Sacred trees were praised in ancient times due to the force of nature that was lies in them, which cause to growing human and animals life. In the mythical descriptions, tree of life and cosmic tree is in the center of world which displayed with sacred mountains or rocks.According to these descriptions, in some art works and contemporary rugs, some trees were shown with mountain or rock. This research tries to study about mythical meaning of tree and mountain, and their reflections on Persian rugs. At first, studies on symbolic relation between tree and mountain in Persian myths and then focuses on their appearance in Persian art works and Persian rugs. The method of study is analytical- historical via library research.According to this text, tree of life and cosmic tree are in center of the world in Persian myths; these trees are origin of life. These trees have power of life and are always related with sacred mountains, there is a symbolic connection between tree and mountain in Persian art works, which from ancient time and it is seen on Persian Rugs. In this kind of carpets, the images of mountains shown by a triangle shape which on their head there is a tree, and birds and mythical animals are its guardians. This topic indicates, these connections is archetype and have philosophical religious meaning. The mythical studies indicate these motifs are not realistic images, but are connect with Immortality thoughts; continued existence, concept of blessing, fertility and renewal of life are the most profound implications of this type of processing.