, over anxiety and oppositional defiant) of experimental group compared with control group showed significant decreases in posttest and three months follow up.Conclusion: The attachment based therapy offered for mothers of the girls with attachment problems was effective to reduction of behavioral disorders (depression, over anxiety and oppositional defiant) symptoms in their children and the mother's continues attention to interventional methods showed more improvement in follow up evaluation.

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Background: The study is about to examine the effect of the selective physical exercises on the development of displacement skills in High Function Autistic (HFA) children.Materials and Methods: In this research, 10 children (7.9±1.4 years) among of 33 children with HFA in Sahr-e-Kord city (in Iran) based on their pre-test scores randomly were selected. The measuring tool was Test of Gross Motor Development-2000 (TGMD-2). Selected motor program (SPARK motor program) in this research includes motor strengthening activities, games and sports for children that were performed for 12 sessions by our subjects. Normal distribution of data checked by K-S test and appropriate statistical Levine's and ANOVA tests (dependent and independent types) were used for compare mean values (a=0.05).Results: Twelfth sessions of selected physical exercises training in experiment group made significant differences in some research variables but it was not the case for the control group. There were significant differences in running (p=0.002), trotting (p=0.08), jumping (p=0.002) and gliding (p=0.004) and there were non-significant differences in hop (p=0.035) and leaping (p=0.02).Conclusion: According to the results of this research we suggest that the selected physical exercise programs that derived from SPARK motor program can improve displacement motor skills in children with HFA.

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Background: The present study has done with the purpose of comparing secure attachment styles and personality characteristics in normal boy student mothers and ADHD students mothers in Isfahan city.Materials and Methods: The present study has done with ex-Post facto method. Two groups of mothers (30 normal students mothers and 30 ADHD students mothers), were selected using cluster sampling method for normal group and simple sampling method for ADHD group. Participants completed the attachment styles of Hazan and Shaver, NEO five-factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), and conners questionnaire. Data was analyzed using multi variance analysis (MANOVA).Results: The results of this study showed that significant differences were evident between normal group and ADHD group in ambivalent insecure and secure (p<0.01); also the results showed that there was a meaningful difference among the neuroticism and conscientiousness in these 2 groups.Conclusion: The results were indicating that in comparison with normal group mothers the ADHD student mothers were more endangered with insecure attachment. It was also important to mention that the ambivalent insecure attachment style was more in the groups with ADHD. The results were also indicating that neuroticism was more in the group with ADHD, and conscientiousness was more the normal group.

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Background: Cognitive abilities assessment, is considered to be one of the most complicated and controversial issues in psychological tests. In spite of great usage of new version of Tehran- Stanford- Binet intelligence scale in screening and diagnosis, they have not made so many endeavors to use this valid test in our country and little researches have been conducted to survey psychometric characteristics of mentioned scale. Given the above considerations, the aim of this study is to investigate Tehran-Stanford-Binet intelligence scale psychometric characteristics in dyslectic children.Materials and Methods: In this psychometric study with classical approach, the statistical society was all the students with dyslexia in the elementary schools of Tehran provinces in 1390. The sample size was equal with 120 students with dyslexia who were selected based on purposive sampling. The new version of Tehran-Stanford-Binet intelligence Scale which includes 10 subtests in verbal and nonverbal domains (fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual spatial processing and working memory and eight IQ) was used for them. Findings highlight characteristics of this tool is its ability to calculate the combined scores connected to the reading skills. ROC curve methods, kronbach alpha and pearson correlation was used to analyze the data.Results: Result show that SB5 Test has a good reliability and diagnostic validity. It has 98% sensitivity and a desirable potential to identify student with dyslexia (72%).Conclusion: SB5 could be used as an identificationtoal test for dyslexia.

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Background: Reliability and validity of health assessment questioner have been shown for rheumatoid arthritis but not osteoarthritis in Iranian patients. Having an instrument for measuring of pain and disability is needed for evaluation of patients and disease course in studies. So this study was designed for evaluating of validity and reliability of Persian HAQ in osteoarthritis.Materials and Methods: From 177 patients with hand and/or knee osteoarthritis, 100 patients were chosen according HADS score equal or less than 7. Short Form of Health Survey (SF-36), pain and disability according Visual analogue scale (VAS) and Persian version of Health assessment questioner (HAQ) were completed. HAQ was re-evaluated after one week. Correlation between Persian HAQ, SF 36 and VAS and test-retest reliability were evaluated by Spearman correlation coefficient and Cronbach's alpha coefficient.Results: Correlation coefficient for HAQ 1 and VAS for pain was (r=0.75, p=0.001) and for SF 36 was (r=0.70, p=0.001). Correlation coefficient for HAQ 1 and HAQ 2 was 0.93 for hand OA, 0.96 for knee OA and 0.94 for all patients (r= 0.92, p=0.001). HAQ had a good internal consistency in osteoarthritis (Cronbach's alpha coefficient=0.87). Criterion and structure validity used in study.Conclusion: This study has shown good validity reliability for Persian HAQ in Iranian patients with osteoarthritis.

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Background: Infertility has mental, social, and reproductive consequences. Health professionals need to consider all aspects of holistic care when caring for women with fertility problems. The aim of this study is the unique impact of spiritual group therapy on the infertility consequences.Materials and Methods: This research is a randomized clinical trial from 800 infertile women who were referring to gynecological clinics of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences. Those who have inclusion criteria selected, then sampling continued by 63 people that randomly divided into two groups of experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 13 sessions of spiritual group psychotherapy. For gathering data used persian version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) to assessed psychological distress and Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) in pre- post test.Results: Results showed the severity of psychiatric symptoms in the experimental group was lower than control group. There was significant difference in psychological distress (depression, anxiety, stress and worry) pretest-posttest between and within groups by repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA). Rate of pregnancy in experimental group was 4 (12.9%) and in control group was 1 (3.2%), but there wasn't significant difference between them.Conclusion: The findings indicated that the spiritual group therapy could decrease psychological severity symptoms. It seems to be, psychological interventions as a group education is a good choice for improved mental health among infertile women.

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Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the factor structure, validity and reliability of the Skin Picking Scale-Revised Version.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive and validation study, participants were 550 (250 male and 300 female) of the University of Isfahan were selected randomly from 15000 students. In order to examine the factor structure of the SPS-R we conducted both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and Cronbach's alpha.Results: Convergent validity of SPS-R with YBOCS-BDD, OCI-R and DASS 21-item were r=0.45, r=0.51 and r=0.70 (p<0.001). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed two factors, one assessing impairment and the other symptom severity (4 items each). These factors could determine 58.1% of the variance. The Cronbach's alpha for the two factors were above 0.88. Also, results were shown to possess good psychometric properties, as well as discriminant validity and classification accuracy, in both clinical and community populations.Conclusion: It can be concluded that this instrument is a useful measure for assess skinpicking disorder symptoms in clinical assessment.

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Background: Organic brain pathology usually may be followed by mental disorders. This research was aimed at constructing a predictive model and investigating the risk factors in the incidence of mental disorders after traumatic brain injury (TBI).Materials and Methods: Two hundred and thirty eight patients (195 males and 43 females) were entered the study in a descriptive-longitudinal design by non-probable and consecutive sampling method. They were undergone neurosurgical examinations and psychological evaluations. After a 4-month follow-up, 65.1% of the patients (N=155) referred to a psychiatrist in order to determine the nature of mental disorder following TBI, using a structured clinical interview based on DSM-IV diagnostic criteria.Results: 75.48% (117 cases) of patients had a form of mental disorder secondary to TBI. The Results of binary logistic regression analyses for calculating odds ratio (OR) model with 95% confidence interval (CI) indicating the severity of TBI (OR =3. 497, 95% CI =1.259-9.712), presence of subcranial injury (OR = 2. 834, 95% CI =1.022-7.857) and falling level of general compatibility, as measured by modified version of GHQ-28 (OR = 1.072, 95% C I =1.035-1.111) indicated an increasing risk in the incidence of mental disorder.Conclusion: Findings revealed that in the development of post-TBI mental disorders, first there was a close relationship with organic brain pathology (TBI severity and subcranial injury), although the role of effective psychological factors such as level of general compatibility after trauma should not be neglected. Also in order to predict the people at risk of mental disorders after TBI, the proposed predictive model in this study can be used.

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Background: In order to fill the gap of tool for measurement of student burnout in Iran, this study was performed on the 238 female students of Isfahan university that were selected by simple random sampling.Materials and Methods: The inventory is including 15 items and three subscales. Data were presented by analytical and descriptive statistic and draw table. In order to determine reliability of MBI-SS were used internal consistency method and test-retest.Results: Coefficient Cronbach's alpha for the exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy respectively was 88, 90, 84 (p<0.05) and showed good internal consistency. Also testretest reliability about 4 weeks later, obtaining a reliability coefficient of 89, 84 and 67 (p<0.01) respectively for exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy. Principle component factor analysis with exploration method with warimax rotation was used to determine construct validity. In order to check the concurrent validity and divergent validity of this inventory were used respectively from the University Student Depression Inventory and the researcher made of scale interest to academic filed and coefficients for the exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy respectively were obtained -21, -53, -32 (p<0.01). Also concurrent validity for exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy respectively were obtained 74, 68 and 50 (p<0.01).Conclusion: This finding was that the Maslach burnout inventory-student survey is a valid and reliable instrument to measure academic burnout girls.

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Background: The purpose of this study is to investigate theory of mind development (TOM) with regard to mental retarded students (MRS) and its relationship with verbal and non-verbal abilities, and number of siblings.Materials and Methods: This study is a cross-sectional, for all male mental retarded students, age of 8 to 14 years (about 59 individuals) which were from the city Torbat-e Heidarieh, Iran. Unexpected-content task (UCT) and 38-items test were used for measuring TOM. Also, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children Revised (WISC-R) was used to examine the verbal and non-verbal abilities. Information of siblings was established in an interview with the parents, also by looking at the students’ ID cards. In order to analyze data, ANOVA, Scheffe, Pearson correlation coefficient and chi- square were carried out.Results: First and second level theory of mind development with regard to intellectually disable students were ascending to 12 years age (p<0.05) and then maintained stable (p=0.87). However, theory of mind development that measured by Unexpected Content Task (UCT), was always ascending (p<0.05). The verbal ability had a positive and significant correlation with first (p<0.001) and second level (p<0.001) theory of mind, while non-verbal ability had a positive and significant correlation with both first (p<0.009) and second level (p<0.001). Number of siblings had not been significantly correlated with theory of mind development which related to intellectually disable students (p>0.05).Conclusion: Altogether, the things “theory theory” and “modular” approaches state might be acceptable. Those theories which are based on sociocultural approaches expressing experiment of communication underlies mind understanding development must be more examined.

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Background: In the recent decades, the positive psychology considered as an ability of human being which are provided appropriate studies in well-being and happiness domains. In this way, the purpose of current research was to identify the effect of aerobic dancing on psychological well-being of non-athletic male students.Materials and Methods: The research method was of a quasi-experimental nature in the form of a time-series design using experimental and control groups. 40 non-athlete students (21.6±1.82 years old) from General physical Education 1 course in Birjand University were randomly selected and assign to two groups. The Ryff's scales of psychological well-being were used to analyze the psychological well-being parameters in the pre-test and post-test of training. The training protocol was including 12 weeks, and 3 seasons (60 minutes) per week that each subject in experimental group received 15 minutes warm-up, 30 minute aerobic training and 15 minutes cool-down and relaxation training.Results: The results of repeated measure analysis of variance indicated significant differences in psychological well-being and its subdivisions in the 3 phases of tests in the experimental group (p<0.01). Moreover, the results of t-test showed the positive influence of 12 weeks aerobic training on psychological well-being of the student boys (first posttest, p<0.001; second post-test, p<0.001), and well-being scores of aerobic group was higher than control group.Conclusion: The result of the present research emphasizes the factors affecting on psychological well-being as well as its ways to promote of well-being. Implications of these findings are discussed among exercise psychologists.

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Background: This trial study is conducted in the field of psychopharmacology aiming to examine psychological effects of caraway.Materials and Methods: The sample under study consists of two groups including experimental (N=22) and control (N=28); both groups were identical in terms of demographic characteristics. The subjects participated voluntarily in the study; they were placed into experimental and control groups by random selection. The evaluation of attention function test was carried out by computerized Stroop effect test.Results: The results from analysis of covariance statistical test (ANCOVA) showed that taking caraway with an effective dose may increase functions of selective attention, response inhibition ability as well as cognitive flexibility and change (p<0.005).Conclusion: Taking advantage of positive effects of caraway extract, it may be used as one of the herbal medicine in treating stress and increasing different attention functions.

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Background: The present study aims to investigate the validity and reliability of universal dementia assessment scale in patients with dementia.Materials and Methods: This study, 78 patients with dementia were diagnosed, in that the study tools were applied and collected and then analyzed using SPSS software over these patients.Results: The validity and reliability of the scale was calculated. Also, the appropriate alpha (78%) of this questionnaire indicates the acceptable reliability among Iranian elderly clinical population.Conclusion: Given its characteristics, the universal scale of dementia analysis can be a useful tool for screening the dementia in the clinical population.

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Background: The aim of the research was to compare brain/behavioral systems, and quality of life among people with schizophrenia, people with bipolar disorder, and normal people.Materials and Methods: In this causal-comparative research, 90 people consisting of people with schizophrenia, people with bipolar disorder, and normal people were selected using access sampling method, and they completed the Gray-Wilson Personality Questionnaire and Quality of Life Scale.Results: The findings suggested that there is a significant difference in behavioral inhibition and activation inhibition between normal people and people with bipolar disorder, as well as in sub-scales from quality of life of normal people and people with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.Conclusion: Impairment in brain/behavioral systems and low quality of life provides explanations for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

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Background: The hearing impairment child is at risk the loneliness living and the lost of social discussion coequals partnership. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of social skills training on decreasing the social phobia of students with hearing impairment.Materials and Methods: In this study, students with hearing impairment were randomly selected and the pre-test of SPIN was completed by them. Post-test for SPIN were administered immediately after intervention. To evaluate participant’s performance after a period of one month from the end of the instruction, both groups were reassessed.Results: Result of the follow-up scores show that after removing the effect of pre-test, there is statistically significant difference (F=11.371, p<0.001) between the scores of both group in follow-up position.Conclusion: Social skills training significantly decreased the social phobia in students with hearing impairment.

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Background: The aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of storytelling therapy on the reduction of aggression and stubbornness among children (age 7 to 9) suffering from oppositional defiant disorder who were attending junior high schools in Shiraz.Materials and Methods: From among available schools, Khansari school was chosen as the convenience sample. Thus 14 were chosen as the sample of the study. The instrument applied in this study included Behavioural Assessment Disorder questionnaire, Aggression questionnaire, Stubbornness questionnaire and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV.Results: Data analysis showed that there was a significant reduction of aggression among children suffering from oppositional defiant disorder.Conclusion: Finally storytelling therapy could be considered as one of the effective therapies in these kinds of disorders, such as aggression, stubbornness and oppositional defiant in children.

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Background: Ocular dryness is a well-recognized adverse side effect of many medications. The purpose of this study was to compare tear film stability between psychiatric patients that use lithium carbonate or carbamazepine and normal cases.Materials and Methods: Tear film break up time test was performed in three groups, 30 patients using lithium carbonate, 30 patients using carbamazepine and 30 normal cases. Values of the TBUTs were compared among groups by the independent t-test.Results: Differences between both of patients and control groups were significant (p<0.0001).Conclusion: The results show that these drugs contribute to decrease of tear film break up time.

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Background: The present study aims to investigate the efficacy of executive functions training (working memory) on the rate of attention in preschool children with developmental coordination disorder in Isfahan city.Materials and Methods: The participants of this study were three preschool children which were recognized to have developmental coordination disorder. To collect data used NEPSY neuropsychology test, Conner’s parent rating scale, Wechsler intelligence scale for children, basic motor ability tests and clinical interview.Results: The results of the data chart analysis based on descriptive statistics' and visual analysis indices revealed that the intervention has been effective on the three participants [respectively PND (Percentage of Non-Overlapping Data) 80, 70 and 50% for test number one, two and three].Conclusion: The results of the present study show that working memory executive function training, the rate of attention deficit can be reduced.

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restless leg syndrome (RLS) or Ekbom syndrome is a sensory motor disorder with shaking legs and sometimes other parts of body. This unpleasant sensation is more common during sitting and lying particularly in the knees, ankles and depth of internal surface of legs. The prevalence of this syndrome was reported 61.5% by Molahoseini et al. which is less than this study (67.2%). Soyoral et al. demonstrated that there is no significant relation between serum creatinine levels and the prevalence of restless leg syndrome. This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on 260 hemodialysis patients referred to dialysis department of Shahid Rahnamoon hospital of Yazd in 2012.

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Addiction is a complex, chronic and multidimensional illness which is defined as involuntary and uncontrollable desire for drug use - in which person cannot resist against his/her desire to use drugs - despite negative symptoms and relapses. Statistics presented by international organizations (WHO 2011) suggests worldwide increase in drug use. The only difference in drug use between various countries relies on pattern of drug use. Therefore, it is essential to make prevention and treatment plans based on drug use pattern, trend of changes in drug use pattern based on type of drug being used, method of drug use and characteristics of people who are under treatment. In this cross-sectional study, we examined some demographic characteristics of patients who visited methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) province centers in 2011.

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mental health means feeling of comfort toward your-self and others, and its measures are success, social balance, state of being realistic, social agreement and feeling of value ability. A sport provides not only physical health but, is effective for mental health promotion. Very few studies measured effects of acute exercise on mood states and short-term mood states in athletes. Resistance training, particularly circuit resistance training is special model of training in the preparation of athletes and their mood states will be affected by the intensity of exercise and will strongly influence their success.

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depression is one of the most frequent psychiatric disorders that its prevalence has been reported to be 10-64% among university students. Although the process of education in nursing is leading to increased productivity and effectiveness, but it can also be a very stressful experience. Prevalence of depression in Kerman nursing and midwifery students were 50.8% and 38.4%. The majority students had mild and moderates and a few reported severe and very severe depressive symptoms. The lowest level of depression was found in students who were in their Fourth study year. It can be assumed that fourth year students were more adjusted to the demands of their studies and more accepting of their decision to continue in this field and in the first year students, It is possible that they face higher levels of stress and workload, as they have begun their clinical practice, which is accompanied with fear of making any fatal mistakes.

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